histopathologic Flashcards
the first and most critical step
procedure whereby calcium or lime salts are removed from the tissues following fixation
should be done after fixation and before impregnation
the commonly used decalcifying agent
nitric acid
process in which it removes fixative and water from the tissue
types of dehydrating agents:
ethanol, methanol, acetone
it involves removal of dehydrating agent and replacement by some fluid
clearing (de-alcoholization)
the clearing agent is completely removed from the tissues and replaced by a medium such as agar, gelatin, or wax
wax impregnation/infiltration
types of tissue impregnation and embedding media:
paraffin wax, celloidin, gelatin, plastic
ways of paraffin wax impregnation:
manual and automatic processing, vacuum embedding
the process by which the tissue is placed into a mold containing the embedding medium
cutting the excess wax from the block to expose the tissue surface in preparation for actual cutting
a process whereby tissues are cut into uniformly thin slices or sections with the aid of a machine, to facilitate the studies under the microscope
a specialized precision cutting instrument which accurately and repeatedly slices sections from a block of embedded tissue
used to preserve frozen tissue samples, slice tissue sections thin enough for microscopic examination