Histology of the SI and LI Flashcards
Small Intestine
duodenum, jejunum, and ileum
principle site for digestion of food and absorption of digestion products
Plicae circulares
transverse folds with a submucosal core
-cannot lay flat if distended
not in duodenum, visible in jejunum, less so in ileum
-foldings of the entire mucosa, and some submucosa
-covered with intestinal villi
Intestinal Villi
mucosal folds that project into lumen and cover surface of SI
- increase absorptive surface area
simple columnar cells that produce enzymes for digestion and absorption
goblet cells
provide mucus coat to shield from abrasion and bacterial invasion
lymphatic structure in intestinal villi that is important for absorption
Finger like folds of mucosa projecting into the lumen
covered by microvilli
Enterocyte microvilli
striated border
- provide amplification of luminal surface
- glycocalyx coat assists in nutrient uptake
- actin microfilament core anchors to other proteins and myosin 1 via terminal web
- terminal web permits contraction of microvilli
Intestinal Glands
simple tubular glands lined by simple columnar epi.
1) enteroendocrine cells
2) paneth cells
3) intestinal stem cells
4) microfold (M) cells
- continuous w/ simple columnar that covers intestinal villi
- open onto the luminal surface of the intestine at the base of the villi
enteroendocrine cell
found throughout the intestinal glands
-secrete peptide hormones to control gut motility, regulate secretion of enzymes, HCL, bile and other components for digestion
stimulates bicarbonate secretion by the pancreatic duct
it enhances insulin secretion by B cells of the islet of langerhans
it slows down emptying of the stomach by acting on the pyloric sphincter
it stimulates bile release from the gallbladder and teh secretion of pancreatic enzymes
it stimulates the secretion of the HCL by parietal cells
it stimulates insulin secretion by B cells of the islet of langerhans
also stimulates gastric motility and growth of the mucosal cells
Paneth Cells
pyramidal shaped cells at base of intestinal glands
- funcitons in innate immunity by secreting antimicrobial substances (lysozyme, a-defensins, other glycoproteins)
- regulate normal bacterial flora via antibacterial action and phago.
- sometimes found in LI (just a lil)
Intestinal Stem Cells (ISCs)
reside in niche at crypt base, near paneth cells
repopulate epi lining
daughter cells move out of the crypts…differentiate into goblet cells, enterocytes, enteroendocrine cells