HiRise Flashcards
All horizontal ventilation in a commercial hi rise shall be controlled by who?
The IC
When should a 10-76 be transmitted in a hi rise?
When there is a confirmed fire
When is a 10-76 transmitted in a commercial hi rise?
When there is visible smoke or fire through the skin or there is a serious fire
Prior to the arrival of the 1st arriving bc who should be left at the command post?
Preferabally the 1st LCC
How many spare scba’s should be at the forward staging area?
At least 20
Engines should bring what to the forward staging area?
an scba for each member…a standpipe kit and nozzle…a length of hose per firefighter…a spare cylinder
Should you augment stairwells in buildings with positive pressure stairwells?
No do not use fdny positive pressure fans
Prior to the arrival of the second bc who shall the IC designate as the fire sector branch supervisor?
One of the 1st alarm officers
Where should the SAE post be established?
At least 5 floors above the fire floor and if possible on a floor not served by the same elevator bank that serves the fire floor
All units assigned to the SAE post should bring what with them?
A spare cylinder
Where should the Forward Staging Area be established?
2 floors below the fire floor, when conditions permit
Where should the Forward Triage Area be established?
On the floor below the Forward Staging Area
There is two way communication between the fire command station and where else in a commercial hi rise?
- floor warden stations 2.mechanical control center 3.Elevators 4. Air Handeling control rooms 5. Elevator machinery rooms
Any point on a commercial hi rise shall be no more then how many feet from a manual pull station?
200 feet…and one should be in the path of any escape route on every floor
If the elevators recall on a class e alarm what has happened?
There has been an activation on an elevator landing or there has been a sprinkler water flow alarm
As the 1st due truck at a hi rise run what info should you get from the fire safety director?
SALE..—Status of elevators——————————————– Access stairs serving the fire floor— ——————–Location of fire——- —————————————–Evacuation procedures implemented
Who should determine the attack stairs in a commercial hi rise fire?
The 1st due truck boss…different from residential where truck boss and engine boss determine attack stair
Should the 2nd and 3rd due truck companies take there own elevators?
No if possible use the elevator car staffed by the 1st arriving ladder company
How should the 3rd due truck get to the floor above the fire?
By using a stairway other then the attack stairway
Who determines the evacuation stairs in a commercial hi rise?
the 3rd due truck
What should the 4th arriving ladder company bring to the ICP?
an extra scba cylinder
What should the 4th due truck not due unless ordered by the IC?
Proceed with ventilation of the roof
Where should the 4th due truck due primary searches?
The top five floors
Who in commercial hi rise’s shall announce when the commencing of hose line attack is to begin?
The engine company officer
Who takes and monitors the post radio ?
The 2nd arriving engine company officer and stays by the standpipe outlet until relieved
Engines on greater alarms shall bring what into the lobby?
spare scba, rolled up lengths
Buildings required to have fire towers were built when?
Between 1938 and 1968
Commercial buildings built after 1968 are considered what type of construction?
Lightweight and usually core construction…fire towers are not required…extensive plenums…multi floor hvac sytems…curtain walls
All hvac systems can placed in non-circulating mode how?
Open all outside air supply dampers…Close all mixing dampers…Opening all exhaust dampers
Fusible links will close fire dampers at what temperature?
50 degrees above the max temperature that would normally be encountered
The 1968 building code requires a manual fire pump in all buildings over how many feet and the 1938 code requires it to be?
300 feet and 250 feet
Who should be assigned to operate a buildings fire pump?
If there are two fire pumps they should be in what position and the bypass valve should be what?
Parallel position and the bypass valve should be closed
What is the 4 step procedure for starting the fire pumps?
- close knife switch 2.Close circuit breaker 3. Push start button 4. Move selector lever to desired pump speed
Recommended pump pressure for floors 1-10 is 150psi and goes up by how many psi every 10 floors?
50 psi…ex:11-20 200psi, 21-30 250psi, etc…
A buildings fire pump should be able to deliver a pressure of what psi at the highest floor outlet?
50 psi….a relieve valve is required to limit the pressure to 15psi over the 50 at the highest floor outlet
You should a separate engine supply the standpipe for every what?
Every hose line operating
buildings built before 1945 where considered what type of construction technique?
heavyweight construction
buildings built between 1945 and 1968 were considered what type of construction?
medium weight…fire towers were required
Buildings built after 1968 were considered what type of construction?
Lightweight construction…core construction is commonly used…fire towers not required
how much space does the securing of a curtain wall usually leave?
6-12 inches
what are the 3 sub system of an HVAC system
processing equipment…supply of processed air to the floors of the building…return of the air from the floors to be processed
What must be done before any further action can be done with the HVAC system when you get to a hi rise?
The fire floor must be determined before any further action with the HVAC
Before the HVAC is reactivated what must the IC do?
All units in the building shall be alerted to report any adverse affects
At what temperature does a fusible link of a fire damper go off?
