Historical Developments in Art Therapy Flashcards
How does art brut (outsider art) relate to the development of art therapy?
1940s: Dubuffet conceptualised l’Art Brut movement
1972: term “outsider art” coined by Roger Cardinal
- raw art created spontaneously & for personal reasons
- studying eccentric & creative individuals to understand universality of creative impulse
- aesthetic value: diagnostic clues or treatment potential; expressing inner meaning
How does surrealism relate to the development of art therapy?
20th century art movement
- explore workings of mind through literary, philosophical & artistic means
- favour the unconscious and dreams
Who was Hanz Prinzhorn?
- studied philosophy and art history, army surgeon during WWI
- studied over 5000 artworks of hospital patients
- believed creative power could break forth in every individual under right conditions
- thought creative individual can temporarily gain access into deepest part of psyche – source of authentic art
What were Prinzhorn’s contributions?
pioneered art therapy for sanitarium patients
book Artistry of the Mentally Ill: depicts & describes art of insane asylum residents
- challenged psychiatric & fine arts professionals to reconsider belief of mental illness & art
- influenced psychological disciplines, incl. art therapy
- fuelled modern & contemporary artists, like Dubuffet
identified 5 tendencies/“impulses” that inspire ppl to create
Who was Martin Fischer?
- explored use of art with psychiatric patients, patients in private practice and children & adolescence in residential treatment
- Ontario Children’s Aid Society consultant: introduced use of art therapy with children, focus on prevention of emotional problems
- 1967: founded Toronto Art Therapy Institute
- taught us that unconscious stores hidden experience & distortions, and can change once externalised through art and identified
Who was Marie Revai?
- 1950s: introduced art to children & adults in community centres
- formulated ideas about how art provides “solace & new perception of the world”
- 1983: developed art therapy program at Concordia Uni.
- one of the founders of AATA
organised exhibition comparing art of psychiatric patients & modern art:
- artists enter & contain psychotic state but no control in art of patients
- awareness of mental change that first reflects in art before manifestation in action
Who was Kay Collis?
- established art therapy department at Victoria Mental Health Centre
- BCATA founded in 1978, led to establishment of BC School of AT in 1982
- 1969: attended inaugural meeting of AATA and responsible for establishing N-S links
Who was Monica Carpendale?
- former student of Fischer
- 1995: founded the Kutenai Art Therapy Institute
Who was Lois Woolf?
encouraged by her mentor Fischer, established VATI in 1982
How did art education influence art therapy in Canada?
- late 19th century: scientific study of childhood began – idea that education should consider “the whole child” (“Progressive Education”)
- pioneers of modern art education such as Franz Cizek, Viktor Lowenfeld, and Florence Cane were major influences in development of AT
- Cizek: first to study spontaneous children – child art revealed inner workings of the mind and has aesthetic & creative properties
- Cane: developed methods to free children’s creativity
Lowenfeld: published influential book in art education in 1947
- conceptualised 6 stages of artistic development mental process
- argued that child’s intellectual development correlated to creative development
How did psychiatry influence art therapy in Canada?
Projective psychological tests:
- indicated that imagery could be clinical tool to reveal human personality
- now use sequence of drawings to indicate inner psychic processes
Who were the key individuals involved in the establishment of the Canadian Art Therapy Association?
1977: initiated by Fischer to unite & promote profession of AT in Canada
What is the art as therapy approach?
gratification achieved from final art product benefits individual undergoing art therapy
What was Edith Kramer’s role in the establishment of art as therapy?
- connections between art making & sublimation
- credited w/ notion that art process is “healing” factor in successful art therapy
- developed “art therapists’ third hand”: art therapist helps facilitate another’s artistic process
What is art psychotherapy?
- dynamically oriented art therapy: clients’ art communicates unconscious material in direct, uncensored & concrete form that helps resolve transference
- art psychotherapists: employ art as method of non-verbal imagistic communication/“symbolic speech”
What are Margaret Naumberg’s contributions to art therapy/psychotherapy?
- first psychotherapist to use art therapy to diagnose & treat mental health conditions
- primary founder of AATA
- 1940: defined art therapy as a profession
- 1966: laid out theoretical constructs of art therapy in book Dynamically Oriented Art Therapy
- 1970: established system of standards & began awarding “A.T.R” (art therapist registered)
What are the key dates for the American Art Therapy Association?
- 1969: inaugural meeting
- 1961: Kramer founded The Bulletin of Art Therapy – first art therapy journal
- after 1970: known as The American Journal of Art Therapy