Histories Flashcards
What does SAMPLES stand for?
S - Signs and symptoms A - Allergies M - Medications P - Past medical history L - Last time they ate or drank E - Events prior to presentation S - Social: Smoke? Drink? Live alone?
What does SBAR stand for?
S - Situation: Presenting complaint
B- Background: Full history of patient
A - Assessment: A-E assessment or examination, differential diagnoses
R - Recommendations: plan according to A-E findings
Systems enquiry - Cardiovascular
- Chest pain
- Palpitations
- Syncope and dizziness
- Shortness of breath, orthopnoea, Paroxysmal
nocturnal dyspnoea (PND) - Fatigue
- Intermittent claudication
- Ankle oedema
PMH… HTN, IHD, hypercholesterolaemia, rheumatic
fever, diabetes, stroke, asthma
FH… MI/Stroke
SH… Smoking/alcohol, living standards
MED… medications that may induce arrhythmia
(hyperkalaemia), postural hypotension/ syncope
Systems enquiry - Respiratory
Shortness of breath, Orthopnoea, PND Cough Sputum Chest pain Wheeze Weight loss Fever, nigh sweats
PMH… TB, pneumonia, DVT, PE, asthma, chronic
bronchitis or emphysema
FH… TB, cystic fibrosis, emphysema
SH… Occupational history (asbestos or coal dust
exposure, farmer’s lung), pets (allergies), smoking,
MED… ACE inhibitors (chronic cough)