Histology Flashcards
Which cells are BINUCLEAR?
Hepatocytes (Liver)
Cardiac muscle
Epithelial cells of the UT
Transcription involves what two products?
Translation involves what two products?
mRNA + Protein
Ribosomes create an acidic and stainable cell called?
Cytoplasmic Basophilic phenomenon
What organelle sequester’s Ca+?
Primary lysosomes are made up of what two products?
What is the name of incomplete or inactive lysosome?
Residual Body
What is Tay-Sach’s disease and what are the characteristics?
Lysosomes which are incomplete. Autosomal Recessive, 1st yo will have a “cherry red spot” and unfortunately the pt will die at the age of 2 yo.
What are two items that are involved with zonula adherens, which results in the products holding two cells together?
Tonofilaments and Mucoproteins
What type of cells are part of the inner lining of blood vessels?
Simple Squamous
What type of cells are part of the Thyroid gland?
Simple Cuboidal
What type of cells are part of the GI Tract?
Simple Columnar
What type of cells are part of the Respiratory tract?
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
What is part of cells that prevents dehydration and mechanical stress?
What type of cells are part of sweat glands?
Stratified Cuboidal
What type of cells are part of the Anus?
Stratified Columnar
What type of cell and gland are Apocrine?
Gland of Moll
Goblet cells
What is the stenson’s duct?
Where the parotid gland is excreted into the mouth, which is above the upper 2nd molar
What is Sjrogren’s syndrome?
Damaged salivary gland
The Pancreas has both endocrine and exocrine, which of the two is duct less and involves what three products from the islet’s of langerhans?
Endocrine: Somatostatin, Insulin and Glucagon
Note: DM and Grave’s Disease are both endocrine diseases
In the Adrenal Gland, what type of cells create colloid? What is colloid?
Follicular cells and colloid is inactive but is a hormone which can be modified to T3 and T4 by TSH, if needed.
In the Adrenal Gland, what type of cells inhibit osteoclasts?
Parafollicular, which produces calcitonin.
Note: Parathyroid gland which can increase Calcium in the blood.
True or False. Hyperthyroidism and hair loss are synonymous.
True. Eyelashes can be lost as well
What are the three layers of the cortex of the adrenal gland and hormones do they produce?
Glomerucula = Aldosterone (Salt) Fasciculata = Cortisol (Sugar) Androgen = Androgen (Sex)
What is the name of the depression in the roof of the mouth, which invaginates to form the Anterior Pitutary Gland? What embryonic structure is it derived from?
Rathke’s Pouch
What type of Acidophil produces growth hormones during puberty?
The other Acidophil is Mammotrophs, which generate prolactin.
What type of tumors cause gigantism in kids and acromegaly in adults?
Acidophil tumors
What are the three types of Basophils and what hormone to do they produce?
Gonadotrophs - FSH and LH
Thyrotrophs - TSH
Corticotrophs - ACTH (directs the adrenal cortex hormone)
What is the purpose of the Posterior Pituitary and where does it embryologically originate from?
Storage and release
Originates: Diencephalon
What are the 2 nuclei that produce ADH and Oxytocin and where are these two hormone’s stored?
Paraventricular and Supraopti Nuclei’s
Posterior Pituitary in Herring Bodies
What type of CT tissue is blood, bone and cartilage?
The other type of CT is proper
Where is CT derived from?
True or False. There are less fiber in CT than epithelium.
False. There are generally more fibers of CT than epithelium
What type of cells become Plasma?
Mature B Lymphocytes
What type of cells contain heparin and histamine?
Mast cells
What are the three type of Monocytes in the body?
Microglia (Brain)
Kupffer cells (LIver)
Monocytes - until it leaves the blood stream, then they are called macrophages
What type of CT helps maintaining blood flow through capillary walls but becomes damaged when DM is present?
Pericytes (Hemeorraging and Diabetic Retinopathy will occur)
Since Collagen is the predominant fiber in the body, what is 1/3 of collagen comprised of?
Elastic fibers are another type of CT but what are the major areas they are located in?
Made up of Elastin, so they are located in: Dermis of skin Aorta High pressured vessels Hyaluronic acid (VITREOUS)
Note: UV damage causes wrinkles
Reticular fibers are associated with?
Lymphoid and Myeloid tissues
Keratin is ___% of GAG’s in the cornea, which is also in bone and cartilege. While, Chondrotin sulfate is ___% of GAG’s in the cornea, which is found in bone, cartilege and heart valves.
