Hinduism Chp 9 Flashcards
What is puja?
It is used to describe Hindu worship i.e. ‘sacrifice’
What are the daily Hindu rituals?
rite, bath, recite Vedic
- puja at home more impt than at temple
What are Shruti and Smriti?
Shruti are writings considered to be of the highest level of inspiration, the ones heard (shruti) by the holy men (rishis) of old.
Smriti are writings that are of great importance to the lives of the common people but are handed down (smriti), thus less sacred.
What are the three ways of Hinduism?
1) the ways of works (karma-marga) based on ritual and legal requirements administered by Brahmins. Vedic Hinduism
2) the way of knowledge (jnana-marga) ascetic and mystical path. Upanishadic Hinduism.
3) the way of devotion (bhakti-arga) focuses on devotion to one’s own god within a pantheon of available deities.
What are the four Vedas?
(1) Rig-Veda (1500 BC – 1028 hymns to various gods/devas);
(2) Yajur Veda (mantras – short, specific verses to be recited by priests in their sacrifice duties);
(3) Sama Veda (songs/chants for rituals related to soma – sacred drink);
(4) Atharva Veda (magic spells and incantations)
What are the two groups the Vedic gods divided into?
Devas (33) and Asuras (evil lords)
Who are the three highest gods after Vedic times?
Vishnu (Preserver)
Brahma (Creator)
Shiva (Destroyer)
What is the Brahmanas?
Commentaries on the Vedas. Give further instructions for the priests as well as information on the mythological and theological underpinnings
of the rituals.
What are the four basic castes?
1) Brahmins (Priests, Scholars)
2) Kshatriyas (Warriors, Rulers)
3) Vaishyas (Merchants, landowners)
4) Shudras (Workers on behalf of the above three)
Dalits (untouchables, outside of the Brahmanic system)
What is varna and jati?
The word that is used in Sanskrit for a “caste” is varna, which literally means “color.”
Underneath these four main divisions are hundreds of subdivisions, called “jati.”
What did Mahatma Gandhi refer to the dalit as?
harijans, “children of God”
What is samsara?
It literally means “wanderings” or simply “existence.” It refers to a seemingly endless cycle of lives encompassing the entire realm of beings, from the lowest animals to humans.
Describe karma.
The duty that becomes incumbent on a person due to his or her actions in a previous life. The idea is that the actions in one life produce the fruits of karma (karmaphalani), which then determine one’s duties in the next life. Since it is impossible to live without acting; one will always produce more karmic fruit, and thus the process goes on and on. Consequently, we can think of karma as cause and effect; the actions of one life produce the duties of the next.
It is not fate; not judgement; not sin
What is moksha?
It is the goal of Hinduism, to find release from samsara.
What is Brahman?
It is the only one true reality. Brahman is God, conceptualized as an impersonal, all pervasive
being; in English it is sometimes called the “world soul.” Brahman is infinite, beyond all categories and beyond all human thought. Brahman is actually all there is.
What is maya?
Everything that is not Brahman is not
truly real. It is called maya, a word that is related to the word magic. The life that we experience day in and day out is simply magical play (lila) arising out of Brahman; it does not possess genuine reality.
What is Atman?
It is the “true self,” Deep inside the human soul, under all the intellectual, psychological and religious faculties, there is a reality that is not maya. It is identical with Brahman. Atman is Brahman.
What is shakti?
Each male god is associated with a female deity, his shakti. The shakti can be called the god’s wife, though in many cases “consort” is more appropriate. Shakti means literally the “source of power.” In this form of Hinduism the goddess infuses the god with the energy to carry out his tasks.
Which Hindu diety has four face/heads?
Define Hindutva movement
India = original civilization of world; Hindu is supreme religion, continuity in Indian sub-culture. (political Hindu nation)
A form of Vaishnavism Hinduism. five essential teachings:
1) Krishna is supreme form of personal godhead.
2) salvation can be obtained by continually chanting Krishna mantra (Hare Krishna)
3) Bhagavad Gita is inspired scripture
4) pure devotion to Krishna; abstaining from meat, caffeine, sweets and sex for pleasure.
5) sharing the message of Krishna
Define Ramakrishna Mission
a modernized version of the Vedantic
Atman-Brahman identity in which all religions are seen as ways toward achieving this goal.
Define the Sai Baba movement
centered around the worship of Satya Sai Baba who claimed to be God.