History Flashcards
1.Describe the Edwardian support of British foreign policy.
Edward VII succeeded his mother queen Victoria in 1901. He was interested in the foreign policies.
- State visit in Paris set the foundations that made the Entente Cordiale possible ( treaty settling the colonial disputes between France and Britain)
- First monarch to visit Russia
- What was WSPU?
Women social and political Union led by Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurstthey fought for the right to vote for women0) called suffragettes cuz they wanted universal suffrage
- Talk about the Welfare State
- thanks to this type of State a National Insurance scheme was introduced
-Old pensions+ sickness and unemployment benefits were approved by Parliament
- What were the strikes like in this time and to what did they lead to?
- industrial unrest cuz prices were high but wages were low
- 1909 david Lloyd George=) PEOPLE’S BUDGET 8= land tax + increased income tax on the wealthy” ofc Parliaments didn’t approve uz the lil bitches
- What was the situation in Britain in the beginning of the Twenties?
-Victory in the WW1 brought peace and prosperity
-a lot of wealth for the people who produced warfare during the war 0) they threw themselves in a hedonistic lifestyle
-women became more independent 0 more masculine behaviors shorter hair and skirts
6.What was the situation in Britain in the mid-twenties?
-there was a decline
-coal resources were used up during the war
-prices were very high but wages low
-Labour Party + Trade unions were fight to better work wages and conditions
=) STRIKES : General strikes 1926 8Coal miners vs owners)
7.How was the situation in America during the first decades of the 20th century?
-enormous economic power based on agricultural prosperity and industrial output
–use of TRUSTS (= large corporations of firms in the same trade)
-still poverty was widespread, especially in the North
- What are Muckrakers?
Since there was a lot of poverty and corruption in the USA muckrakers were investigative journalists that brought to the public problems like slum living, corruption in the government
–) this shocked americans and slowly the belief in LAISSEIZ FAIRE was replaced by PROGRESSIVISM
9.How was Theodore Roosevelt?
- expansionist
-regulation of trusts
-moderate program of social legislation
-navy stronger
- How were the Foreign affairs of America during this time?
- they adopted a policy of imperial expansion
- spanish-american war
-gained territories in south america
. imperialism was then considered against the constitutional values =) America started to gradually grant independence to its dominions
11.Describe how were the roaring twenties in America like?
Economy and confidence was high in the USA
- large amounts of resources were put into industries and flourished thanks to the little competition coming from Europe
-prosperity was not shared everywhere mining towns farmers
-period of experimentation called jazz age or roaring twenties
-Red Scare = fear of Socialism and persecution of political activist
12.What was the prohibition?
In the twenties more puritanical values spread and the 18th amendment to the Costitution known as the Prohibition which aboloshed the consume and consumption of alcohol
13.What did the Prohibition lead to?
It lead to the rise of a new figure called BOOT LEGGERS who produced and sold alcohol illegally
-Wall street Crash so called because in NY there was the New York Stock Exchange