Histopathology Part 2- (p149-166- GI, Pancreatic + Liver) Flashcards
What is the epithelial cytology of the oesophagus?
Squamous epithelium for proximal 2/3
Columnar epithelium for distal 1/3
Joined by Z line/squamo-columnar junction
What is the commonest cause of oesophagitis?
What are the complications of GORD?
Ulceration, haemorrhage->haematemesis or melaena, Barret’s oesophagus, stricture, perforation
How is GORD treated?
Lifestyle- stop smoking, weight loss
PPI/H2 receptor antagonists
What is Barrett’s oesophagus?
Intestinal metaplasia of squamous mucosa -> columnar epithelium -> upwards migration of z line
Can lead to adenocarcinoma
Risk factors for squamous cell oesophageal carcinoma?
ETOH Smoking Achalasia of cardia Plummer-Vinson syndrome Nutritional deficiencies Nitrosamines HPV 6x more common in Afro-carribeans
How does squamous cell oesophageal carcinoma present?
Progressive dysphagia (solids -> fluids) Odynophagia (pain) Anorexia Severe weight loss Rapid growth and early spread to LN, liver and to proximal strictures
What are varices?
Engorged dilated veins usually due to portal HTN
Pt vomits units of blood
How do you treat varices?
Emergency endoscopy -> sclerotherapy/banding
How do gastric ulcers present clinically?
Epigastric pain +/- weight loss
Worse with food, relieved by antacids
RFs for gastric ulcer?
H. pylori, smoking, NSAIDs, stress, delayed gastric emptying, elderly
Histology of gastric ulcer?
Breach through muscularis mucosa into submucosa
What causes gastric lymphoma?
H. pylori- chronic antigen stimulation
How do you treat gastric lymphoma?
Remove H.pylori using triple therapy- PPI, clarithromycin + amoxicillin or metro
How does duodenal ulcer present clinically?
4x more common than GU
Epigastric pain worse at night
Relieved by food and milk
Younger adults
RFs for duodenal ulcers?
H. pylori Drugs Aspirin NSAIDs Steroids Smoking Drugs Acid secretion
What is the pathophysiology of coeliac disease?
T cell mediated autoimmune disease (DQ2 or DQ8), gluten intolerance results in villous atrophy and malabsorption
How does coeliac disease present?
Young children and Irish women- EMQ Steatorrhoea Abdo pain Bloating N+V Weight loss Fatigue IDA Failure to thrive Rash
Serological tests for coeliac disease?
Anti-endomysial ab, anti-tissue transglutaminase, anti-gliadin
Gold standard Ix for coeliac disease?
Upper GI endoscopy and duodenal biopsy
Treatment of coeliac?
Gluten free diet
What is Hirschsprung’s disease and how does it present clinically?
Absence of ganglion cells in the myenteric plexus (Genetics- RET proto-oncogene Cr10+)
Presents with symptoms and signs of obstruction in young babies, mainly males
How is Hirschsprung’s treated?
Resection of affected segment
Causes of bowel obstruction?
Diverticular disease
External mass e.g. fetus, aneurysm, foreign body
Volvulus- complete twisting of bowel loop at mesenteric base around vascular pedicle, small bowel
Epidemiology of Crohn’s?
Western population
Peak onset 20s, F>M
White 2-5x>non-white
Smoking worsens symptoms
Epidemiology of UC?
Slightly more common
Peak age 20-25
Aetiology of Crohns?
MZ twin concordance 50%
Hygiene hypothesis
Aetiology of UC?
MZ twin concordance 15%
Pathophysiology of crohn’s?
Whole GI tract (mouth to anus)- most common terminal ileum and caecum
Patchy distribution -> ‘skip lesions’
Healthy mucosa lies above diseased mucosa -> cobblestone appearance
Aphthous ulcers (rosethorn)
Non caseating granulomas seen
Transmural inflammation
Fistulas and fissures common
Pathophysiology of UC?
Extends proximally from rectum
Continuous involvement of mucosa
Small bowel not affected normally
Extensive superficial broad ulcers
Inflammation confined to mucosa
No granulomas/fissures/fistulae/strictures
Islands of regenerating mucosa bulge into lumen -> pseudopolyps
Clinical features of crohn’s?
Intermittent diarrhoea
Clinical features of UC?
Associated more with bloody diarrhoea, mucus
Crampy abdo pain relieved by defecation
Extra GI manifestations of IBD?
A PIE SAC Aphthous ulcers Pyoderma gangrenosum Iritis Erythema nodosum Sclerosing cholangitis Arthritis Clubbing of fingertips
Complications of Crohn’s?
Strictures (requiring bowel resection)
Abscess formation
Complications of UC?
Severe haemorrhage
Toxic megacolon -> perforation
30% require colectomy within 3y
Adenocarcinoma (20-30x risk)
Ix for Crohn’s?
Systemic markers of inflammation e.g. ESR, CRP, Barium contrast, endoscopy
Ix for UC?
Rectal biopsy
Flexi sig/colonoscopy
Stool culture
Management of Crohn’s?
Mild- Prednisolone
Severe- IV hydrocortisone, metronidazole
Additional- azathioprine, methotrexate, infliximab
Management of UC?
Mild- pred + mesalazine
Mod- Pred + Mes + steroid enema bd
Severe- Admit, nbm, IV fluids and IV hydrocortisone, rectal steroids
Remission- Mes + azathioprine (2nd line)
What is the pathophysiology of c difficile infection?
Use of abx e.g. cipro or ceph’s kill off commensals allowing c.diff to flourish. It’s exotoxins cause pseudomembranous colitis
How do you investigate c diff infection?
Stool culture
How do you treat c difficile infection?
Metronidazole (covers anaerobic) or vancomycin (2’ line)
What is probably responsible for the high incidence of diverticular disease in the west?
A low fibre diet
What is the pathophysiology of diverticular disease?
High intraluminal pressure results in outpouchings at weak points in the bowel wall (can be seen on barium enema CT or endoscopy)- 90% occur in left colon- often asymptomatic but sometimes PR bleed
Complications of diverticular disease?
Diverticulitis- fever and peritonism, gross perforation, fistula, obstruction (due to fibrosis)
What is carcinoid syndrome?
Diverse group of tumours of enterochromaffin cell origin which produce 5-HT (serotonin)
Commonly found in bowel and usually slow growing
Presents with bronchoconstriction, flushing and diarrhoea
Can lead to carcinoid crisis
How do you investigate carcinoid syndrome?
24h urine 5-HIAA (main metabolite of serotonin)
How do you treat carcinoid syndrome?
Octreotide- somatostatin analogue
What is an adenoma?
Benign dysplastic lesions that are the precursor to most adenocarcinomas
Found in 50% >50y in western world
Most important risk factor for malignancy in adenomas?
Large size, in addition to dysplasia and increased villous component
What types of non-neoplastic polyps are there?
Hamartomatous polyp
Hyperplastic polyp
Inflammatory- pseudopolyp
What is the second most common cause of cancer death in UK?
What percentage of colorectal cancers are adenocarcinoma?
Aetiology of colorectal cancer?
Diet (low fibre, high fat), lack of exercise, obesity, familial syndromes, chronic IBD
Investigations in colorectal cancer?
Protoscopy Sigmoidoscopy Colonoscopy Barium enema Bloods e.g. FBC CT/MRI Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)- monitor disease
With which system and how is colorectal cancer staged?
Duke's staging- helps decide treatment A- confined to mucosa B1- extending into muscularis propria B2- transmural invasion, no LN involved C1- Extending into muscularis propria, with LN metastases C2- transmural invasion with LN mets D- distant mets