Historical changes and functionalism Flashcards
Describe china’s one child policy?
Stop overpopulation
Describe Romanias policy?
Increase population - day of sex, illegalise abortion, restrict conception, marriage legal at 15, couples who are childless pay 5% more taxq
Describe Nazi Germanys policy>
Breed a racially pure master race
Keep women out if the workforce
Sterlised 375,000 disabled people unfit to breed due to physical malfunctions
Describe soviet union
First wanted to increase population but then had to decrease population
What do functionalism believes?
Society is built on harmony and consensus and free from major conflict
State acts in the interest of society as a whole and its policies are good for all
Help families perform heir functions better
What did Fletcher say?
intro of health education and housing policies in the years since the industrial revolution has led to the development of the welfare state ie NHS
What are the criticisms?
Assumes all members benefit equally - feminists - only benefits men
Assumes theres a march of progress - Marxists argue policies turn back the clock and reverse policies