Historian and Archaeologist Flashcards
What is History
History is the study of the past and the story of human activity
What is Prehistory and give an example
Prehistory is the period before information was written down.
Example: the Stone Age is in the prehistoric period
What is a Primary Source. Give an example
First hand information directly from the time of the event.
Example: Photos, Newspapers, Diaries, Autobiographies
What is a Secondary Source. Give an example
Evidence that comes from a later date. Second hand information based on a primary source.
Example: Documentaries, Films, Websites
What is Propaganda
A way of presenting information, sometimes false in order to influence people’s opinions. Propaganda makes one side look good and one side look bad
What is Archaeology
Archaeology is the study of what has been left behind by people of the past
What is an Artifact. Give an example
Artifacts are man made objects made by people in the past.
Example: Tools, Buildings
Name 2 tools an Archaeologist would use on a dig.
An Archaeologist would use a, hand pick to loosen the soil and a toothbrush to clean the artifacts as some are very fragile.
Name 2 ways Artifacts are dated.
Carbon-14 dating is a method of determining the age of an object containing organic material.
Stratigraphy is another method of dating an artifact, the deeper the artifact is found the older it is