50 degrees F above the maximum temperature that would normally be encountered with the system in operation or shutdown
Fire experience has shown that fire entering the plenum can extend from one floor to another when what fails?
The flexible connectors
Where is a fire pump normally located?
On the lowest floor
On a fire pump what position should the bypass valve be in?
the closed position(stem in)
A pump can be operated with the bypass valve open, however the efficiency of the pump will be effected. A loss of 25% can be expected in an___“riser and a loss of 45% can be expected in a ___” riser with the bypass open
8 and 6
The building fire pumps shall be capable of delivering their rated capacity at a pressure of ___psi at the highest floor outlet?
50 psi
A relief valve is required at the fire pump limiting the pressure to ___psi above that required to deliver its rated capacity at 50psi to the highest floor outlet
15 psi
The primary water supply for most operations is?
The fire department engine
What is a good rule of thumb when supplying the standpipe system?
Have a separate engine supply for each handline in operaation
When is an “ALL-HANDS” transmitted on a 10-76?
Any fire in a high rise office building which requires the stretching and operating of one hoseline
When is 2nd alarm transmitted in a commercial hi rise building?
Any visible fire or smoke emanating through exterior skin of the building or when a serious fire has been verified….when a 2nd alarm is transmitted on a hi rise prior to the transmission of the 10-76, the IC will receive the balance of the 10-76 in addition to the 2nd alarm assigment
Where does the 3rd due truck go?
To the floor above
Where is the FAST unit assigned on a 10-76?
To the fire sector
Who supervises the lobby control unit, communications unit, hi-rise support unit, systems control unit, rehabilitation unit?
The logistics chief
How many units should be staffed and ready at the forward staging area?
at least 3 engines and 2 ladders
The SAE group will require how many units?
At least 1 unit for every 5 floors to be covered
What should a truck reporting to the forward staging area bring?
a scba for each member…two sets of forcible entry tools and six-foot hooks…search and utility ropes..a spare cylinder
When can you use natural vertical ventilation at hi rise commercial fire?
Once the fire is extinguished
When is the possibility of negative stack effect the greatest?
When the outside air temperature is greater then 90 degrees F.
Two way communications between the fire command station and what at a commercial high rise?
Floor warden stations mechanical control center elevators air handling control rooms elevator machinery rooms Fire Pump room
At least ___ manual fire alarm station shall be located in each path of escape in each floor of a building. Additional stations shall be installed so that no point on any floor shall be more than ___ft. from the nearest station.
Activation of a smoke alarm in an elevator landing or a sprinkler activation will do what?
recall the elevators
sound fire alarm on fire floor and floor above(if built after 2008 also on floor below)
stop air supply into and the return from the floor
activate the air exhaust fans and dampers in the smoke shaft or the pressurizing fans in the stair enclosure
unlock the doors on the locked fail safe system
First arriving ladder company obtain as much info. as possible from the fire safety director or his surrogate to?
SALE Status of elevators Access stairs Location of fire Evacuation procedures
Before leaving the lobby the first ladder company should?
Determine best elevator bank to take
Obtain floor plan
obtain ley to gain access
Insure ICP is staffed by member
1st LCC should conduct preliminary inspection of the exterior for?
persons in distress
smoke or fire showing threw the skin
the need for exterior ops.
Who determines the attack stair in a commercial high rise?
The first due ladder officer
Who determines the evacuation stair in a commercial high rise?
The 3rd due truck
Should the 2nd ladder obtain there own elevator in a commercial high rise?
No if possible take first dues elevator
Should the 3rd due truck obtain an elevator in a commercial high rise?
No if possible they should use either the 1st or 2nd due’s elevator
How does the 3rd due truck get to the floor above at a commercial high rise?
Any stairwell except the attack stair
When operations are done on the floor above who does the 3rd due truck report to?
The fire sector supervisor/branch director
What is more important to advise of missions accomplished or not accomplished?
As the 4th ladder company at 10-76 what should each member bring with them?
An extra scba cylinder
How and where does the 4th ladder company at a 10-76 go?
They obtain an elevator that provides the safest access to the roof, upon arrival at the roof the officer will report smoke and heat conditions…the presence of occupants…all means for roof ventilation…any unusual conditions and fire or occupants visible from roof…conduct search of TOP 5 FLOORS
Who does the 4th ladder operate under?
Under the IC until the SAE post is established
At a commercial high rise who announces when the 1st line is to commence operation?
The engine company officer
Where is the engine to remain until the fire location has been verified?
Remain at the ICP
Who takes initial post radio at a commercial high rise?
The 2nd arriving engine company officer to the vicinity of the standpipe where the 1st line is being stretched
What is the 2nd line at a commercial high rise used for?
Reinforce the position of the 1st line
protect the position of the 1st line
protect the search and evacuation of the fire floor
contain and confine fire spread/or prevent fire from wrapping around the core