Historical Development Of The Family - Roles Flashcards
Write a note on the roles in a family during the pre industrial era.
Families were usually patriarchal, with men having full control over all family decision making and discipline
Wives were expected to be submissive and follow their husbands’ wishes
Segregated roles were evident between parents, men were the bread winners and worked outside the home, whereas women worked inside the home
What type of decision making took place in families during the pre industrial era?
Patriarchal decision making
What did men have full control over during the pre industrial era?
All family decisions
What was expected of wives during the pre industrial era?
They were expected to be submissive and to follow their husband’s wishes
What type of roles were evident in families during the pre industrial era?
Segregated roles
What is meant by segregated roles that were present during the pre industrial era?
Men were the bread winners and worked outside the home
Women worked inside the home
Write a note on the roles in a family during the post industrial era.
Families became less patriarchal as the rights of women improved, meaning that women had more say on parenting, finances and discipline
Despite increased educational opportunities for females, segregated roles were still evident between parents during this time
Many women were still expected to work inside the home while men were the breadwinners and worked outside the home
What type of decision making was evident during the post industrial era?
Less patriarchal decision making
Why was decision making less patriarchal during the post industrial era?
Because the right of women improved
What effect did the less patriarchal decision making style have on women?
Women had more say on parenting, finances and discipline
What type of roles were seen in families during the post industrial era?
Segregated roles - even though there were increased educational opportunities for women
What was expected of women during the post industrial era?
They were still expected to work inside the home
Write a note on the roles in a family during the modern day.
Few families today are patriarchal
Families are more egalitarian with both parents now having an equal say on parenting, finances and discipline
Integrated roles are evident between parents, with both now playing an equal role in household tasks, e.g. cleaning and childminding regardless of gender
What type of decision making is found in families during the modern day?
Egalitarian decision making
What is the meaning of egalitarian decision making?
Both parents have an equal say on parenting, finances and discipline
What type of roles are found in families during the modern day?
Integrated roles
What is meant by integrated roles?
Both parents play an equal role in household tasks regardless of gender