Historical Jesus Flashcards
____ (70–130 CE), another historian, refers to the emperor Claudius’s expulsion of Jews from Rome in about 49 CE for causing continuous disturbances at the instigation of Christ.
The Roman historian ____ (56 - 120ce) referring to the fire of Rome and 64 CE, says that the emperor Nero blamed the Christians whose originator, Christ, had been executed by Pontius Pilate.
_____ (61–112 CE), wrote to the emperor Trajan about punishing Christians who persisted in their superstition. He knew from questioning them that they met regularly to pray to Christ as God.
Pliny the Younger
The Jewish historian ____ (37 to 100 CE) has more to say about Jesus. He presumably wrote that Jesus was a wise man and a miracle worker who was crucified by Pilate.
In short ____ was a historical religious figure who was executed as a criminal, probably for claiming to be the King of the Jews, having served a short itinerant life.
Within the new Testament, the most promising sources for the life of Jesus are the ____, especially synoptic gospels
The Gospels are dated some 40 years after Jesus death and rely on earlier _____ handed down among Christian communities.
oral traditions
The gospels are told from the perspective of the ____. In that the content is informed and only make possible by the resurrection and its effect on the authors.
As such the early Christian writings do not give a good ____ representation of Jesus.
With care we can say some things about Jesus from the gospels that historically highly ____.
The characteristic ____ ___ ____of Jesus identify him as a prophetic figure within the symbolic world or Torah. He is someone within Judaism who speaks and thinks as a first century Palestinian Jew might.
speech and action
Jesus speaks and acts with a distinctive sense of ____. He interprets Torah, not as other teachers who appeal to other authorities, but simply on his own authority. “You have heard it said, but I say to you …”
Jesus was born sometime before ____. He grew up in Nazareth, a small village in Galilee, as part of the peasant class.
4 CE
Jesus was raised ____ and he remained deeply Jewish all of his life. His intention was not to create a new religion. Rather, he saw himself is doing something within Judaism.
He left Nazareth as an adult, met the prophet ____ and was baptised by John. During his baptism, Jesus likely experienced some sort of divine vision.
He is a wandering figure and a wonder working figure, reminiscent of ____.
Shortly afterwards, Jesus began his public preaching with the message that the world could be transformed into a ____ of ____.
Kingdom of God
Jesus proclamation of the rule of God and the call to repentance has a special sense of urgency and a special appeal to the ____.
Jesus choice of twelve followers, virtually historically certain, symbolises the restoration of Israel as ____ people. Indicating that Jesus had an intention to start a movement.
Jesus became a noted ___, ____ and ____. More healing stories told about Jesus than about any other figure in the Jewish tradition.
healer, teacher and prophet
In the context of a deeply divided 1st century Judaism, Jesus came into ____ with Jewish leaders and was executed by crucifixion under roman authority.
Jesus was executed by ____ imperial authority. His ministry came to an abrupt end and his followers disbanded.
Christianity is born after Jesus death as a direct result of the ____ experience by his followers.
Jesus followers experienced him after his ____. It is clear that they had visions of Jesus as they had known him during his historical life. Only after his death that they declared Jesus to be Lord or the Son of God.
Jesus ____ mortality by entering into a share of God’s lif and power.
“Jesus is Lord” in the ____ is saying that Jesus shares the life of God. Using the same Greek word as used for God.
The resurrection reveals what Jesus was already in his mortal life, namely, the unique ____.
Son of God
Jesus emptied himself of his divinity to become the historical figure but was also still ____.
God Among Us
In light of his resurrection Christians read back into his life and ministry to ____ those event.
The resurrection is also the premise that Jesus will come again as the ____ of the living and the dead. God’s triumph has begun with Jesus but is not yet complete.
The resurrection makes Jesus not just a Jewish messiah, but he is a new ____, the start of a new humanity available to all.