Hip&knee Flashcards
Apparent leg length
Supine, measure umbilicus to medial malleolus
Looking for spinal or pelvic subluxation
Look for difference grater than 6mm
(This test adds L3-5 discs)
Alli’s sign (Galeazzi’s sign)
Supine, feet flat on table.
Doctor stands at foot of table and looks for difference in knee height. Then stand at side of table to look for difference in knee placement.
Looking for ipsilateral femoral leg discrepancy
(Protrusion acetabuli, hip dislocation, hip fracture)
Anvil test
Supine, doc lifts straight leg and hits the heel with docs fist
Looking for pain from heel to acetabulum.
Heel pain: calcareous
Hip pain: arthritis, fracture, infection
Gauvain’s sign
Affected side up, doc places sup hand on abdominal muscles, inf hand grabs just above ankle. Abduct leg, internally/externally rotate thigh.
Looking for AVN, infection, fracture, gout
Findings: ipsilateral contraction of abs, pain in hip, referred pain to groin or ant thigh
Hip telescoping test
Supine, doc passively flex hip and knee to 90*. Grasp hip joint with one hand and around knee joint with inf hand/arm. Doc then compress and distracts femur from table
Looking for hip dislocation/ hip dysplasia
Patrick’s test
Supine, doc stands on unaffected side, ask patient to make 4 with legs (bend affected side), doc stabilizes ASIS on good side and applies downward pressure on affected side knee.
Looking for hip pathology: DJD, OA, RA, SCFE, AVN, Fracture, sprain/strain
Obers test
Affected side up, doc behind stabilize pelvis, abduct and extend leg at thigh, with knee bent, slide hand from knee to ankle keeping knee bent to allow the leg to adduct.
Look for: thigh remains abducted, drops with spastic jerk, iliotibial contraction, pain
Thomas test
Supine, actively pull unaffected knee to chest while keeping other straight on table.
Looking for flexion or shortening of iliopsoas on affected side.
Lumbar spine maintains lordosis or can’t keep leg flag on table
Trendelenburg’s test
Stand on affected foot, raise other off the ground. Doc looks for pelvic unleveling from behind.
Looking for paralysis or weakness of hip abductors on affected side or hip dysplasia
Abduction Valgus stress test
Supine, doc stabilizes ankle, pushes Lat to med at the knee
Looking for MCL strain or rupture
Apley’s compression test
Prone, knee bent to 90*, doc press down on foot and med/Lat rotate foot
Looking for meniscus tears
Internal rotation: lateral meniscus
External rotation: medial meniscus
Patella Ballottement test
Supine, doc presses on patella moving it side to side looking for boggy sensation
Looking for retro patellar effusion or intraarticular knee swelling
Bounce home test
Supine, doc lifts leg and bends knee 20*, then allows knee to drop into full extension
Looking for meniscal tear
May be unable to fully extend knee
Clark’s sign
Supine, doc places S-I pressure on patella, ask patient to flex quads
Looking for chondromalacia patella or degeneration of joint
McMurray sign
Look in book
Lateral pivot shift maneuver
Supine, doc applies internal rotation and Valgus stress while flexing knee
Looking for ACL tear
Feels like knee is going to pop or give out
Lachman test
Supine, knee flexed 25-30*, doc holds femur down and lifts tibia up (like drawer test).
Looking for strain/rupture of ACL
Actual leg length
Supine, measure from ASIS to medial malleolus
Looking for a hip joint to long bond deficiency
Look for a difference greater than 6mm