Histopathology Flashcards
Stages of Atherosclerotic Plaque formation
- Endothelial cell injury
- Inflamm response in vessel wall: oxidized LDL
- Formation stable plaque: vascular smooth muscle phenotype shift
- Stenosis or plaque rupture
Non-modifiable risk factors for atherosclerosis
Age, sex (M), FHx, type A personality, estrogen deficiency
Modifiable risk factors for atherosclerosis
HTN, DM, smoking, hypercholesterolemia, inactivity, lipoprotein Lp(a)
How to differentiate unstable angina from NSTEMI
Troponin (raised in NSTEMI)
Signs thrombosis
Hx claudication, signs vasc insufficiency, hard arteries, onset over a few hours
Possible sequelae of HTN
Hypertensive retinopathy/encephalopathy/cardiomyopathy/nephropathy
Increased glucose levels
Major causes LV Failure
IHD, HTN, valve disease, myocardial disease
Consequences LV failure
Pulmonary congestion and edema
Reduced renal perfusion –>salt and water retention, ATN
Reduced CNS perfusion –>encephalopathy
Causes RV failure
Left sided failure
Chronic lung pathology–cor pulmonale
Consequences RV failure
Portal, systemic, and peripheral congestion
Renal congestion (R>L)
Sequelae HCM
Arrhythmias (AF) and sudden death, LV outflow obstruction, CHF
Signs and Sxs HCM
Syncope, HF, jerky pulse, double apical impulse, ESM (+/- pansystolic from MR)
- cause
- genes
- consequences
Inflamm and thinning of RV wall. Fibrofatty replacement
Usu AD mutation in cell adhesion genes
Consequences: Arrhythmia, CCF
Aschoff body
Focus of fibrinoid necrosis
Seen in rheumatic fever
Type I respiratory failure-causes
Severe pneumonia, PE, asthma, fibrosis, LVF
Type II respiratory failure-causes
COPD, neuromuscular disease, severe acute asthma
ECG sign of PE
S1Q3T3 (on exams, not real life)
Definition pulmonary hypertension
> 25mmHg at rest
Macroscopic findings in asthma
Overinflated chest, pathy atelectasis, mucus plugs
Microscopic findings in asthma
Edema, eosinophilic infiltrates, smooth muscle and mucosal gland hypertrophy
Chronic bronchitis
Chronic cough with sputum production. Most days >3/12 for at least 2 years
Emphysema affects which part of lung
Parenchyma distal to terminal bronchioles
Causes bronchiectasis
Congenital: CF, severe immunodefic
Acquired: post-infectious, bronchial obstruction
Complications bronchiectasis
Chronic H flu infxn,
secondary staph aureus/m catarrhalis/pseudomonas infxn
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis
Hypersensitivity penumonitis: immune rxn from inhaled antigens
Occupation related: farmers lung (thermophilic actinomyces), Bird fancier’s lung (avian proteins).
Interstitial pneumonitis and non-caseating granulomas
Inflamm lung conditions caused by inhalation of mineral dusts
30 yr lag period
-Coal dust (coal miners): lung nodules and massive fibrosis
-Silicosis: nodular fibrosis
AI causes of pulm fibrosis
Sarcoidosis: non-caseating granulomas and multisystem disease RA SLE Systemic sclerosis Ank spon
Drug causes of pulmonary fibrosis
Bleomycin, Amiodarone, MTX
Non-small cell types of lung cancer
Large cell
Cause of primary spontaneous pneumothorax
Apical blebs
Causes of secondary spontaneous pneumothorax
COPD, asthma, pulm fibrosis, lung ca
Acquired causes pneumothorax
Traumatic, Iatrogenic (central lines, pleural aspiration, barotraumas, pacing wires)
Hepatic failure-definition
Clinical syndrome when >90% fn’al capacity of liver is lost
Common causes of acute liver failure
Acute viral hepatitis (AST >1000): Hep A/B/C, CMV, EBV Alcoholic hep (AST >300, increased GGT and MCV), drug related hep (paracetamol, NSAIDs, Abx)
Clinical features acute liver failure
Hepatic encephalopathy, irritability/sleep disturbance/disorientation/coma, coagulopathy, conjugated jaundice, infxn (sepsis + MOF), Hepato-renal syndrome/hepato-pulmonary syndrome, progressive fibrosis, cirrhosis
Cirrhosis triad
Fibrosis, nodules regenerating hepatocytes, distortion liver architecture
Mech by which EtOH causes liver damage
Metabolic byproducts activate hepatic stellate cells, causing fibrosis
Features hemochromatosis
Liver: cirrhosis, HCC
