HIPAA / pt rights / OSHA Flashcards
What is HIPAA?
- The health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
- National standards for the protection of health information
- Went into effect in 2002
Who is the governing body of HIPAA
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
HIPPA Omnibus Rule
- Extends HIPAA to cover second and third party
businesses - Effective March 26, 2013
Who is Bound by HIPAA?
- Health care providers:
- A health plan
- A healthcare clearinghouse
are office staff, students, volunteers bound by HIPAA?
Should PTAs refer all requests for patient
information to the supervising PT
Are billing companies and Answering services bound by HIPAA?
What Type of Information is Protected under HIPAA?
- Protected Health Information (PHI)
- Any identifiable health info transmitted orally, electronically or written
- Any form that is created or received by the health care provider regarding past, current or future health information
Examples of PHI:
○ Social security numbers
○ Health information
○ Billing information
○ Address
○ Diagnosis
○ Medical notes
Complying with HIPAA:
- Avoid discussing patients in public
- Utilize only the “minimum necessary”
- Keep it “locked up”
- Locked file cabinets
- Password protected computers
- Paperwork within view of others face dow when not in use
Releasing Patient Information must be authorized by
patient in writing
Can you disclose PHI to family member if “it is reasonable to infer from the circumstances that the patient does not object to the disclosure”
True or false:
No authorization required from patient to release PHI if information is sent to Department of Health and Human Services
No authorization required from patient to release PHI if information is sent to involved victims of abuse
True or false:
No authorization required from patient to release PHI if information is required for legal proceedings, law enforcement
Mandated Reporting
- Child Abuse
- Domestic Violence
How long must records be kept in NY State Law
- six years from the date of the patient’s last visit.
- 6 years after child turns 21
True or false:
pt has the right to amend or correct records
true or false:
pt has right to request a copy of documents
Failure to Comply with HIPAA is enforced by:
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Office of Civil Rights
Civil Offense fine is how much $$$?
○ Inadvertent
○ Personal gain was not intended
○ Fine starting at $100
Criminal Offense fine if information is sold, used for personal gain or malicious harm:
- Knowledgeable violation:
- $50,000 fine, 1 year imprisonment
- $250,000 and 10 years if information is sold, used for personal gain or malicious harm
The patient has a right to…
- Safety of the equipment and provision of services
- Refusal of services
- Right to considerate and respectful care
- Information on how to resolve a complaint
What if the patient can’t exercise their rights?
Advanced Directives:
- Health care proxy: friend or family member
- Living will
- Do Not Resuscitate (DNR)
What is a heathcare proxy?
NYS Health Care Proxy Law allows someone to appoint a trusted friend or family member to make
health care decisions for you if you cannot
Healthcare Proxy form must be completed with how many witnesses?
Form completed with 2 witnesses, no lawyer needed
Proxy must be _____ yrs and not your doctor
When does the healthcare proxy goes into effect?
when an MD deems a patient cannot make decisions for themselves
What can a Proxy Decide?
- Patient makes decision on how much authority
- Medical decisions only – not financial
- Authority ends upon patient’s death
What is OSHA?
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- Regulations to provide safeguards against blood borne pathogens as of 1991
When does the OSHA mandated training must take place?
within 90 days
What does the OSHA training includes?
○ Exposure risk
○ Exposure control plan
○ Availability of Hep B vaccine
○ Emergency procedures
○ How to handle personal protective equipment
○ Explanation of labels
“ Reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that may result from the performance of the employee’s duties.”
definition of Occupational Exposure
Universal precautions states that:
- Treat all bodily fluids as infectious
- Wash hands
- Use gloves at a mimimum
What kills more bacteria soap or alcohol base foam?
alcohol base foam
What is the order of Donning?
- Wash hands
- Gown
- Mask or respirator
- Eye protection
- Gloves (?2 pairs)
What is the order of doffing?
- Gloves
- Eye protection
- Gown
- Mask or respirator
- Gloves (? pair 2)
- Wash hands
when do you put the gloves on in donning?
when do you remove the gloves on in doffing?
When do pt and provider wear PPE?
- Provider: when entering the room, remove before leaving
- Patient: when leaving the room, remove uponentering
Transmission Based Precautions Addresses 3 factors:
- Source of infecting microorganism
- Susceptible host
Means of transmission:
- Contact
- Droplet
- Airborne
- Protective
What do you wear when infection spread by physical contact? Ex?
**Gown and gloves** Clostridium difficile (C. Diff) , Scabies, and MRSA
What do you wear when infection spread by droplets > 5microm? Ex?
- Mask (standard mask)
- Door to room remains closed
Paraflu, Adenovirus, RSV
What do you wear when infection spread by droplets < 5microm? Ex?
- Mask (N-95 respirator mask)
- Door to room remains closed, negative pressure room
- Patients may not be allowed to leave the room
- Measles, Tuberculosis
How much is “sufficient amount” for transmission?
A single drop
What do you wear in protective isolation?
- High risk for infection
- Gown, gloves, mask
- Patients may not be allowed to leave room
- Severe immunecompromiseation, stem cell transplant
If/When exposure happens
Record Keeping:
- Sharps injury log
- OSHA 300 log
Post Exposure follow up and testing:
- Wash with soap and water
- Blood draw
- Hep B Vaccine and/or HIV Chemoprophylaxis
- Follow up to 6 months