Hinduism Flashcards
“ Nonharm,” “nonviolence
ahimsa (uh-him’-sa):
The spiritual essence of all individual human beings.
Atman (at’-mun):
An earthly embodiment of a deity
avatar (ah’-va-tar):
A religious literary work about Krishna
Bhagavad Gita (bhuh’-guh-vud gee’-ta):
Devotion to a deity or guru.
bhakti (bhuk’-ti):
The spiritual discipline of devotion to a deity or guru
bhakti yoga:
God of creation.
Brahma (bruh’-mah):
The spiritual essence of the universe.
Brahman ( bruh’-mun ):
Member of the priestly caste
brahmin (bruh’-min):
A major social class sanctioned by Hinduism.
caste (kaast):
the Divine Feminine, also called the Great Mother
Devi (deh’-vee): “ Goddess”;
dhyana ( dyah’-nah ):
“ Awe-inspiring,” “distant”; a mother-goddess; a form of Devi
A spiritual teacher.
guru ( goo’-roo ):
The spiritual discipline of postures and bodily exercises
hatha yoga ( hah’-tha yoh’-ga ):
The spiritual discipline of knowledge and insight.
jnana yoga (gyah’-nuh yoh’-ga; juh-nah’-nah yoh’-ga ):
“ Dark,” a form of Devi; a goddess associated with destruction and rebirth
Kali (kah’-lee):
The moral law of cause and effect that determines the direction of rebirth.
The spiritual discipline of selfless action.
karma yoga: