Histopath Flashcards
70 year old gp tight chest pain radiates left arm , relieved by rest , her ecg revealed some st depression
Stable Angina
50 year old smoker
Continuous crushing central chest pain
Radiate left arm
Ecg st elevated
Acute MI
63 year old obese
Diabetic male
Presents a and e tight chest pain
Radiate left arm
Lasted less than 20 mins
CK wasn’t raised
Acute CS
68 year old man presents with sudden onset chest pain
Radiated to back
Patient was shocked
Hemiplegia and chest X-ray shows mediastinal enlargement
Aortic dissection
73 year known hx of peripheral vascular disease
A and e
Sudden onset hemiplegia resolved within 24 hours
What is decubitus angina?
When patient lays down
Complication of cardiac failure
Strain on heart
Acute MI , pansystolic murmur on auscultation
Myomalacia cordis
28 year old sportsman a and e
Severe chest pain and breathlessness
He has a hx of asthma
Systolic murmur
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Sharp retrosetanl pain
Worst on inspiration
Middle aged lady
Faint at gym
Systolic ejection murmur
Aortic stenosis
A & E our of breathe
Severe chest pain
Mid systolic click late systolic murmur
Myxomatous mitral valve
Young boy
Skin rash
Joint pain in elbow and knee
Ejection systolic murmur
Friction rub
Acute rheumatic fever
Sudden onset fever and malaise
No prev hx or heart disease
Auscultation= heart murmur
Acute bacterial endocarditis
40 year old man
Sharp chest pain
Percardial friction rub
Diminished heart sounds
Raised JVP
25 year old
Chest x ray enlarged heart
Echo thickened septum
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
4 MI
Shortness of breath and ankle swelling
Enlarged liver
Echo shows dilated heart
Cardiac failure
Inhaled tobramycin
Pseudomonal infection
Delta F508 mutation
Cystic fibrosis
Abdo pain
Scratch marks
He has lost 5kg in 2 months
Dilated intrehepatic bile ducts
Carcinoma of head of pancreas
Severe diarrhoea
Metabolic acidosis
RUQ mass
Stool bicarbonate high , urine anion gap negative
VIPoma - Werner Morrison syndrome
Back pain
Lose appetite
Dropping dress sizes
She recently diabetes
Large central mass ,
Carcinoma tail of pancreas
Worsening abdo pain
Poor diet
And weight loss
Chronic alcohol pancreatitis
65 year old female
Large cystic mass on tail of pancreas
Further cytology
Reported presence of epithelium
55 year old
Afro Caribbean
Weight loss
Poor diet
Gnawing pain on his back
Felt under the chest
Carcinoma of pancreas
Inflammatory condition
Exocrine pancreas
Injury to acinar cells
ERCP finding incomplete fusing of pancreatic divisum
Pancreas divisum
Pancreatic pseudo cyst and cystadenoma
Pancreatic pseudo cyst - Well defined capsule - fibrous and granulation tissue / combo of both
Cystadenoma - doesn’t possess an epithelial lining - contains a fluid collection
Barrett oesophagus
Squamous turn to Columnar
Undergoing malignant change
Causes of action acid and pepsin
Duodenal mucosa
Increased output of stomach acid
Include pain upper abdo
Esp when stomach is empty
Duodenal ulcer
Failure to produce IF
Reduction in absorption of b12 fr the bowel
Presence megaloblasr in bone marrow
Pernicious anaemia
Dilated veins
Lowe oesophagus
Portal hypertension
Rupture life threatening haematemesis
Bleeding stopped compression balloon
Applying elastic bands via endoscope
Oesophageal varices
Spiral flagellated gram neg bacteria
Found stomach within mucosal layer
Occurs majority of Middle Aged people
Progressive gastritis
Duodenal and gastric ulceration
H pylori
Breach in mucosa extends muscularis mucosa into submucosa and deeper
Peptic ulcer
Present in almost all patients duodenal ulcer and 70 gastric ulcer
H pylori
Duodenal ulcer and 70% gastric ulcer
H pylori infection
10% primary lymphoma
HLA b8
Coeliac disease
Commonest cause of oesophagitis
Re epithelialisarjon by metaplatic columnar epithelium by goblet cells
Barrett’s oesophagus
40 year old male
Long hx of burning epigastric pain
Worse on lying flat
Endoscopy reveals squamous lining and increases basal cell proliferation
38 year old rheumatoid arthritis
Single ep of malaena
Neutrophilic infiltrate
Acute gastritis
Weight loss
Biopsy of duodenum
Intraepithelial cytotoxic T cells
Coeliac disease
Duodenal ulcer
Epigastrc pain
Relieved by antacids and meals
pos CLO test
Epigastric pain
Endoscopy. Reveals 3.2cm columnar metaplasia
In lower oesophagus
Goblet cells are seen
Barrett oesophagus
Epigastric pain
Pain gets worse at night when he is hungry
Nausea and flatulence NSAIDS
Duodenal ulcer
Low retrosternal dysphagia
Initial to solids now also to liquids
Chest pain and WL over last 3 months
Social hx reveals she has been a heavy smoker
Drinks around 20 units of alcohol a week
Carcinoma of oesophagus
Watery diarrhoea
Abdo cramps
Low grade fever
3 days after BBQ
Zolinger Elinson syndrome
Recurrent peptic ulceration
Persistently high serum gastrin levels
Large 3cm actively bleeding ulcer
Chest pain
Regurgitation post solids and liquids
Occur after swallowing
Beak like tapering
Failure of relaxation of LOS
3 month hx
Anorexia , wl , epigastric pain
Iron def anaemia
Leather bottle stomach
Signet ring
Severe headache
Scalp tenderness
Esr and crP raised
Giant cells
Temporal arteritis
Hep B
Weight loss
Muscle aches
Abdo pain
High bp
Blood and protein
Polyarteritis nodosa
Treatment renal failure
Tingling wrist and hands
Haemodilayiss relayed amyloidosis
Peripheral oedema
Bone Erosion
High levels kappa uniform lights chain
Myeloma associated amyloidosis
Painless enlarged lymph node
No night sweats
Weight loss
Raise esr
Abnormal liver biochemistry
Chronic rheumatology is disease
Abdo discomfort
Pos Congo red stain
Reactive amyloidosis
Abdo discomfort
Fresh blood rectum
No palpable mass
Outpovhing though muscular layer
Diverticula’s disease
Rectal bleed
Bright red
Polyps in colon
Lost lots weight
Mass n right lumbar region - non tender
Colon cancer
Terminal ileum
Transmural inflammation with granulomas