Historical People Flashcards
Blaise Pascal
(1623 - 1662)
Pascal, the programming language was named after him.
Created Zeroth generation mechanical computer to help his father a tax collector
Only did + and -
Baron Gottfried Wilhem von Liebniz
(1646 - 1716)
30 Years after Pascal, built a mechanical machine that could also multiply and divide. Equivalent of 4 function calculator.
Charles Babbage
(1792 - 1871)
Inventor of speedometer, designed difference engine (+/-) which ran only a single algorithm. Built successor called analytical engine.
Augusta Ada Lovelace
(1815 - 1852)
The first programmer, hired by Babbage to design applications for the analytical engine. Programming Language Ada named in her honour.
Alan Mathison Turing
(1912 - 1954)
ENIGMA, forerunner designed by amateur inventor Thomas Jefferson.
Turing helped design the electonic computer called the COLOSSUS which went operational in 1943 and kept secret for 30 years.
John Mauchley
Built the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) and successor EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer)
John von Nuemann
(1903 - 1957)
Built his own version of the EDVAC, the IAS machine as well as the first parrallel binary arithmetic functioning computer the von Nuemann machine. Saw that programs could be stored in digital form in the computers memory along with the data. von Nuemann machine used in EDSAC.
Grace Murray Hopper
(1906 - 1992)
American Computer Scientist and US Navy rear admiral. Invented the first compiler.
Jack Kilby
(1923 - 2005)
Co - Inventor of the silicon integrated circuit.
Dennis (dmr) Ritchie
(1941 - 2011)
Dennis Ritchie, the man behind the scenes who created the “C” programming language or as they call him “Father of the C programming language”. Dennis is a key developer of the UNIX operating system, and co-author of the book “The C Programming Language”.
Robert Noyce
(1927 - 1990)
Co - Inventor of the silicon integrated circuit