Hiroshima mon Amour Flashcards
Learn scenes to analyse.
Scenes for DeLeuze
- Empty and disconnected spaces:
- Empty restaurant/tea room where they sit
- Empty Street that they walk through
- Them disconnected from the world in bed with curtains drawn - Irrational Cuts that aid to create a time image:
- From extreme close ups in bed to tracking shots or montage close-ups of Hiroshima
- Recollection images are often dissolved into one another, while cuts to the present are normal
- This opposes normal flashback tradition and implies there is something else at work - Tracking shot that plunges spectators into time:
- Hospital of Hiroshima
- Streets of Hiroshima
The past affects her feelings and thoughts, as she cannot love a new man.
-Directed by Alain Resnais in 1959
- Woman
- Man
Scenes for Metz
- Scene for sentence world:
- Child in Hospital (Here is a dying child) - Scene for denotated signifier and significate are signifier for connoted significate:
- The mise-en scene of dead soldier next to massive stone blocks connotes the overpowering function of war that has killed him
- Low angle of demonstration about atom bombs connotes the deadly force of destruction
- Camera movement back in restaurant connotes their unstable relationship - Scene for syntagmatic Structure:
- Dying children in Hiroshima are cross-cut with emotional close-ups of hands and naked bodies (Creates the connotation of inevitability of death and love in live. Both exist equally. Maybe even a consequence of each other.)