Hist 108 - 1st Mini Exam Flashcards
Why was the Columbian Exchange important?
It was important for Europe + Americas because it helped initiate contact with the new world.
When, How and Why did Europeans engage in Maritime expansion?/ What were the main results of their exploration?
When: Mid 1400’s to mid 1500’s (First contact made by C.C -1492)
How: the innovation of traveling tools such as the caravel, gunpowder, weapons, compass + astrolabe, map
Why: To accumulate wealth and gain power over their rivals
What was the Columbian Exchange?
Def: A massive transfer of animals, and diseases across the Atlantic.
-Crops like potatoes fed European farmers
-European livestock decimated American Ecologies
-Rats transmitted diseases
Who was Vasco Da Gama?
1460-1524; First to reach India by circumventing Africa
What was the Treaty of Tordesillas?
the marking of the splitting between the Portuguese and the spaniards
Who was Christopher Columbus?
Explorer for the Portuguese; touched the Americas in 1492; spread christian faith and wanted wealth
What was the Encomienda System?
1503 - A system set up by the Spanish government to assuage the abuse going on in the colonies. The Spanish would be the heads who exchanged their protection for the labor and goods of the indigenous.
Importance: highlights the motive of profit + christian conversion behind Spanish colonization
Purpose: control violent + exploitative behavior of Spanish in America
Reform attempt 1540’s; failed
Who was Hernan Cortes?
Spanish/ Portuguese explorer who won over Mexico
Who were the Mapuche?
People in southern Chile who managed to ward off the Europeans; Found success because of militant culture, location, and adoption of European military tech + food, horse + weapons
What were the results of the European Maritime Expansion?
- columbian exchange
- creation of Atlantic World
- Colonialism
- Massive Death in America due to Disease
- Beginning of Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
- Wealth for Spanish + Portuguese colonizers
- Global Population growth: 1400’s - 360 mil; 1600
What are some beliefs that can be derived the European expansion?
- natural world is a source of wealth. Explorers sold idea: more mastery of land/acquisition - more wealth
- Human equality: Expansion brought contact between new people + Euro’s : European superiority/ difference
What did the Europeans believe about the indigenous population in the America’s?
They were a source of labor + inferior to them
What were some of the motives for European exploration?
Gain power, wealth, spread christianity, gain access to the source: spices, gold, slaves
Why did Portugal want to dominate trade?
there was a dwindling amount of goods they could offer, and there was alot of pull from its opponents to explore abroad
What was the middle passage?
The markets for the slave emerged in the 1500’s; The voyage to the Indies that trafficked slaves
What were the genies?
prominent belief of western African religions that certain objects, lands, natural locations, are sacred
Humans should respect these spirits
These beliefs got mixed up with Christian + islamic practices to create Africanized practices in the Atlantic world.
What is the importance of Angola?
It was a Portuguese colony that gave them an access point for slaves to take back to the new world.