Keratin 66%
Chondroitin sulfate 33%
Note: Proteoglycans are comprised of a sulfated GAG bound to a protein
Since Plasma is 55% of blood, what is Plasma majority of made up of?
What maintains blood osmolarity and is the most abundant protein in the plasma?
What is the lifespan od RBC’s?
120 days
Note: In the spleen, Iron is reused and globulins become bile.
What is the most abundant cell in the body?
What is more predominant in the RBC, Hemoglobin or Globulins?
Globulins 95% due to the fact there are 4 of them per RBC.
Hemoglobin 5%, where there is one and Fe+ is predominant
Where do WBC’s originate from?
Bone Marrow
They are further subdivided into Granular and Agranular
What are the 3 types of Granulocytes?
Basophils, Eosinophils and Neutrophils
Agranulocytes are mononucear cells, which one are they?
Lymphocytes and monocytes
What is the most common and least common WBC in the body?
Most: Neutrophils
Least: Basophils
Order: Neutrophils>Lymphocytes>Monocytes>Eosinophils>Basophils
What type of hypersensitivity are Basophils associated with?
Type 1
In an allergic reaction, you will see what type of WBC?
What is the largest blood cells in the boday?
What is the chief immune cells involved in fighting Viral invasion?
What is the process of a blood clot occurring?
Platelets produce Thromboplastin, which then converts
Prothrombin to Thrombin, which acts as a converter
Fibrogen (in our blood stream all the time) to Fibrin
Fibrin then forms a blood clot.
All blood cells originate from ____ stem cell in the bone marrow in a process called ____________?
1 stem cell
What type of Bone cells surrounds the central artery and is responsible for maintenance of the matrix?
What type of bone cell produce the matrix called lamellae and remove Ca from the blood and deposit it in the bone.
What type of hormone will decrease Ca+ by inhibiting Osteoclasts and phophorous in kidney’s?
Since Calcitonin, tones down Ca+ what will increase Ca+ in the blood stream?
Parathyroid hormone, which stimulates osteoclasts
What is the primary type of collagen?
Type 2
What type of muscle is Iris sphincter and Iris dilator?
Smooth muscle
What type Neuron is found in the Retina?
Note: The most common type is multi-nuclear
Orthograde impulse occurs in the Retina, causing ONH pallor. Where does the impulse go from to where?
Cell body to Axon
PRP laser causes the death of these the Cell body.
What is the name when a action potential skips an action potential from one node to another.
Saltatory conduction
What type of myelin provides support for capillaries and contributes to the blood/brain barrier?
What type of carcinoma can occur at the Stratum Spinosum?
Squamous cell carcinoma
Note: Similar to Actinic Keratosis (scaly pink lesion)
UV exposure to the Stratum Basale will cause what type of carcinoma?
Basal cell carcinoma
Tanning will cause an increase in what type of basal cell?
Melanosomes not Melanocytes.
Melanosomes wrap around melanin but Melanocytes protect from UV light
What enzyme deficiency occurs in Ocular albinism?
Tyrosin to melanin won’t occur.
Where are the nerve endings located in the skin?
Everywhere in the body, blood vessels all have simple squamous epithlium, except in what region?
The lymphnodes, which are cuboidal cells
True or False. There is hyaline cartilage in Bronchioles aswell as bronchi’s?
False. Only in bronchi’s it is present.
What type of pneumocyte will divide and possiblly replace type 1 pneumocytes?
Type 2
Note: Type 2 has surfactant involved to lower surface tension
What is secreted by the parietal cells in the stomach?
Intrinsic factor and secrete HCL
Note: Intrinsic factor is something that helps with the absorption of B12 (cobalamin)
What is the main sphincter of the pancreas?
Sphincter of Oddi
What are the 3 regions of the small intestine?
Duodenum, Jejunum and Ileum
Where does the digestion of proteins start?
Stomach, but most of it occurs in the duodenum and Jejunum
Where does the digestion of carbohydrates start?
Mouth, but is completed by the duodenum
Note: Lipid digestion doesn’t occur til the duodenum
What is the largest gland in the body?
What is larger the hepatic artery or hepatic vein?
Hepatic vein
Note: The hepatic vein carries oxygen depleted but has nutrient rich products.
What organ regulates the amount of sugar in the body?
If sugar is low, glycogen is dumped into the blood stream and vice a versa