History Flashcards
Ancient History
4000 BC - 500 AD
The Fertile Crescent
The Fertile Crescent
Civilization began here
Stretched from Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf
Eastern section was called Mesopotamia because it was between the Tigris and Euphrates
Western section was called the Mediterranean section
The Sumerians
Lived in the southern part of Mesopotamia in a place called Sumer
First known people to live in the Fertile Crescent
Farmed, raised cattle, were traders and artisans
Developed a written language called cuneiform
Class system with kings and slaves
Studied math and science
The Babylonians
City of Babylon was located on the Euphrates River - present day Iraq
2000 BC
Hammurabi - great ruler of Bablyon - Hammurabi’s Code: the strong should not injure the weak - strong punishments for guilty
Nebuchadnezzer II - conquered Jerusalem, Tyre, and Judah
Believed in astrology - their beliefs led to the scientific study of astronomy
The Assyrians
Lived where the Sumerians had once lived
Traders and fierce warriors
Conquered the Fertile Crescent including Babylon and Egypt
Built a system of roads
Established the first library
Had governors
The Hebrews
Believed there was only one god - monotheism
Set of laws- Ten Commandments
First to record the Old Testament
Prophets fought for justice for the poor and the weak
The Phoenicians
Lived in small city states along the Mediterranean coast in modern day Lebanon
Most famous traders of the ancient world
Skilled shipbuilders and master sailors - could sail by the stars
Invented an alphabet based on the sounds spoken language “phonetic alphabet”
Traded all over the Med
Artistic skills - carving ivory and colored glass ornaments
The Persians
Lived on the east of the Fertile Crescent in modern day Iran
Warriors on horseback from central Asia
built by the Achaemenid family- rulers
Divided their empire into provinces for easier rule
Built roads and canals
Wrote the Avesta, a religious book based on the beliefs of the prophet Zoroaster
The Hittites
Lived in the mountains in modern day Turkey
First to use a treaty to settle differences with other peoples
First people to use iron to make weapons - one of the biggest accomplishments of the ancient world
Ancient Egypt
Located in northeast Africa along the Nile River
“gift of the Nile” because it provided them food and work
Developed irrigation systems and paper (from papyrus reeds)
Excellent engineers and builders
Language based on hieroglyphics - written history, laws, books, prayers, and hymns
Did math and invented a calendar
The Nile River
Center of life for Egyptians
Starts in central Africa and flows 4000 miles to the Mediterranean Sea
Flooded every year and left a rich layer of soil which was super important as they got little rain
Old Kingdom of Ancient Egypt
2700-2200 BC
Captiol was Memphis and then Heliopolis
The great pyramids and the Sphinx were built
Middle Kingdom of Egypt
2100-1800 BC
Egyptian civilization reached great heights. Engineering projects such as irrigation ditches and canals were built. Egypt was conquered by invaders but then recovered. There were several capitals during this era, including Thebes and Memphis
New Kingdom of Egypt
1700-1100 BC
This era is also called the Empire, and the capital was Thebes. Egypt conquered many areas during this time. About 1100 BC, its power started to decline.
First pharaoh of Egypt
Joined Lower and Upper Egypt into one land
His dynasty was called the First Dynasty
Queen Hatshepsut
Became queen when her father, King Thutmose I, died, at his request. When her husband, Thutmose II died, she called herself King Hatshepsut and became pharaoh. During her reign, Egypt rose to great power and wealth. It was a period of peace and prosperity.
Queen of Egypt from 51-30 BC
Fell in love with Julius Caesar and moved to Rome
When she returned to Egypt after Caesar’s death, she married her brother (king of Egypt)
She had her brother poisoned and became Queen
Saw Mark Antony as a way to expand her power and wealth but his armies were defeated and he killed himself.
She later killed herself as well.
Ancient Greece
Was divided into city-states meaning each city had its own laws and government
Built Sparta, Athens, and other famous cities
Southeast Asia more than 2,000 years ago
Great democracy - was governed by all free males in the city
Wealthy from its trade and colonies
Especially wealthy during 500 to 430 BC in a period called Golden Age of Athens or the Golden Age of Pericles (a famous politician and speaker)
A great period of writing and learning
Center of Greek civilization
Philosophy thrived during this era - Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
A politician and speaker in ancient Athens
One of his most important achievements was to organize the rebuilding of the Acropolis, a hill where a group of temples had been destroyed by the Persians. This included the Parthenon, one of the most famous buildings of ancient Greece.
a great Athenian philosopher
a teacher who asked his students careful questions to force his students to learn how to think
Plato was one of his students
a student of Socrates
wrote down the talks of Socrates
also became a teacher of philosophy and taught Aristotle
a student of Plato
first to look for the truth about things by testing facts and organizing ideas in a logical way
was also a scientist
a city state of Ancient Greece
a military state
most powerful soldiers of Greece
boys left their homes at age 7 to begin training
men had to serve till 60 years old
Spartan women were treated as citizens and equals to men - they had to stay physically fit
Conquered Messenia and captured slaves. Slaves were used to work the land and construct buildings