Histone Code Flashcards
What does the histone code hypothesis state?
This hypothesis predicts that:
1. Distinct modifications of the histone tails induce interactions with specific chromatin-associated proteins, and
- Modifications on the same or different histone tails may be interdependent and generate various combinations on any one nucleosome
What does the histone code hypothesis imply?
The chromatin structure of euchromatic or heterochromatic domains are dependent on the combination of differentially modified nucleosomes
Modifications on the histone tails determine which proteins are bound and thus whether an active or repressive chromatin structure is generated
We are going to discuss 5 histone modifications - but only 3 are epigenetic
What are the classes of chromatin modifying enzymes?
They can be classed as readers, writers or erasers
Reader - they read the signature histones - they bind to the modification
Writer - they write the signature on histones
Eraser - they erase the signature
Some marks are very transient - depending if it is an epigenetic factor
Give an overview of histone modification?
They have many sites of modification
Nearly 80 different modifications on core histones alone
More modifications on H1 and on histone variants
These modifications occur in different combinations to give a very intricate code
Ubiquitination etc…
Describe the first modification - acetylation?
This gives active chromatin
Acetylation alters the charge on histone tails by HATs transferring an acetyl group from acetyl-CoA
It neutralises the positive charge on the histone tail
It alters histone tail interactions to give a more open chromatin structure - reducing the histone interactions
Acetylation also provides binding sites for other proteins with bromodomains
What is some evidence for the aceytlation modification?
- Gradient centrifugation shows acetylated and non-acetylated chromatin sediment differently
- Also chemical ligation of H4K16ac prevented formation of 30 nm fibres - gradient centrifugation
- They have increased general sensitivity to DNase I (around 3 fold)
This correlates with increased histone acetylation, indicative of a more open chromatin structure at the chicken b-globin locus
Elongator complex associates with the elongating RNA polymerase II - this complex has HAT activity, Elp3 in yeast
Describe acetyltransferases?
They are coactivators
Examples of HATs - PCAF, p300, CBP, Gcn5
They contain bromodomains
Give evidence for acetylation favouring the histone code hypothesis?
Transcription factors bring the acetyltransferases to the complex - and they acetylate the promotor (co-activators or TAF250)
Acetylated lysine’s provide binding domains for proteins with bromodomains
Bromodomain binding re-enforces the binding of activating proteins at the promoter
What do deacetylases do?
They rapidly remove acetyl groups
This shows the acetylation can’t be epigenetic as deacetylases rapidly remove the acetyl groups
Deacetylases were originally identified as transcriptional repressors - they were parts of co-repressor complexes
To see the acetylation experimentally add chemicals - trichostatin a or butyric acid
They inhibit the deacetylases so the acetylation can be identified
Deacetylation of histones helps to reinforce the repression
Give an overview of methylation of lysine?
It can be mono-, di- or tri-methylated
Methylation is associated with gene activity/repression, depending on which lysine is methylated
They can have both positive/negative marks - depending on where it is
Positive - lys 4 and lys 36 = gene expression
Negative - lys 9 and lys 27 (on histone tails) = heterochromatin
Describe methylation of lysine 4 - positive mark?
H3K4me3 is associated with active gene promoters
This is an epigenetic modification
Set1 methyltransferase associates with Ser5 phosphorylated form of RNA polymerase II at the CTD
This methylate’s nucleosomes specifically at the promoter with H3K4me3
Set1 methyltransferase (plus MLL and hASH1) are Trithorax group proteins
Give evidence for the histone code hypothesis - methylation of lysine 4?
H3K4me3 provides a binding site for proteins with a PHD (plant homeodomain) finger
Many complexes containing PHD-finger proteins are activators; their recruitment thus reinforces activation at the promoter
What is H3K4me1?
H3K4me1 is a mark of active enhancers
Old dogma: H3K4me1 at repressed promoters
New finding: H3K4me1 at ACTIVE enhancers
Describe methylation of lysine 36 - positive mark?
