Histopathology - Artery Flashcards

Femoral Artery Thrombus
Muscular wall indicates that it is an artery (cut in vessel is postmortal because there is no
o White clot
Internal elastic membrane marks border between tunica media and intima
Tunica intima is widened. Atherosclerotic plaques have darker patches of inflammation
Endothelial cells bordering lumen are absent, replaced by fibrous material and clotting
o Trabeculae of the fibrin mesh present inside the thrombus means that the thrombus is stationary and connected to the wall, unlike post-mortal clots
o Clot attached to wall indicates it was formed on wall plaque, where endothelial surface is ruined.
Arterial clots are rarely occlusive, but emboli are

Atherosclerotic Artery - Aorta
There are 3 types of arteriosclerosis
- Atherosclerosis – seen here
- Arteriosclerosis
- Monckeberg type media sclerosis
Intima, media, and adventitia can be seen here
Plaques affect the intimal layer
o This is a calcification, so it stains bluish with hematoxylin
o Rhomboid empty white spaces where cholesterol has been washed out.

Atherosclerotic Artery – Aorta; Oil Red O stain
Frozen section
Lipids in intima can be seen

Frozen section
Lipids in intima can be seen
This is giant cell arteritis. There are 2 types of giant cell arteritis: o Takayasu: affects aorta
o Arteritis temporalis: affects temporal artery and vessels of head and neck
Since this is not in the aorta, this is a slide of arteritis temporalis
Vessels have small lumen
Painful, can cause blindness if it affects the ophthalmic artery
Giant cells are multinucleated. Other examples of giant cells:
o TB granulomas have Langhans cells o Foreign body giant cells
o Anitschkow cells in rheumatic fever
To diagnose arteritis, must take multiple segments of the artery