Historical Geology - Correlation and Dating Flashcards
What are Steno’s Principles?
- superposition
- original horizontality
- lateral continuity
What is superposition?
Younger rock layers over older rock layers
What is original horizontality?
Deposited in horizontal layers as a liquid to fill in spaces at the bottom but smoothed out at the top.
What is lateral continuity?
Layers of sediment are continuous, unless a barrier prevents the sediments from spreading during deposition, or subsequent changes in the landscape break those sediment layers apart.
What is the principal of cross-cutting relationships?
New geologic features disrupt (cut) older ones.
What is stratigraphy?
The study of rock strata, especially the distribution, deposition, and age of sedimentary rocks.
- Stratified rocks
- geometric relations
- compositions
What is Smith’s map based on?
The principle of fossil succession.
-fossils occur in a predictable order in rock.
What is correlation?
The process of demonstrating correspondence between geographically disparate stratigraphic units.
What is disparate?
Different - not comparable.
What is lithostratigraphic correlation?
Linking rock units of similar types..
What is temporal correlation?
Linking rock units of a similar age.
What is relative dating?
How to determine the order of events in the rock record.
Explain Sedgwick and Murchison’s dispute.
Sedgwick discovered and named the time period known as Cambrian. Sedgwick helped fellow geologist Murchison discover the Devonian period. They were friends until they both wanted to claim the same rock strata for their periods. Sedgwick for Cambrian and Murchison for what he called Silurian. A geologist named Lapworth settled the dispute by assigning the older rocks to the Cambrian period and the newer rocks to the Silurian period then carving out a period called Ordovician for the rocks in between.
Sedgwick and Murchison:
- Cambrian and Silurian systems
- Cambrian defined by the rocks it overlaid
- Silurian defined by fossil contents
What is Chronostratigraphy?
The element of stratigraphy that deals with the relative time relations and ages of rock bodies.
What is a Chronostratigraphic Unit (B.O.R.)?
Bodies of rocks, layered or unlayered, that were formed during a specified interval of geologic time (the geochronologic units).
What is the Cretaceous system defined by?
The deposition of chalk units with particular index fossils.
What is a geochronologic unit?
Period of time.
What is the difference between chronostratigraphic units and geochronologic units?
Geochronological unts are periods of time, thus it is correct to say that Tyrannosaurus rex lived during the Late Cretaceous Epoch.
Chronostratigraphic units are geological material, so it is also correct to say that fossils of the genus Tyrannosaurus have been found in the Upper Cretaceous Series.
Are the cretaceous deposits of the dinosaur park formation in Alberta a part of the Cretaceous system?
Explain Sedgwick and Murchison’s dispute.
Sedgwick (did not believe in evolution) discovered and named the time period known as Cambrian. Sedgwick helped fellow geologist Murchison discover the Devonian period. They were friends until they both wanted to claim the same rock strata for their periods. Sedgwick for Cambrian and Murchison for what he called Silurian. A geologist named Lapworth settled the dispute by assigning the older rocks to the Cambrian period and the newer rocks to the Silurian period then carving out a period called Ordovician for the rocks in between.
What is an Index Fossil?
A species or genus whose fossils are characteristic of a particular span of geologic time and are used for relative dating.
What makes an index fossil?
- Abundant (easily found)
- Easily identified and differentiated from other fossils
- Geographically widespread
- Have relatively short age or stratigraphic ranges
What is Biostratigraphy?
Branch of stratigraphy which focuses on correlating and assigning relative ages to rock strata using the fossil assemblages (groups) within. The aim is to demonstrate that two different areas (different deposits) are the same age because they have similar fossils in them.
What is Biozone?
a biostratigraphic unit. A body of rock defined on the basis of is characteristic fossil taxa. (Taxa is a group of one or more populations of organisms.)
What is Magnetostratigraphy?
Use of magnetic properties of rock for relative dating and correlation.
How are absolute ages calculated?
Via radiometric dating methods.
What is absolute age?
It is the age of a rock unit, fossil or geologic event expressed in units of time, such as years. A good example is your birthday. You were born at a specific time on a specific day of the year.
What are isotopes?
- atoms of the same atomic number
- atoms that have different atomic masses
- different forms of a single element that differ in the number of neutrons in the nucleus