H3K36me3 is associated with actively transcribed genes - involved in resetting chromatin structure
Set2 methyltransferase associates with Ser2 phosphorylated form of RNA polymerase II at the CTD
This methylate’s nucleosomes in the transcribed portion of genes with H3K36me3
Give evidence for the histone code hypothesis - methylation of lysine 36?
H3K36me3 is involved in the “re-setting” of transcribed chromatin
Histone acetyltransferases (HATs) associated with pol II, acetylate nucleosomes to help their displacement for transcription
H3K36me3 recruits histone deacetylases (HDACs) to remove this acetylation and re-set this chromatin mark
As polymerases could bind and transcribe anywhere it can bind in this open region - illegitimate transcription
H3K36me3 favours the histone code hypothesis by recruiting a HDAC complex
Describe methylation of lysine 9- negative mark?
Epigenetic = inherited from generation to generation
H3K9me3 is bound by the heterochromatin protein, HP1 via its chromodomain
Give evidence for the histone code hypothesis - methylation of lysine 9?
The histone methyltransferase, methylate’s H3 at lysine 9 via its SET domain
This creates a binding site for HP1
Interaction of HP1 (via its chromodomain) with H3K9me3 recruits the HAT to allow methylation of adjacent nucleosomes and the spreading of heterochromatin
Describe the spreading of heterochromatin?
This can lead to position effect variegation (PEV)
Genes that lie adjacent to heterochromatin can become silenced if the heterochromatin spreads into that gene
Once the gene is silenced, then this repressed state is inherited epigenetically
Heterochromatin propagates along a chromosome
The variable amount of heterochromatin spreading leads to variable gene expression
Insulators can stop this spread of heterochromatin
Describe methylation of lysine 27 - negative mark?
Epigenetic = inherited from generation to generation
It is a repressive mark - bound by the polycomb chromodomain
Polycomb - they maintain repressive chromatin
Even when the repressor is lost, repression continues
HP1 and polycomb group proteins are bound at a large fraction of heterochromatin sites
Polycomb and Trithorax proteins in cellular memory
Describe the polycomb group complexes?
Polycomb binds to PRE
PRC1 - binds the mark = heterochromatin Pc – chromodomain – binds H3K27me3 Ph – zinc finger Psc – zinc finger dRING – RING zinc finger
PRC2 - adds the methylation mark
Esc (Eed) – WD40 repeats
E(z) (Ezh2) – SET domain – H3K27 methyltransferase
Su(z)12 (mSU(Z)12 – zinc finger
P55 (RbAp48/RbAp4) – histone binding domain
Polycomb proteins repress via H3K27me3
Give evidence for the histone code hypothesis - methylation of lysine 27?
Polycomb repressor complex 2 methylate’s H3K27 via Ezh2 – a SET domain protein
H3K27me3 provides a binding site for polycomb via its chromodomain
Interaction between PRC1 and PRC2 allows spreading of the repressive heterochromatin signal
Give a summary of these histone modifications?
- *H3K4me3 – active mark – bound by PHD fingers
- *H3K9me3 – repressive mark – bound by HP1 chromodomain
- *H3K27me3 – repressive mark – bound by Polycomb chromodomain
Normal modifications
H3K14Ac – active mark – bound by bromodomain proteins
H3K36me3 – active mark – bound by HDAC complex to re-set transcribed chromatin
Methylation of lysine’s carried out by SET domain proteins
Acetylation of lysine’s carried out by histone acetyltransferases (HATs)
How are epigenetic chromatin modifications maintained at replication?
For a chromatin mark to carry epigenetic information, it must be stably heritable
Need to have a mechanism to “inherit” the chromatin marks
More difficult with histones as histone tetramers are randomly deposited as the replication fork moves through during transcription
Newly synthesized histones are deposited to fill the “gaps”
The chromatin assembly Complex CAF1 deposits newly synthesized H3/H4 to fill the gaps
Asf1 is a H3/H4 chaperone (to prevent charged proteins from sticking)
Current thinking: The “old” histones provide a template to recruit modifying enzymes and re-establish the histone modifications within a chromatin domain