Histology surface epithelium Flashcards
protein of zona occludens that maintains barrier between adjacent cells and apical and lateral domains
forms the backbone of each zonula occludens strand
forms the extracellular aqueous channels for paracellular passage of ions
formation of occluding junctions in endothelial cells betwwen endothelial cells amd monocytes
zipper and seal functions
barrier against paracellular diffusion
Junctional adhesion molecule (JAM)
pathway of substance transport that requires energy
across the plasma membrane of the epithelial cells
Transcellular pathway
across zonula occludens between two adjacent cells
paracellular pathway
The permeabilityy of occluding junction depends on:
molecular composition of aonula occludens strands
number of active aqueous channels
responsible for the formation of extracellular aqueuous channel
mechanical stability for epithelial cells
found on lateral cwll surface and basal domain of epithelial cells
structural unity
with signal transduction
cell to cell recognition
interacts with intrmediate filaments
Adhering or anchoring junction, zona adherens
part of every anchoring junction on. oth kayeral and basal cell surfaces
cell adhesion molecules (CAM)
allows cells to easily join and dissociate
selective adhesiveness
linked through a variety of intravellular proteins to components of cell cytoskeleton
cytoplasmic domains
transmembrane Ca+ dependent CAMS
regulate mechanisms of growth snd cell differentiation
interact with extracellular matrix molecules and with actin filaments of cytoskeleton
controls cell movement and shape
expressed on WBC wnd endothelial cells
mediate neutrophil-endothelial cell recognition
involved in directing lymphocytes
mediate homotypic cell to cell adhesion
Ig superfamily (IgSF)
for epithelial surface integrity
continuous band belt-like configuration
witn E cadherin
zonula adherens
anchoring crll to cell junction that provides a strong attchement
macula adherens (desmosome)
cytoplasmic bundles containing bundle
inter al structure found in the hair.ike extensionsof the apical plasma membrane
axoneme microtubule based
where axoneme. extends from centriole-derived microtubule
basal body
what are the classification of cillia?
numerous on the apical domain of many epithelial cells
with flagella to transports
has 9+2 axonemal organization
motile cillia
solitary prijections found on eukaryotic cells
monocilia-single cilium per cell
chemosensors, light sensors, sound perception
primary ciliia (monocilia)
found in bilaminarembryonicdisc of the embryo(gastrulation)
surroundsprimitive node
performs rotational movement
for early embryonic development
nodal cillia
short, fine, hair-like structures
motil cilia
thin darkstaining band extending across the cell at the base of the cilia
basal bodies
from the tip of the cilium to its base
9+2 microtubule array
collar like extension between the transitional zone of basal body and plasma membrane
alar sheet (transitionak fiber)
found in the midregion of thbasal body
for ciliary movement coordination
adjusting the badal bodies by rotating them
basal foot
made of rootletin-containing protofilaments
projects and anchors the basal body within the apical cell cytoplasm
striated rootlet
based on the movement of th doublet microtubules
ciliary activity
initiated by dynein arms
exhibits rapid forward movement
ciliary activity
cilia becomes flexible
slower return movement
recovery stroke
moving mucus over epithelial surfaces
flow of fluid and other substances through tubular organs and ducts
cilia metachronal rhythm
only one cilium
found on rete testis
ependymal cells cavities of CNS
primary cells
cytoplasmic processes containing a core of actin filaments
unusually long, immotile microvilli that extends from apical surfaces
found on epididymis
ductis deferens
sensory hair
unusually long motile microvilli
resembles the hairs of a paint brush
supported by internal bundles of actin filaments cross-linked by fimbrin
allow epithelial cells to function as a barrier
for primary intercellular diffusion barrier
prevent migration of lipids
Zona occludens
Interface between dupport tissues and parencyma
initiates development of basal lamina
Used to identify the basement membrane
Periodic acid schiff (PAS)
main layer of basal lamina
Lamina densa
major component of the basal lamina proteins
type IV collagen
anchoring fibrils that link basal lamina to reticular lamina
Type VII
stabilizing lamina in skeletal and cardiac muscle
Type XV
in vascular and epithelial basal laminae for angiogenesis
involved in he cell to extracellular matrix interactions
for basal lamina assembly
for development differentiation and remodeling of epithlium
link between laminin and the type IV collagen network
bind Ca+
support cell adhesion
promote neutrophil chemotaxis and phgocytosis
pathway in between cells
paracellular pathway
pathway through cells
transcellular pathway
hearing receptors
type of cilia that can move separately
has cytoplasmic ridges
moves dependently
seen on skin, cornea
seen in alimentary tract, liver and pancreas
seen in kidneys, reproductive tissues, endothelium and mesothelium
between basal lamina and th cell
clear tand electron lucent area
Lamina lucida
layers composed of cells covering the extertior body surfaces
basal lamina
an arifact, not a true layer
lamina lucida
numerous on th apical domain of many epithelial cells
posses 9+2 axonemal organizAtion
motile cilia
solitary projections found on eukaryotic cells
connecting stalks of photorceptor cells
ependymal cells lining fluid-filled cavities pf CNS
primary cilia (monocilia)
found in bilaminar embryonic disc pf the embryo gastrulation surrounds primitive node perform rotational movement for early embryonic develoment
nodal cilia
cilia + basal bodies
ciliary apparatus
site of microfilAment is in the?
Zona adherens
maintain the morphologic integrity of the epithelium-connective tissue interface
anchoring junctions
anchor actin filaments of th cytoskeleton into the basement membrane
focal adhesio s
anchor intermediate filaments of th cytoskeleton into the basement membrane
amino acid sequence of the cytoplasmic portions of all three proteins
PDZ-domain proteins