Heart: CCF, arrhythmias, constrictive pericarditis
Endocrine: DM, panhypopituitarism, hypogonadotropism, loss libido
Joints: Chondrocalcinosis
Women>Men Intrahepatic bile ducts (cholangiocytes) Pruritis Raised ALP and GGT Anti-mitochondrial/IgM Abs
Sclerosis of intra- and extrahepatic ducts
Assoc w UC (75%)
Isolated raised ALP
Risk cholangiocarcinoma
Benign hepatic tumors
Hemangioma-most common
Liver cell adenoma
Hepatic hemangioma
3% population
Liver cell adenoma
Young women on COC
Malignant hepatic tumors
Develops on background of cirrhosis/chronic inflamm
1/3 have DNA mismatch repair defect
Malignancy of intrahepatic bile ducts
Non-specific presentation: jaundice, weight loss, pruritis, pain
Presents late w/ poor prognosis
Mech and presentation of annular pancreas
Failure of ventral bud to migrate
Presents in infancy similarly to pyloric stenosis
Pancreas divisum
Incomplete fusion ventral and dorsal buds
Predisposes to chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic ca
Risk factors for reflux esophagitis/GERD
Increased IAP: obesity, posture, large meals, EtOH
Hiatus Hernia
Complications GERD
Peptic stricture (scarring)
Barret’s (10%)-columnar metaplasia
Squamous cell esophageal carcinoma-risk factrs and part esoph affected
RF: smoking, EtOH, achalasia
Middle third of esoph
Adenocarcinoma of esoph
Glandular differentiation
RF: Batrret’s
Lower third esoph
Diffuse gastric adenocarcinoma
Normal mucosa
Signet rings cells
Highly infiltrative and aggressive
Gastric lymphoma
H pylori
Can lead to marginal cell lymphoma
Responds to Abx
Stromal tumors-cellular path
CT origin
Over-expression of Tyr Kin KIT
May be treated with Imantinib
Mech celiac disease
Inappropriate T cell driven inflamm ->lymphocytic enteritis
Extra-intestinal manifestations of IBD
Arthritis (ank spon)
Erythema nodosum
Concussion damages what structure
Diffuse axonal injury
Stretching and tearing white matter
Post-traumatic dementia and vegetative states
Hemorrhages on superficial brain structures
Coup and contrecoup
Traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage
Deep contusions
Assoc with diffuse axonal injury, edema, and SAH
Causes cerebral edema
Generalized: Hypoxia, Metabolic disturbance, Trauma, HTN
Local: ischemia, hematomas, tumors
Clinical features cerebral edema
HA (stretch of receptors around intracranial BVs)-worse in AM and on moving, vomiting (stimulation centres on ponds/medulla), papilledema
Complications cerebral edema
Vascular damage (central v occlusion –> papilledema, hemorrhage/infarct), CN III/IV damage, CSF outflow obstruction, herniation
Benign intracranial HTN
HA + papilledema
No focal neurology
Astrocytomas (60%).
Most common type brain tumor. Slow initially, agressive with time
Slow growing with calcification
Lining of ventricles –>CSF blockage
From arachnoid cells.
Most comm adjacent to sinuses
Slow growing but incessant
Lead to compression and skull erosion
Neuroepithelial neoplasms
Common in kids
Medulloblastoma, Rb, neuroblastoma, ganglioblastoma
Short term memory loss
Dysphasia and dyspraxia
Persecutory beliefs
5-10 year survival
Vascular dementia
Personality change, labile mood, preserved insight.
Stepwise progression
Lewy Body dementia
Fluctuating cognition, visual hallucinations, parkinsonism.
Worsened by anti-psychs
Pick’s disease
Frontal lobe/executive fn impairment
Personality change
Preserved memory
Slow progression
Seizures, cerebellar ataxia, myoclonic jerks
Progressive w/in 5 yrs Bulbar UMN and LMN Group of neurodegenerative disorders, the most common of which is ALS Cause ?glutamate receptor/apoptosis
Tx for Cushings
Decrease steroids, ketoconazole, metyrapone, trilostane
Pituitary adenoma, parathyroid hyperplasia, pancreatic islet tumors
Pheo, medullary thyroid, hyperparathyroidism
Pheo, medullary thyroid, mucosal neuromas
Signs embolism
Recent MI, AF, aneurysm; soft artery, bruits, onset over seconds. No evidence previous disease
Hemosiderin laden macrophages
Aka heart failure cells
Seen mostly in Left heart failure
Nutmeg liver
Seen in right heart failure
Dressler’s syndrome
AI complication 4w post-MI.
