Hip Hop and Rap, Alternative Rock, Electronic Music, Contemporary R&B, and Nu Metal Flashcards
Combination of music styles like funk, pop, hip hop, soul and R&B music
Contemporary R&B
Influenced by genres like rhythm and blues, funk, disco music
Hip Hop and Rap
Genre of rock music with the music of punk, new wave, and hardcore punk as its stylistic origin
Alternative Rock
Composition recorded or played using all electronic musical instruments and makes use of electronic technology
Electronic Music
Combination of the sound, influences and characteristic of heavy metal which also includes groove metal, alternative metal, hip hop, grunge and funk
Nu Metal
In this genre, vocals use a melisma style
Contemporary R&B
It is a style where the singer sings a single syllable to several notes in succession
Artists that popularized the use of melisma
Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston
At least two songs that are contemporary R&B
One More Try by George Michael
Vision of Love by Mariah Carey
Dangerously in Love by Beyonce
Characterized by distorted sound of the guitar, use of transgressive lyrics
Alternative Rock
Derived from the word independent, this is a subgenre of alternative rock that is diverse and described to be low-budget record labels released by the bands themselves
Indie Rock
Subgenre of alternative rock that is characterize as a music where guitars are heavily distorted, contrasting dynamics, wailing and loud vocals, and intense lyrics
Electronic Instruments/Devices(5)
Teleharmonium Hammond Organ Electric Guitar Synthesizer Theremin(ophone)
Early electronic organ that has wires that transmit the sound and heard on the horn speakers
Another name for Teleharmonium