HIPAA Training Flashcards
Pass this stupid test
What does HIPAA stand for
Health Insurance Portability and AccountabilityAct
When was HIPAA formed
What does Title 1 protect?
Workers and their families when they lose or change jobs
What does Title 2 protect?
the right to keep healthcare information private
When was the implementation of HIPAA mandatory?
April 2003
What Act was created in 2011?
The Texas Medical Records Act
What does the “ workforce” include?
- all clinical and clerical employees of the clinic
- all students doing clinical or clerical work in the clinic
- other employees who have access to clinical space and confidential records are also a part of the workforce
What is the point of HB 300?
tightens the screws of HIPAA and extends the law to additional entities
Who was responsible for HB300?
Rick Perry
How often must training be renewed?
Every two years and must have a signed record of participation in the training must be achieved
Is training general of specific?
training must be specialized to the agency and the work that the individual does
How soon must training occur?
Training must occur within 60 days of employment and is required before handling and/or producing electronic PHI
What does HB 300 do?
expands beyond the workforce to groups of people who might come into possession of PHI for other reasons than working for the covered entity, namely, any business associated with the covered entity who maintain the PHI
Who is not a member of the clinic workforce?
- Anyone without assigned duties in the clinic workspace
- students not working in the clinic in the current semester of faculty members or administrators
- researchers approved to work in the clinic space
- clients
- anyone else from outside the university community not contracted with the university to do work in the clinic space
When may persons who are not members of the clinic workforce enter the clinic workspace?
- during clinic hours by the outer door of the waiting room only binnion 101 and MUST state their need to be in the area, and then will be permitted to enter the area at an appropriate time as determined by the presence of clients and current clinic policy
Can non members of the clinic workspace enter the clinic hall space and other space not under the control of the clinic at anytime the clinic is not open?
May non-member os the clinic workspace enter B106, B110,B102 or the archive room when the clinic is closed ?
Who does the Ancillary members of the clinic workforce include?
administrative, custodial, police, service and maintenance personnel with assigned duties in the clinic space
When may ancillary members of the clinic workforce enter the clinic space?
- they may enter any area in the clinic space to carry out their assigned duties when the clinic is open, only with the consent of the staff member in B101/B106, and should enter through the main entrance to clinic waiting room
- may enter any area in the clinic space to carry out their assigned duties when the clinic is closed, except B102, B106, B110, B124
What rules should you follow when you are in the clinic as ancillary personnel?
- never pick up or look at a file folder with anything in it
- never read anything in a file folder or open a filing cabinet
- do not make eye contact or speak to persons you know who are not university employees assigned to the clinic
What to do in genuine emergencies?
- If it’s your job, take care of it quickly as is appropriate
- if you must enter B106, B102, B1110, B124 in an emergency
What is HIPAA’s definition of research?
” the systematic investigation including research development, testing, and evaluation, designed to develop and contribute to generalizable knowledge”
What’s the deal with researchers in the clinic?
- must have appropriate HIPAA training, complying with both federal and local regulations for access to the clinic space
- will have assigned space in which to work and have points of entry
- will typically be assigned to work in the back wing of the clinic
What official authorization should researchers in the clinic have?
- must have full IRB approval on file in the clinic office, informed consent ( general clinic forms required by HIPAA), and informed consent if required by the IRB agreement including specific written authorization to disclose the relevant protected health information for research purposes
If you are a researcher in the clinic you should
- stay in your assigned area unless you are greeting a participant or using the kitchen or restroom
- call office if needed to see if coast is clear
- do not speak or make eye contact outside of your research team ( either inside or outside the clinic) unless they speak to you first
- do not look down the long hallway towards B101
- make every effort to avoid client contact
What should you do as a researcher, if you encounter a client you know outside of the clinic
You should discuss the fact with the clinic director and any supervisor you might have conducting the research at hand
Should researchers have their participants wait in the waiting room?
No, not when the clinic is open. They should wait in 102 when it is not in use by the clinic or elsewhere, outside of the clinic space
Whose responsibility are the participants of the research?
Ultimately, they are the responsibility of the research team as far as the implementation of HIPAA and clinic requirements is concerned. Any liability incurred by the university in the course of your dealing with those participants is he responsibly of the researcher alone unless the participant is also a clinical client
When was the Privacy Rule enacted?
April 3, 2003
What does the Privacy Rule entail?
- it regulates the use and disclosure of PHI by providers, insurance carries, clearing houses, etc. which engage in covered transactions
- a conservative view argues that the clinic engages in covered transactions and this must be HIPAA- complaint. we are thus a “ covered entity”
- HIPAA violations, which we must report by law, originally entailed entailed to the institution of up to $250,000. ( it is more now)
What act binds HIPAA implementation?
The HITECH Act of 2009 - which increased the penalty of 1.5 million
What is Protected Health Information ?
it is any information held in any form by a concerned entity that concerns health status, or payment for health care that can be linked to any individual