Hip Ultrasound Flashcards
Origin of gluteal muscles
posterior surface of ileum,
GLuteus minimus inserti
anterior facet of greater trochanter
glut medius insertion
supero posterior facets
glut max insertion
posterior femur, gluteal tuberosity below the trochanters and Iliotibial tract
sartorius origin
Rectus femoris origin
semimembranosus tendon and conjoint tendon orientation
semimembranosus tendon is anterior to conjoined tendon…. semimem origin is anterolateral to conjoint tendon
Hesselbach triangle landmark
apex laterallly - inferior epigastric vessels , inguinal ligament inferiorly, medial border is rectus abdominis
sportsman hernia pathological part
common aponeurosis
Spigelian hernia area
between rectus abdominis and lateral abdominal musculature , Lateral margin of rectus abdominis
Origin of indirect head of rectus femoris
laterally at the superior acetabular ridge
which rectus femoris head becomes a central aponeurosis
indirect head.
muscle superficial to the femoral artery
order of appearance of adductor muscles
Saphenous nerve location
deep to sarorius and superficial to gracilis