Highrise Flashcards
What is the initial response plan for a confirmed high rise fire?
What is the additional PDA for a confirmed cladding high rise fire?
High rise
6 x pumps uk including UHPL
1 x ALP
1 x CSV
1 x ICU
3 x Intermediate officers
1 x Command Support Officer
1 x EMT
1 x Red Cross for Confirmed Fire
2 x Additional Pumps
1 x Additional CSV
1 x Advanced Officer
1 x Protection Officer
What are the roles of each pump at a high rise fire?
Pump 1
1 - Recon TL/IC
2 - Pump Op/ Secure Water
3 & 4 - BA
Pump 2
1 - IC
2 - ECO
3 & 4 - BA
Pump 3
1 - External Safety Officer
2 - Lift Op
3 & 4 - BA
Pump 4
1 - Evacuation Officer
2 - Pump op 2
3 & 4 - BA
Pump 5 & 6
- resources used as required by IC, Evacuation, Containment etc…
Essential Equipment list to be taken aloft for team 1 (pump 1)
1 x EC board & Pouch
1 x Short Length
1 x 3 way dividing breach
3 x 45mm hose or 1 x cleverland hose
1 x TIC
1 x Delta Attack 500 Branch
Door Entry Equipment
1 x smoke curtain
2 x handheld radio
Essential equipment list to be taken aloft by team 2 (pump 2)
1 x EC board & Pouch
3 x Smoke Hoods (if not in ECO pouch)
1 x Short Length
1 x 3 way dividing breach
3 x 45mm hose or 1 x cleverland hose
1 x Delta Attack 500 Branch
1 x smoke curtain
Essential equipment list to be taken aloft by team 3 (pump 3)
IEC Bag and Spare O2 cylinder
3 x smoke hoods
1 x short length
1 x 3 way dividing breach
3 x 45mm hose or 1 x cleverland hose
1 x delta attach 500 branch
1 x smoke curtain
What additional equipment needs to be transported to the bridgehead as soon as practically possible and dependent on the situation?
BA teams
PPV fans
cleverland Hoses
45mm hoses
70mm short lengths
3 way dividing breaches
Entry control board and pouches
Evacuation board
IEC Kits and Spare O2
Gas monitors
Smoke curtains
Smoke hoods
Bottled water
Door entry equipment
Command support personal and equipment
Portable lighting
If using the lift, How many floors below must the recon team stop below the suspected fire floor
2 floors below.
- if in doubt, always use the protected stairwell
What does the R.I.C.E principle stand for?
The RICE principle is not linear and can be used at all fire incidents. Escapee routes should be protected at all times.
What are the 4 rescue and intervention attacks available
- No BA & No attack jet (flat fires only!)
- Single line attack
- 2 line attack
- 3 line attack
What is the role of the state well protection teams
- confined to working in the state wells only an must not migrate to the corridors or flat areas
- search for occupants within the stair well
- prepare and maintain stairwells over 5 floors starting at the highest floor
- assist with evacuation and rescue
- monitor conditions and people evacuating and communicate
- consider using evac board and chits to record evacuated residents
What equipment must state well protection teams have?
Full firefighting PPE
BA set
smoke Curtain
smoke Hoods
Gas monitor
- if gas monitoring equipment is not available, stairwell protection teams must not be deployed without starting up
What are the 3 lines of attack (teams)
1 - attack jet
2 - corridor protection
3 - safety team
What are the 3 evacuation types?
1 - primary: tactical evacuation of the immediate areas around the fire compartment
2 - secondary: evaluate remaining areas on same floor divided by a smoke curtain. Vertically all floors above and 1 floor below the fire compartment.
3 - immediate: evacuate entire building.
How to recognize internal and external signs of building failure in a fire?
- fire has impacted 3 or more compartments on the fire floor
- fire gases have impacted 3 or more compartments on the fire floor
- fire has spread beyond the fire floor internally
- fire gases have spread beyond the fire floor internally with no obvious route
- fire observed in compartments remote from the fire floor
- fire gases observed in compartments remote from the fire floor
- fire has impacted the external facade of the building and is spreading rapidly
How do you write a full Immediate Building Evacuation message?
“Assistance message from CM xxxxx.
AT __________
Immediate Building Evacuation
Make Pumps xx”.
Additional resources mobilized:
1 x strategic manager
1 x FDS officer as evac officer to the fire ground
1 x FDS officer as evac support officer to control at their discretion CTA and CRA mobilized to control
1 x CSV to support the evac officer
1 x Built environment response officer/ protection officer to provide advice on the building’s fire protection features