Histology of the GI tract Flashcards
What sort of epithelium lines the oral cavity, oropharynx and laryngopharynx?
Stratified squamous epithelium which is generally not keratinised
Describe the epithelium on the anterior 2/3 of the tongue.
Stratified squamous epithelium which is thin on the ventral surface, and is thick and with papillae on the dorsal surface.
Describe the epithelium on the posterior 1/3 of the tongue.
What is present in the submucosa?
It is covered with smooth stratified squamous epithelium.
It lacks papillae apart from the circumvalate papillae
There are substantial lymphoid aggregates in the submucosa.
Name the four types of papillae on the tongue.
Which of these does not have any taste buds?
Circumvalate Foliate Fungiform Filiform The filiform papillae do not have any taste buds.
What are the four major layers of the digestive tract architecture?
Mucosa: epithelium (which sits on a basal lamina), Lamina propria (loose connective tissue), and the muscularis mucosae (a thin layer of smooth muscle).
Submucosa: loose connective tissue
Muscularis externa: two thick layers of smooth muscle, an inner circular layer and an outer longitudinal layer
Serosa or adventitia: An outer layer of connective tissue that either suspends the digestive tract or connects it to other organs.
Which layer of the digestive tract varies most between different parts of the digestive tract?
The mucosa
Is there any skeletal muscle in the oesophagus?
Yes- superiorly, but it transitions to purely smooth muscle more distally.
What type of epithelium lines the cardia of the stomach?
Columnar epithelium
Describe the mucosa of the stomach.
Columnar epithelium. There are gastric pits with gastric glands beneath them which secrete the acid and enzymes required to begin digestion.
What sort of cells lines gastric pits?
Surface mucous cells
What is the name of the invagination in a parietal cell that gives it an increased surface area?
Which cells secrete pepsinogen?
How is it stored in these cells?
Chief cells.
It is stored as zymogen granules of pepsinogen.
What are there lots of in parietal cells?
tubulovesicles containing proton pumps, and mitochondria.
Describe how the mucosa varies in the different regions of the stomach.
Cardia: Deep gastric pits that branch into loosely packed, tortuous glands
Body: Shallow gastric pits with long, straight gastric glands
Deep gastric pits with branched, coiled gastric glands at a higher density than in the cardia.
How is the muscularis externa of the stomach unusual?
In some areas it contains an extra layer of smooth muscle which runs oblique to the circular smooth muscle layer and longitudinal smooth muscle layer.
It runs internal to the circular layer.
This layer aids the churning action of the stomach.
What becomes thickened to form the pyloric sphincter?
The inner, circular layer of smooth muscle.
Describe the mucosa of the small intestine.
There are finger like projections called villi.
Between the bases of adjacent villi there are pits “drilling” downwards, called the Crypts of Lieberkuhn.
Describe unique features of each of the parts of the small intestine.
Duodenum: Contain’s Brunner’s glands in the submucosa which produces a thin, alkaline mucous in response to the presence of chyme to neutralise it.
Jejunum: It has the tallest villi, located on permanent circular folds of the mucosa and submucosa called the plicae circularis.
Ileum: Has aggregations of lymphoid follicles called Peyer’s patches found in the submucosa and often extending into the lamina propria.
Name the only 2 parts of the digestive tract which have submucosal glands.
The oesophagus and the duodenum.
What do the submucosal glands in the oesophagus do?
They produce a lubricant to aid the passage of food through the oesophagus.
What cells are found in the intestinal epithelium?
Name them and describe their function.
Enterocytes: they are the most numerous cells. They are tall columnar cells with a brush border and are the principle absorptive cell.
Goblet cells: produce mucin to protect the epithelium and lubricate the passage of material.
Paneth cells: found at the bases of crypts of Lieberkuhn and have a defensive function.
Neuroendocrine cells: Produce hormones that contribute to the control of secretion and motility.
Stem cells: Found at the bases of the crypts of Lieberkuhn, and divide to replenish the epithelium.
Describe the enterocytes of the small intestine.
Simple columnar epithelium with a brush border.
Describe the plicae circularis.
In the jejunum
They are folds of the mucosa and submucosa with villi.
Describe the lymphoid tissue in the small intestine.
There is a substantial amount of lymphoid tissue in the gut, called “gut associated lymphoid tissue” (GALT). Much of this consists of scattered lymphocytes, but areas of relatively large aggregations of lymphoid tissue exist, particularly in the ileum, called “Peyer’s patches”.
They can extend up into the lamina propria and sometimes even into the epithelium.
What are the two principle cell types in the epithelium of the large intestine?
Absorptive cells and Goblet cells.
Absorptive cells: For removal of salts and thereby water
Goblet cells: For the secretion of mucous to lubricate the colon.
Describe the mucosa of the large intestine.
The epithelium is arranged in straight, tubular glands, referred to as crypts, which extend all the way down to the muscularis mucosa.
The lamina propria pokes up between each crypt.
What is different about the longitudinal muscle in the large intestine compared to other parts of the digestive tract?
It is not continuous, but is found in 3 muscular strips called teniae coli.
What type of epithelium lines the anal canal?
Stratified squamous epithelium which is connective with the stratified squamous epithelium of the surrounding skin as you move out of the anal canal.
It begins as non-keratinised but becomes keratinised.
What is the nervous system in the gut called?
Where does it receive input from?
The enteric nervous system
It receives input from the autonomic nervous system but is capable of coordinating gut motility locally.
Where is the myenteric plexus of the enteric nervous system found?
What does it control?
It is found between the layers of circular and longitudinal smooth muscle.
It controls gut motility.
What is the plexus found in the submucosa called?
What does it control?
It is called the submucosal plexus.
It controls the muscle of the muscularis mucosae and also helps regulate secretion in the epithelium.
Summarise the type of epithelium which lines a)oral cavity, pharynx, oesophagus and anal canal
b) the stomach
c) the small intestine
d) the large intestine
a) Non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium which has a protective function
b) Simple columnar epithelium with extensive tubular glands which has a secretory function
c) Simple columnar epithelium with tubular glands, which has an absorptive function
d) Simple columnar epithelium with tubular glands which has a protective and absorptive function.