History Flashcards
Disease as affliction sent by gods
Considered as the first physician by egyptians
“A doctor was to be held responsible for surgical errors…”
Code of hammurabi
The most famous healing center in 500AD
Grecian temple of asclepius
Made case histories and vivid description of disease; theory on four humors; delineated medicine from philosophy and religion
Enduring legacy of hippocrates
Oath of physicians
First biologist; laid the foundation of Comparative anatomy and embryology
Father of experimental physiology
Knowledge of facts phenomenon laws proximate causes gained and verified by exact observation.
Wilhelm rontgen
Presenile dementia
Alois alzheimer. Called by emil kraeplin as alzheimers disease
First practical ecg
Willem einthoven
Discovered vitamins
Frederick hopkins. Associated vitamins deficiencies with scurvy and rickets
Developed cure for sleeping sickness
Paul ehrlich.
Treatment for syphilis discovered by paul ehrlich
Arsphenamine (salvarsan)
Device that allows experimental and surgical interventions in deep seated structure of the brain.
Developed by:
Steriotactic method/device
Victor horsley and R. clarke
First laparoscopy performed on human was done by
Hans christian jacobaeus
Discoverd vitamin d. Explained the role of vit d in preventing rickets
Sir edward mellanby
Diacovered insulin
Sir frederick banting and charles herbert best
Pioneered epidural anesthesia
Fidel pagés
Discovered penicillin
Sourc of penicillin (mould)
Alexander flemming
Penicillium notatum
Human electroencephalography was discovered by
Hans berger
Chemotherpeutic cure for streptococcus
Gerhard domagk
Discovered insulin shock therapy for mentally ill px
Manfred sakel
Developed 17d. Vaccine for yellow fever
Max theiler
Built the worlds first dialysis machine
Willem j kolff
Discovered nitrogen mustard as an effective cancer chemotx drug
Alfred gilman and louis goodman
Invented acetaminophen
Julius axelrod and bernard brodie