Hip Knee Flashcards
Hip Abductor MET/ART (ITB Hypertonicity)
One hand on ankle, the other on Hip abductors, put into adduction, have them try and abduct, you hold, etc.
Hypertonic LONG Adductors MET/ART
Stand in between their legs with bad leg off table, bad leg you grab ankle good leg grab below knee, put them into abduction for bad leg, have them try and adduct into your thigh, then you push into abduction
Diagnosing Hypertonic Short adductors
Patient supine in FABER position (bad leg Flexed, abducted, externally rotated) with foot on their other leg, You stand same side as bad leg, one hand on their opposite hip, closer hand on their knee, push knee down and test for frestriction of motion. Should be no more than hands width between thigh being tested and table top
Hypertonic SHORT Adductors MET/ART
Patient with bad leg in faber position. You on same side as faber. One hand on opposite hip, other hand on bad knee, push down into abduction, they relax, etc.
MET/ART internally/externally rotated hip SD
Patient stand on side of the SD (So for internal rotation SD, you on opposite side of leg and etc). Put them into the non-SD side, push into the SD side, then do same shit.
MET/ART for Hip Extension SD: Hamstrings
One hand on ASIS, other above ankle. Put Patients ankle on physician shoulder. Put their hip into flexion, have them push into extension, etc
MET/ART for Hip Extension SD: Gluteus Maximus
One hand on PSIS, other above ankle. Flex at hip, put their foot on your thigh. Put them into flexion, have them push into extension against your thigh, etc.
MET/ART for Hip Flexion SD
They lying prone, your fist down on psis, other hand grab their knee and pull into extension, they push into flexion, etc.
Thomas Test
Have patient dangle legs off table, have patient lift one leg off table, if other leg comes off too then the other one is dysfunctional for illiopsoas
Anterior Posterior glide assessment
They supine, hip flexed 45 knee 90, can sit on foot, anterior translation tests anterior slide and acl, posterior translation tests posterior slide and pcl stability
Extended tibiofemoral somatic dysfunction Diagnosis,MET/ART
Diagnosis: Freedom in extension, limited in flexion. Assess ROM and end feel. They lying prone, put knee into flexion, have them try and extend, you hold then put into flexion etc.
Flexed tibiofemoral somatic dysfunction Diagnosis,MET/ART
Diagnosis: Freedom in flexion, limited in extension. Assess ROM and end feel. They lying supine, put knee into extension, have them try and flex, then move to new barrier. One hand below their ankle, the other above their knee
Diagnose Abduction/adduction tibiofemoral SD
Thkey supine, hip and knee flexed to 90 degrees. Pysician standing, grab right below knee both hands, hold their foot between your arm and body. Tibial abduction by totating whole body laterally, applying valgus force at knee Tibial adduction by rotating whole body medially,applying a varus force at knee.
MET/ART Abductin/Adduction Tibiofemoral SD
They supine, hip and knee flexed to 90 degrees. Pysician standing, grab right below knee both hands, hold their foot between your arm and body. If they have abduction SD, then put their tibia into adduction , have them push out, etc. Reverse for adduction sd.
Tibiofemoral Joint IR/ER
External rotaiton 10 degrees (leads to anteromedial glide of tibia on femur), internal rotation 10 degrees (leads to posterolateral glide of tibia on femur)