CP, fever, pericardial rub
Aschoff bodies
Granulomas seen in RhF
Anitschkow cells
Enlarged macrophages in Aschoff bodies.
Monckeberg arteriosclerosos
Focal calcification of media (small-med arteries)
>50 years
No inflamm
Oat cells
Seen in small cell lung carcinoma
Hyaline membrane disease
Aka respiratory distress syndrome
Pre-term neonates. Surfactant deficiency causes hyaline deposition and hypoxia
AA amyloid
Associated with inflamm
AL amyloid
Derived from IgG light chains
Associated with myeloma
Alpha-beta2 amyloid
Beta2 micro globulin amyloid
Dialysis patients
Duret hemorrhages associated with what complication?
Tectorial or tonsillar herniation due to tearing of vessels
“Rubber hose wall” of bowel
Peptic ulcers versus erosions
Erosions heal in days and go into mucosa only
Ulcers take weeks to heal and extend into submucosa
Chronic gastritis
H pylori or AI
Lymphocyte infiltration or intestinal metaplasia
Risk carcinoma or MALT lymphoma
FAP + osteomas + epidermoid cysts + desmoid tumors
Micronodular liver cirrhosis
Macronodular liver cirrhosis
> 3mm
ATP7B mutation
Wilson’s disease
HFE gene mutation
Adenocarcinoma of bile ducts
RF: PSC, live flukes, medical contrast media
Erythema multiforme
HSR secondary to infection (HSV, mycoplasma, fungi) or drugs (penicillin, phenytoin, barbiturates)
Subtypes melanoma
Superficial spreading
Bowens disease
Squamous carcinoma in situ
Pityriasis rosea
Single scaly salmon colored macule (herald patch)
Then multiple in fir tree distribution
Nephritic syndrome
Hematuria Red and white cell casts (tamm horsefall secretions) Dysmorphic red cells Oliguria HTN
Muddy (brown) casts (urine)
Acute tubular necrosis
IgA nephropathy versus post-strep glomeruli nephritis
Extremely similar on exam questions.
Main differentiator is how often after resp infection….DAYS for IgA and weeks for PSGN.
IgA can also be preceded by GI infections
IgA also usually happens multiple times, irregularly but every few months until eventually subsides (won’t usually give you this on exam)
Spike and dome deposits on renal question
Membranous glomerulonephritis
Duct ectasia
Green/white discharge from breasts.
>40 multips
Mixed tumors.
Rapid growth in pregnancy and menstrual cycle.
Very mobile,
Focal area calcification on mammogram and central necrosis
Phylloides tumor
Mixed tumor Discrete, well circumscribed, mobile >5cm >40 years Artichoke like (or leaf like) Can be malignant
Infiltrating ductal carcinoma
Painful lump
May have Paget’s disease of breast, tethering, nipple retraction, LAD, ulceration of mass.
Tender to touch, erythematous, edema.
S. Aureus
Breastfeeding mothers.
Giant cell tumor
Borderline malignant tumor of osteoclasts.
Lytic lesions in epiphyses (ESP KNEE)
Soap bubble
Signs osteomalacia
Pseudofractures (looser zones), craniotabes, bone pain, prox weakness
McCune Albright
Cafe-au-lait spots (unilateral)
Precocious puberty
Fibrous dysplasia
Renal osteodystrophy
Secondary hyperparathyroidism
Due to build-up of phosphate, damage to 1-a-hydroxylase, osteosclerosis, aluminum toxicity
Ortner’s syndrome
Mitral stenosis, enlarged LA, laryngeal nerve palsy
Bone pain + soap bubble + shepherd’s crook + Chinese letter trabeculae
Fibrous dyplasia
Benign intramedullary cartilage tumor. Oft hands and feet
Oft asxs
If sxs-pain, fractures, swelling
Pain and mass near joint
Increased ALP
Codman’s triangle
Comminuted fracture
Bone splintered
Soft tissue ok
Greenstick fracture
Compound fracture
Penetrates skin surface (infection risk)
Transverse fracture
Partial or complete
Oft simple, clean break
Impacted fracture
Fracture site “crushed” inwards
Chemo for Her2/neu positive breast cancer
Intraductal papilloma
Bloody discharge
Premenopausal women
Benign (note -oma…not carcinoma)
Paget’s disease of breast
DCIS that extends up duct to skin/nipple
Almost always associated with underlying carcinoma
Periductal mastitis
SMOKERS. Have relative Vit A deficiency–need vit A to maintain epithelial cells….keratin plugs….infection behind block. Causes mass
Presents with subareaolar mass and nipple retraction