Histology of the heart Flashcards
Layers of the heart
Intima = endocardium Media = myocardium Adventitia = epicardium (mesothelial layer)
Endothelium = simple squamous epithelium Subendothelial CT loose CT collagen & elastic fibers embedded fibroblasts some SMC contains cardiac conduction system
Epicardium/visceral pericardium
inner layer of pericardial sac
loose fatty CT
Nutrients, protective cushion and conduit for coronary vasculature and nerves (autonomic + sensory)
simple squamous mesothelium - secretes lubricant serous fluid
contractile myocardial cells usually central nuclei striated with myofibrils high capillary: fiber ratio numerous mitochondria long-lived cells branched fibers arranged into fascicles fibrous CT between fascicles - conduit for vessels & nerves rich capillary network around fascicles Intercalated disc
Intercalated disc
unique to myocardium
withstand stress
end-to-end mechanical and electrical linkage between myocardial cells
fascia adherens (transverse): anchor actin from myofibrils to sarcolemma
Desmosomes: link intermediate filaments, focal mechanical adhesion between fibers
Gap junctions: contain connexons, electrical coupling between fibers; membranes of 2 myofibrils contacted, synchronized contractility
Endocrine function of the heart
myocardial cells produce and secrete ANP
secreted in response to myocardial stretch
Conduction system histology
No epicardium Purkinje fibres - large diameter fibres in subendocardium - some deep in myocardium - lots of glycogen, mito, gap junction
Cardiac valves - histo
folds of endocardium, central core of dense fibrous CT
Attach to annuli fibrosi of cardiac fibrous skeleton
dense fibrous CT core rich in collagen + elastic tissue
scattered fibroblasts