historical figures Flashcards
A Canadian-born Black nurse, trained in nursing at Providence Hospital in Chicago
jessie scales
Hospital in Washington, D.C, she was hired as a district nurse and soon earned a permanent position
jessie scales
Her report to New York’s Charity Organization Society, published in the American Journal of Nursing in 1901, was titled “A Successful Experiment”
jessie scales
nurse concerned by plight of women living in poverty on lower east side
margaret sanger
became champion of safe contraception and family planning for women
founded plan parenthood federation
margaret sanger
intimated independent campagin collected supplies for wounded soldiers and made makeshift hospitals in the fields
founded red cross; known as angel of the battlefield
clara barton
age of 30 decided to enter 3 yr nursing program
florence nightingale
founded first english nursing trained school in 1859
florence nightingale
founded first training school for nurses at st. thomas hospital in 1807 that would become model for early nursing education
florence nightingale
published notes of nursing what is it and what is it not
significant role in hospital reform and safe conditions
florence nightingale
first licensed black nurse
mary eliza mahoney
co founded national association of colored graduate nurses
mary eliza mahoney
helped fight for rights of black nurses and women to serve in the us military
mary eliza mahoney
helped out during civil ar; established hotel where injured soldiers could receive care
denied by florence nightingale
mary seacole
earned first diploma and is america’s first professionally trained nurse
malinda “linda” richards
superintendent of women nurses to help create training to fill the nursing gap post war
dorthea L Dix