History 202 Final (ids) Flashcards
Don't fail final dude
Strategy by the British in the 20th century to not object to the aggressions of Adolf Hitler in attempt to avoid war with Germany.
Baby Boom
Between the years 1945 and 1965, there was an increase in the birthrate in the United States, which reached its highest point in 1957 with 4.3 million births. American prosperity after World War II was both reflected and promoted by the baby boom.
Battle of Midway
Naval battle during June 3-6 of 1942 in the Central Pacific where the Japanese were surprised, attacked, and defeated by the Americans.
Black Power Movement
A group of initiatives from the 1960s and 1970s that prioritized Black pride and self-determination over integration. Black power activists, some of whom disapproved of the nonviolent protests, urged African Americans to take charge of their communities.
Brown V. Board
1954 decision by the Supreme Court that overturned the 1896 precedent of “separate but equal” in Plessy v. Ferguson. The Court ruled that separate schools were inherently unequal and thus in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment.
Court Packing Plan
The law in the 20th century by Roosevelt for every current judge over 70 and serving for at least a decade be given a Supreme Court justice.
Cuban Missle Crisis
The Soviet Union’s attempt to establish a nuclear outpost in Cuba led to a 1962 standoff between the US and the USSR. The United States agreed to remove its missiles from Turkey, and the Soviet Union agreed to remove its missiles from Cuba as part of a negotiated settlement.
Domino Theory
President Eisenhower presented the theory of containment in the 20th century in the context of Vietnam. He used the analogy of dominoes to warn that if one country fell to communism, other countries would follow suit.
Fireside Chats
A collection of speeches in the 20th century done by Roosevelt on the radio to the nation where the New Deal initiatives were explained.
Iron Curtain
Coined by Winston Churchill in 1946, iron curtain is a metaphor that describes the line dividing Eastern Europe controlled by the Soviets and Western Europe countries under democracy.
Manhattan Project
A top-secret effort to create an atomic bomb that Franklin Roosevelt authorized in 1942.
Name given to the campaign launched by Senator Joseph McCarthy in the early 1950s to expose Communist government. Even though most of those who were accused did not actually belong to the Communist Party, many of them were blacklisted or lost their jobs.
Social Security
1935 program designed to provide elderly people with a modest income and modest unemployment insurance.
Stonewall Riots
A police raid on the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York’s Greenwich Village, in 1969 sparked a protest. The incident energized the Gay Liberation movement and resulted in the formation of several new advocacy groups.
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
The United States and the Soviet Union agreed in 1972 to limit the number of antiballistic missiles (ABMs) to two each. Neither country could construct an ABM defense system so safe from a nuclear attack that it would risk a first strike because of the treaty.
Sun Belt
The Southwest and South, which grew quickly after World War II as centers for defense industries and nonunion labor, were given this name in the 20th century.
War on Poverty
Economic Opportunity in the 20th century that organized a series of initiatives to reduce poverty by involving the impoverished in policymaking and providing education and training.
Term used to describe the 1972 break-in at the Democratic Party headquarters in Washington, D.C., by men attempting to reelect President Nixon, as well as Nixon’s subsequent attempts to conceal the incident. The only presidential resignation in American history resulted from the scandal.