Highfill - 446 - Boddy Worn Camera Flashcards
The owner of the Body Worn Camera order is _________.
Director of Personnel & Professional Standards
The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO) has adopted the use of BWCs in order to accomplish several objectives. The primary objectives are as follows: (5)
1) _________ and public trust by preserving evidence of officer interaction with citizens;
2) Capture __________ for criminal, civil, and traffic-related court cases;
3) Assist officers when _______ with recalling facts or other details captured by their assigned BWC that will help them accurately articulate a chain of events when writing reports;
4) Serve as a _______ for officer safety and best practices, and
5) Assist in the __________ between officers and citizens by reviewing procedures and interpersonal actions.
1) Enhance accountability
2) digital video evidence
3) legally permissible
4) training tool
5) assessment of contacts
It is the policy of the JSO to provide all full time sworn _______ and all full time sworn ________ with a BWC.
police officers
police sergeants
What does BWC stand for?
Body Worn Cameras (BWCs)
_____________ – Pressing the start/stop button activates the BWC to begin recording audio and video.
____________ – The electronic recording of a conversation, spoken words, or other sounds.
Audio Recording
_________ – The camera system that captures audio and video signals, capable of being worn on an officer’s person that includes at a minimum a camera, microphone, and storage component.
Body Worn Camera (BWC)
__________ – The act of transferring recorded data from the BWC to the storage server.
BWC Uploading
_________ – The electronic recording of visual images, with or without audio, with the inclusion of thirty seconds (video only) prior to and after the activation of the recording.
BWC Recording
_________ – JSO officer assigned to attend to the personal needs of an officer who was principally involved in a critical incident.
Buddy Officer
___________ – The JSO method to mark and identify BWC recordings for a specific purpose and for which a predetermined retention period has been set.
Classification Tags
__________ – Officer-involved shootings, In-custody deaths, Response to Resistance incidents (resulting in death, serious injury, or alleged serious injury), officer-involved traffic crashes/pursuits with fatalities or serious injuries, serious injury or death of an officer in the line of duty.
Critical Incidents
_________ – Pressing the start/stop button stops an active recording and returns the BWC to standby mode.
________ – The process by which an officer places the BWC into a JSO network-attached data transfer device, causing videos previously recorded onto the BWC to be uploaded to the storage server.
Docking the BWC
__________ – Officers assigned to the Internal Affairs Unit, the Integrity & Special Investigations Unit, the Professional Oversight Unit, and/or the officer’s lieutenant.
JSO Investigators (for the purpose of this order)
_________ – Information that is used to identify the officer to whom the BWC is issued, the date and time each video was recorded, and officer interaction/offense categorization of BWC recordings
________ – Used in this directive to include full-time police officers, police officers in the Field Training Program, police sergeants, and any other personnel who wear, use, maintain, store, or release audio or video data recorded by body cameras.
__________ – Engagement with an individual(s) within the community and/or in instances when an officer reasonably believes contact with such an individual exists while working within an official capacity as a law enforcement officer and carrying out the duties and responsibilities associated of such under Florida State Law and JSO policy.
Examples include, but are not limited to: calls for service, all investigative and enforcement actions, self-initiated field activity, supervisory direction, and all engagements with a suspect, including advising of Miranda warning and transportation.
Police Activity
__________ – While the BWC is powered on, the BWC has not been activated to commencing active recording.
Standby Mode
Officers are ___________ from using non-departmental BWCs in an official JSO capacity while on or off duty.
If an officer is lawfully present (e.g., invitation, arrest warrant, search warrant, etc.) at a location where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy (e.g., residence, restroom, dressing room, locker room, hospital, or mental health facility, etc.), there is _________ for the officer to announce to any person whether the BWC is recording.
no requirement
There is ____________ that the officer discontinue use of the BWC if requested when the officer’s presence is due to police activity or an extended invitation remains.
no requirement
Sworn officers and supervisors not assigned to the _____________ will also be issued BWCs to be worn and used to during assignments that require their standard patrol type uniform.
Department of Patrol and Enforcement
Prior to deactivating the BWC, officers will make a ____________ as to the reason the device is being deactivated for all reasons other than the end of police activity (e.g., supervisory direction, conference with legal counsel, unrelated phone conversation, strategic or tactical JSO operation planning, “buddy officer assigned”).
recorded statement
Officers shall not record when conferring with any ___________________; nor when appearing or providing testimony for a deposition, court appearance, administrative hearing, or any other administrative duty in a government office. Officers shall power off their BWC while performing these duties but must ensure the device is powered back on when concluded.
public (government) or private attorney
BWCs will not be used to knowingly capture legally privileged communications as defined in __________, Florida Statutes, including, but not limited to, sexual assault counselor/victim privilege, domestic violence advocate/victim privilege, attorney/client, doctor/patient, etc.
Chapter 90
BWCs will not be used to knowingly record undercover officers and confidential informants. Officers shall document in the ___________ of the video the presence of undercover officers or confidential informants.
notes section
Officers will not make copies of any recording, disseminate any recording to the public, any media outlet, social media, or any other employee. The posting of BWC recordings to any social media site, without the prior written approval of the __________ or designee, is strictly prohibited.
Officers will not allow anyone to view their BWC recording(s) without written/emailed authorization from the ___________ or designee.
BWC Administrator
BWCs will not be used within ___________ of a bomb threat or located device scene
1000 feet
BWCs will be removed prior to entering the _________ inside the Pretrial Detention Facility (PDF), the ___________, or the _______________.
Breathalyzer Room,
Internal Affairs Unit, or
Integrity & Special Investigations Unit
Any use of BWC recording not expressly provided this order without the expressed written consent of the __________ or ___________ is strictly prohibited.
BWC Administrator
Officers will indicate the accidental recording within the BWC software platform by placing the phrase “__________” in the note section.
“Accidental Recording”
Upon reviewing an identified “Accidental Recording”, a determination shall be made by the ________ in accordance with existing laws if the recording may be permanently deleted due to lack of investigative or evidentiary value.
BWC Administrator
During ______________, officers issued a BWC shall adhere to all guidelines and procedures herein regarding the BWC policy.
secondary employment
All actual or subsequent investigations of critical incidents, as defined herein, captured by the BWC must be uploaded upon the ____________ of the police activity.
____________ in uniform which engage in police activity are required to adhere to the rules and regulations outlined in this policy as if they were on duty.
Off duty officers
If the BWC is malfunctioning, officers shall immediately replace the BWC with their assigned back up BWC. As soon as possible, the officer shall have the malfunctioning BWC replaced by the ________.
BWC Unit
Malfunctions, damage, loss, or theft must be reported to the officer’s ___________ as soon as practical. An ___________ must be completed when a BWC is damaged, lost, or stolen.
immediate supervisor
Offense Report
Officers shall notify either their ___________, the , __________ or the _____________ of any BWC recording believed to have captured any employee of JSO involved in misconduct or criminal activity (refer to Order 501 [Code of Conduct]).
immediate supervisor,
Internal Affairs Unit, or
Integrity & Special Investigations Unit