history Flashcards
what was The Wall Street crash
it plunged the USA into an economic depression and led to the great depression of the 1930s.
other causes of the depression
decline in heavy industry in the UK as it faced increased competition from abroad
what are the three reasons for the decline
competition from abroad
New markets
obsolute methods
impacts of the Wall Street crash
Between 1929 and 1931 exports from Britain fell by a half
rapid growth of unemployment reaching 3 million unemployed in 1932
growing light industry
many jobs available in certain areas of Wales and England
mass production methods were applied to the motorcar industry. By 1938 number of cars sold in Britain had risen to approximately 2 million
what is meant by two Britons
some parts of Britain suffered but other parts were extremely successful
describe unemployment
rapid growth in unemployment reaching 15% by 1932
over 3 million people no longer had a wage and could not buy consumer goods
what was the dole
in 1920 the unemployment insurance act created a system of payments for unemployed workers
aim was to give financial support to the unemployed
provided 39 weeks of benefit
what was the means test
in 1931 the government introduced the means test to control and reduce the amount of the dole that was paid
before people could receive the dole people had to go through their houses and inspect to check all their possessions. Families could be forced to sell their possessions if they wanted to receive the dole
what were the reactions to the means test
they hated having an inspector go through all their belongings and force them to sell some of them
it was humiliating for families to have to reveal their earnings and savings
some authorities applied the means test very harshly
what were the hunger marches
The hunger matches become a way for working people to express the living and working conditions
why was there a Jarrow March
Jarrow was the most affected town during the depression
unemployment reaching 80%
Poor health was a widespread in the town and families tried to find ways to survive
what were the aims of the Jarrow March
to attract attention to the suffering of the town by taking a petition all the way to Parliament
events of the Jarrow March
200 men marched from Jarrow to London received support from the public  they returned to Jarrow as heroes police praised the man for being well organised Stanley Baldwin ignored the petition
describe popular entertainment
provided a distraction from the harsh reality of the depression it was an opportunity to escape.
by 1939, 9 million registered radios in houses across Britain. In 1934 Wales had over 320 cinemas with over 20 in Cardiff alone.
Sports such as rugby and boxing helped people to cope
describe emigration
people were emigrating from Wales in massive numbers.
between 1921 and 1938 approximately 440,000 people left Wales to find better life elsewhere
making ends meet and self help
families lived by making ends meet one way was to buy cheaper foods
wives sacrificed their own needs for their husband and children. Woman neglected their own health.
neighbours rallied during times of crises e.g childbirth 
special areas act
1934 the government passed the special areas at this offered grants of £2 million to companies that would move to the special areas
1936 a further special areas at was passed that offered factories and businesses remission of grants rates and payment of taxes up to 100%
The threat from Germany
by 1934 Hitler had become the President of Germany his main aims was to make Germany great again and rid Germany of the hated Treaty of versailles
what were Hitler’s aims
to unite all Germans under his rule and create a greaterGermany
to gain live in space for the German people
to restore Germany as a great power
Hitler’s army
by 1939 the German army had almost 1, million men
an air force was created known as the Luftwaffe

by 1939 it had over 8000 aircraft
Terms of the treaty of versailles
The treaty playing Germany for the war and impose strict rules on them
Germany’s army was restricted to 100,000 it could not have tanks or an air force
impact on Treaty of Versailles
land was taken from Germany and given to European countries
The Rhineland was demilitarised leaving Germany unable to protect its border with France
What’s the Munich agreement
on the 30th of September Germany Britain Italy and France signed the Munich agreement
 The Sudetenland Would become part of Germany
Hitler and Chamberlain would sign a declaration that Britain and Germany would never to war
Invasion of Poland
1 of September 1939 German troops entered Poland to claim the areas of greed in the Nazi Soviet pact
when did Britain declare war on Germany
3 of September 1939
what was the policy of appeasement
neville Chamberlain was keen to avoid war
his policy was to appease Hitler
arguments for appeasement
The horrors of World War I was still in peoples minds anything that could avoid this happening again should be followed
Britain could not afford another war because they were still struggling with the impact of the depression
arguments against appeasement
made Hitler more confident that he could keep demanding more
allowed Hitler to become stronger politically economically and territorically
preparations for War
by appeasing Hitler in 1938 the country gained another 12 months to prepare for war
The Royal air force were well trained with good aircraft
what were barrage balloons
designed to float in the air above London to try and stop German bombers from coming in too low.
what were radar stations
made it possible to track German planes
Home guard
volunteers Who were armed and trained to defend the British towns and cities
1.5 million volunteers
Air Raid wardens
to enforce the blackout
to sound sirens during an air attack

Air raid shelters
Anderson shelters were established in February 1939, 400,000 Anderson shelters
Morrison shelters were established in 1941
cellars were constructed into safe rooms
The Luftwaffe
began bombing British cities especially London
became known as the Blitz
aim was to destroy the homes and lives of British citizens
Bombing of London
bombed every night from 7 September to 2nd of November
over 15,000 people were killed
Bombing of Swansea
February 1941 the three nights blitz
230 killed
gas and water was cut off
contribution of woman
1939 woman’s voluntary service 1 million members by 1943
Woman worked in factories to provide essential war materials
The role of women
1945, 450,000 woman in the military
performed nursing roles at hospitals
began on first of September 1939 approximately 1.5 million people moved around the country in search of safety
experiences of evacuation
Many were welcomed and felt part of the family
some were mistreated
some had a better standard of living than others
ensure that there was sufficient food for everyone and that everyone had a fair amount
Basic foods such as eggs bread sugar were rationed as well as items such as soap and clothing
propaganda and censorship
censorship ensured that information that might damage moral was not given to the people of Britain
Ministry of information set up to ensure that propaganda and censorship were carried out of actively. More than 3000 people worked in the ministry
aims of propaganda posters
encourage support for the war
convince people to act and think a certain way
educate people about key issues during the war
when was Churchhill appointed prime minister
10th of May 1940
why was Churchhill appointed prime minister
he criticised appeasement and had been proven right
improved relations with the Labour Party
opinion polls suggested the public liked and supported him
his speeches were admired and he was popular
Churchhill as a wartime leader
provided strong leadership during the war
speeches were really powerful
he was determined to stop Hitler
what did Churchill set up
he organised the military
he ensured that the air force could control the skies
organising the war economy
many people believed that Churchhill was a key factor in the British victory
famous radio broadcast
it’s that man again
A comedy that made fun of British methods of coping with the war
famous cinema film
went the Day well?
what was the dig for victory
urged people to grow their own vegetables
Potato Pete and Dr carrot promoted vegetable eating
by 1943, over a million tons of vegetables produced
what was the Spitfire fund
appeals were created to encourage people to give money to Spitfire planes
local newspapers listed the people who had donated
almost every British town had their names on spitfires
war damage
60,000 killed and 100,000 injured
500,000 homes destroyed
shortage of homes
Setting up the NHS
to provide free healthcare for all
many doctors against the idea as they would lose money from private practice
most people supported the NHS
changes in education
1944 education act
three types of schools grammar schools technical schools and secondary modern
changes in housing
homes for all policy
800,000 homes were built
prefabs built
New towns were built such as cwmbran
what were the five giants
squalor want idleness disease ignorance