Hip Flashcards
Acetabulum depth measured by
center edge angle
center of femoral head to acetablum (Bone)
measures rook over femural head or contact area
Hip coxofemoral joint
ball socket 3 DOF
weight bearing
decrease center edge angle
dyplasia instability shallow lack coverage
increase center angle
decrease ROM, impingement increase coverage
acetabulum seats how
laterally inferiorly and anterior tilt 38 degree
fibrocartilage deepens socket wedge shaped
proprioceptive nerve ending
femoral head
w/ hyaline cartilage except fovea (ligamentum teres)
Angle of inclination norm
down shaft and up neck to head of femur
110-144 frontal plane
coxa valga
increased angle
decreased MA of hip ABD
knock knees
decrease force on neck bending
coxa vara
decrease the angle
increase MA of hip ABD
bow legged
increase force neck of femur
femoral torsion norms
condyles of knee and head of femur
10 to 20
transverse plane
femoral torsion anteversion
>15-20 increase IR Decrease ER decrease MA ABD condyles of knee medially rotated increase Q angle
femoral torsion retroversion
<15 to 20
increase ER and decrease IR
Articular congruence best position
Hip flexed and ABD with ER
contact btw femur and acetabulum greatest
Hip joint
Thick ant and superior
femoral neck intracapsular
hip ligaments
iliofemoral a
pubofemoral a
ishiofemoral p
closed pac position of HIP
EXT slight ABD IR of hip
car accident example
hip flexed ADD most vulnerable position
posterior subloxation
Hip flexion degrees
90 knee straight giving passive insuff of hamstrings
120 knee flexed
closed chain
femur fixed pelvis motion
anterior pelvic tilt
hip flexed and lumbar ext (seating upright at desk leaning forward)
errector spinae, illiopsoas, rectus femurs
Posterior tilt
hip extended lumbar spine flexed
rectus ABD, glut max, hamstrings
lateral tilt
unilateral standing on L HIP = R HIP HIKE
lumbar flex right
bilateral pelvic tilit
R pelvic DROP
lumbar flexion L
Gait rotation R hip walking pattern
R hip
ER w/ right foot forward
IR w/ right backwards
forward foot always ER and backward foot always IR
heads Arms trunk 2/3s BW
When standing on one leg what what happens (R LEG ex)
compensating by leaning to the right side dec MA of BW
and shifting COM to towards right side
glut med weakness pain (antalgic gait)
signs of trendelenburg
pelvic drop due to weak hip abd
weak left hip ABD - pelvic drop to the right
hip abd cant abd pelvis back to neutral in closed chain walkin
Trendalenberg (+) signs
when standing on the right leg if the left hip drops its a (+) sign for right hip ABD weakness
pts will lean to affected side while walking in order to try to clear the L hip
Femoral acetabular impingement FAI
hip bones rub against each other
Femoral acetabular impingement FAI ( pincer )
superior acetabulum impinged tears ossification degeneration to anter superior labrum of acetabulum
Femoral acetabular impingement FAI CAM lesions
lesions of femoral neck/head impingement usually caused excess bone rubbing