Historical Antecedents Flashcards
What are the 4 civilizations of Mesoamerican Revolution
What civiliation existed during 1,200 B.C. - 400 B.C.
It is also the first known civilization in Latin America
Olmec Civilization
This culture was also known as the “Rubber People”.
They inhabited in a small area about 125 by 50km
They also developed the first language and number system
Olmec Civilization
This civilization made use of rubber balls for ritualistic ball game.
They built cities and acquired great wealth
They made artifacts such as jade masks and giant stone heads.
Olmec Civilization
This artifact is the trademark of the Olmec Civilization
Giant Stone Heads
This is the only civilization that did not pay attention to Astronomy
Olmec Civilization
This civilization is the precursor to later civilizations such as the Maya and Aztec empire
Olmec Civilization
This civilization is one of the earliest ruler of Mesoamerica
Olmec Civilization
What civilization lasted from 250 A.D. - 900 A.D.
Maya Civilization
This civilization is also known as the Yucatan Peninsula
Maya Civilization
This civilization is known for their pyramid-like structure
Maya Civilization
This civilization was known for using various complicated calendar systems for planning activities, observing religion ritual, and cultural celebrations
Maya Civilization
This civilization used tools adapted to innovation especially in the field of art such as looms for weaving cloths
Maya Civilization
Unlike the previous civilization who did not pay attention to astromy, this civilization had an advanced understanding of astronomy.
Maya Civilization
This civilization had temples and pyramids at Chichen Itza which situated at the location of the sun during spring and fall.
Maya Civilization
This civilization created the most elaborate calendar system of any culture in the world.
Maya Civilization
This civilization is known as the “Navel of the World”
Inca Civilization
This civilization’s culture was a very advanced civilization and was led by 13 Incas who were in charge of governing people divided into social class
Inca Civilization
This civilization created advanced scientific ideas considering limitations and old civilization
Inca Civilization