higher english Flashcards
“a rooms monster with a mach box brain”
metaphor / imagery / word choice / alliteration.
the monster looks big but it’s not actually that smart.
“clutching contentedly like chicken”
alliteration / imagery ( word choice)
this suggests the the tourists are stupid
“ sat slumped like a half filled sack”
he can barely hold himself up he is just there. He dehumanised the dwarf suggests the dwarf is nothing.
“tiny twisted legs from which sawdust might run”
sawdust is nothing and he is saying that’s what his legs are like. not a human and he is stuffed with sawdust.
“three tears of churches”
the contrast this ugly dwarf compared to a big church.
“had the advantage of not being dead yet”
tone /word choice
this is a sarcastic tone the only thing he has going for him is being alive and suggests he is better being off dead. “yet”
this shows he’s not going to be living for much longer.
“rewind temple”
word choice
this makes you think your body is a temple but this one is rewind. Setting of the the poem and it’s beautiful but now it’s neglected because of the dwarf.
“yellow and green corridors”
word choice
these colours suggest sick and shows your in a hospital you can feel how others feel
“ white cave of forgetfulness”
word choice / imagery
white suggests there is nothing left it reviles the state of the pasiont and how they feel.
“i will not feel, i will not feel until i have to”
he is trying to convince himself he is ok so he doesn’t scare the person he is trying to visit he also doesn’t want to feel what he’s going through
“vanishes/ heaven word”
shows how calm the nurses are while being in the lift and the lift shows it’s their journey to heaven. the soul going to heaven means everyone is going to have to make that journey at some point
“ having a glass fang”
this shows he is mad because he thinks it’s not helping her and is taking her life away. the hand show that it’s like a dying flower and how fragile she is.
“ like a gorilla”
he is describing him to be tough as a gorilla suggests the gorilla is king kong because they are in new york
“to wome hiya honey is no cliché”
he didn’t mean it sarcastically and he is great full for her
“ he hoped it he truly hoped it”
this sound thoughtless but it actually shows he’s vunruble and he is going away to do a desperate job and he hopes he gets home all in one piece
“ and who would be who have to be his victims”
he conceders 2 points should he just try to get things done or have to use violence victims suggest they are bad people because they have annoyed the police man
“ like a dentist drill”
dentist drills are scary so they are making it out that at night time it’s a big scary place it’s also a lights hearted image because it’s threatening because no one likes the dentist.
this shows there’s gonna be a turning point where it goes to during the day go during the night to become more dark word choice of midnight intrucuces us to darkness and the un known and fear.