historical notes and Gileadean society Flashcards
what has happened to currency
there is no real money anymore, there’s still a black market
what has happened to the heart of gilled that is different to how things used to be
Doctors lived here once, lawyers, university professors. There are no lawyers anymore, and the university is closed.
what is still allowed for men showing a clear prejudice
where they hold the Men’s Salvagings. As well as the football games. They still have those.
what hangs on the wall
Beside the main gateway there are six more bodies hanging,
how is gilead similar to nazi Germany in terms of fear tactics
Nobody wanted to be reported, for disloyalty.
how does the proffesor from Cambridge undermine both his female coworker and the women of Gilead
- enjoyed our charming Arctic Char last night at dinner, and now we are enjoying an equally charming Arctic Chair. I use the word “enjoy” in two distinct senses, precluding, of course, the obsolete third. (Laughter.)
- This item — I hesitate to use the word document
- “The Underground Femaleroad,” since dubbed by some of our historical wags “The Underground Frailroad.”
how does the professors views contradict which shows his own biases
in my opinion we must be cautious about passing moral judgment upon the Gileadeans
propaganda use by the various Save the Women societies
what has the proffesor done to the story that may change the readers perspective on things
Thus it was up to Professor Wade and myself to arrange the blocks of speech in the order in which they appeared to go
what seems to be the leading theory on why gilled was so obsessed with fertility
this was the age of the R- strain syphilis and also of the infamous AIDS epidemic, which, once they spread to the population at large, eliminated many young sexually active people from the reproductive pool
what do we learn about the names of all the characters in the Tale
high probability that these were, in any case, pseudonyms, adopted to protect these individuals should the tapes be discovered.