Frequently dividing cells, to replace lost cells of the body
Labile cells
Not typically diving; do not frequently undergo cell division– only to replace injured cells
Stable cell
Do not undergo replication following maturation
Permanent cell
Incomplete or defective development of tissue/organ
The affected organ shows no resemblance to its normal mature structure; happens in “PAIRED” organs
Ex. Kidney, Gonads
Complete non-appearance of organ.
Failure or tissue/organ to reach normal mature adult size
Failure of organ to form an opening
Acquired decrease in tissue / organ size
Develops as consequence of maturation
Physiologic atrophy
Ex. Atrophy of thymus at puberty; decrease in uterus size after child birth
Physiologic atrophy
Occurs if blood supply to an organ becomes reduced or below critical level
Vascular atrophy
Persistent pressure on the organ or tissue may directly injure the cell or may secondarily promote diminution of blood supply
Pressure atrophy
Due to lack of hormones needed to maintain normal size and structure
Endocrine atrophy
Due to lack of nutritional supply to sustain normal growth
Hunger/starvation atrophy
Inactivity or diminished activity/function
Atrophy of disuse
Too much workload can cause general wasting of tissues
Exhaustion atrophy
Increase in tissue / organ size due to an increase in size of cells
Cellular adaptation that don’t produce new cells
Ex. Hypertrophy of skeletal muscle because of frequent exercise
Physiologic hypertropy
Ex. Hypertrophy of myocardium due to hypertension
Pathologic hypertrophy
Response to a deficiency; occurs when one of the organ paired organs is removed
Compensatory hypertrophy
Increased in tissue or organ size due to an increase in the number of cells making up the organ
Involves transformation of adult cell type into another adult cell type