higher order cortex. Flashcards
wernikes- area 22
located in the posterior third of the superior temporal gyrus.
Broca’s area 44 and 45
inferior portion of the inferior frontal gyrus,
Broca’s and wernikes communicate
arcuate fasiculus.
angular gyrus
It is important for reading written language as it connects the visual cortex and the language centers.
decreased fluency
unable to repeat.
unable to understand complex grammer.
Transcortical motor aphasia.
decreased fluency
able to repeat.
difficulty with naming,
water shed infarcts
no understanding.
normal fluency
unable to repeat.
Paraphasic errors are common
Transcortical sensory
No understanding
Normal fluency
Able to repeat.
watershed infracts,
Conduction aphasia
unable to repeat.
Lesion of the arcuate fasciculus
Anomic aphasia.
able to understand, repeat and fluent.
Global aphasia
impaired comprehension.
Impaired fluency.
Impaired repetition.
Disconnection syndromes
agraphia without alexia is seen in dominant inferior parietal lobule part of gretsman syndrome.
Alexia without agraphia
Lesion of the occipital cortex and medial surface from PCA stroke.
Lesion of the left side causes inability to read the right hemifield due to visual field deficit and material in the right hemifield is unable to be read as it cant cross to the left dominant language center because of damage to the corpus callousom.
they can say words that are spelled out loud and have difficulty in naming colors.
alexia and agraphia
lesion of the dominant inferior parietal lobule in the area of angular gyrus,
inability to carry on the correct sequence of motor movements.
Aphasia is commonly associated with apraxia especially of oro-lingual.