Higher Music Concepts Flashcards
An ornament which sounds like a crushed note played very quickly on the beat or just before it.
Added 6th
This describes a note ‘added’ to the familiar chord structure (root, 3rd and 5th).
A passage of music where the length of the notes used are doubled; for example, where a quaver is replaced by a crotchet.
Basso continuo
Basso continuo is a form of musical accompaniment used in the Baroque period. It means ‘continuous bass’.
A passage of music which allows soloists to display their technical ability in singing or playing an instrument.
Chamber music
Chamber music is a form of classical music that is composed for a small group of instruments - traditionally a group that
could fit in a palace chamber.
Term for florid vocal singing involving scales, runs and ornaments where there are a number of notes sung to the one
In a concerto grosso this is the name given to the small, solo group of instrumentalists as opposed to the main group, the
Concerto grosso
A concerto grosso is an important form of music developed throughout the baroque period comprising three main.
elements; concertino, ripieno and basso continuo
Da capo aria
The da capo aria is a musical form that was prevalent in the baroque era. It is sung by a soloist with the accompaniment of
instruments, often a small orchestra.
Diminished 7th
A diminshed 7th chord consists of four notes built one on top of the other.
A passage of music in which the length of the notes used are halved; where, for example, a crotchet would be replaced by a quaver.
Dominant 7th
Chord built on the dominant (5th) note of a key which adds the 7th note above its root.
This describes the first hearing of the ‘theme’ and is normally associated with compositions structured in sonata form or fugue.
Harmonic minor scale
The notes of the harmonic minor scale are the same as the natural minor except that the seventh degree is raised by one
semitone, making an augmented second between the sixth and seventh degrees.
The high eerie sounds produced on a bowed string instrument by lightly touching the string at certain points.
Music written in the impressionist style mirrors the style of painting by artists such as Claude Monet, where edges between
objects are often blurred.