High yield GIT Flashcards
Gall stones ( cholelithiasis )
Conjugated ( direct ) bilirubin - elevated
Unconjugated ( indirect ) - normal or slightly elevated
Cirrhosis of liver !!
Jaundice or icterus - due to excess of conjugated ( direct ) bilirubin
Ascites - due to portal HTN , low plasma colloid osmotic pressure ( also peripheral edema )
Esophageal varices - due to portal HTN of azygous veins
Ends anatomically at ampulla of vater .
Foregut derivatives are supplied by celiac artery except esophagus .
Intra abdominal part of esophagus - celiac trunk
Intra thoracic part - other branches of aorta
Clinical correlations of the esophagus !!
1) esophageal atresia - tracheoesophageal septum deviates and causes closure of esophagus . Congenital defects ass with Vater and Vacterl syndrome . Clinically ass with poly hydromnios ( unable to swallow amniotic fluid) and tracheoesophageal fistula .
2) esophageal stenosis - involves mid esophagus . May be caused by submucosal / muscularis externa hypertrophy , remanants of tracheal cartilaginous rings in the wall of eso , membranous diaphragm obstructing the lumen of eso .
3 ) esophageal duplication - occurs due to congenital cyst in the lower esophagus . In the posterior wall where they protrude in to post mediastinum or wall of esophagus ( intramural )
Vascular compression of esophagus - occurs when there is an abnormal origin of rt subclavian artery . This may cause dysphagia ( dysphagia lusoria)
Tracheoesophageal fistula
Abnormal communication btwn trachea and esophagus due to improper dividion of foregut by tracheoesophageal fistula . Ass with esophageal atresia and polyhydromnios .
C/F :
Excessive accumulation of saliva or mucous in nose and mouth ; gagging n cyanosis after swallowing milk; abdominal distension after crying ; reflux of gastric contents in to lungs - pneumonitis.
Diagnostic findings:
Inability to pass catheter in to stomach ;
Radiograph - air in infants stomach
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
Muscularis externa in pyloric region hypertrophies causing narrow lumen that obstructs food .
C/F :
Projectile non - bilious vomiting after feeding ; small palpable mass at rt coastal margin ; increased incidence in infants treated with erythromycin
Week 6 - liver begins hematopoiesis
Week 12 - bile production
Biliary atresia
Obliteration of extrahepatic or / and intrahepatic ducts . Ducts are replaced by fibrotic tissue because of acute and chronic inflammation .
C/F :
Progressive neonatal jaundice , white clay colored stool , dark colored urine
Survival rate - 12 to 19 months
Islet cells ( endodermal )
Alpha cells - glucagon
Beta cells - insulin
Delta cells - somatostatin
PP cells - pancreatic polypeptide
Annular pancreas
Ventral pancreatic bud fuses with dorsal . Forms ring of pancreatic tissue around the duodenum and obstruction . C/F :
Newborns n infants are intolerant to oral feeding ; bilious vomiting ;
Radiograph :
Double bubble sign - dilatation of stomach n distal duodenum
Lower duodenum ; jeju : ileum ; caecum ; appendix ; asc colon : prox 2/3 of transverse colon . Supplied by sup mesenteric artery
Duodenal atresia
Lumen of the duodenum is occluded as a result of failed recanalization . C/F : Polyhydromnios Bile containing vomitus Distended stomach
Abdominal contents protruding out frm the base of umbilical cord . Ass with trisomy 13 , 18 or beckwith wiedemann syndrome
Malrotation of the midgut
Clinical complication - volvulus ( twisting of small intestine )
Ileal diverticulum ( meckel diverticulum )
Remnant of vitelline ducts persists . Forms an outpouching on antimesenteric border of ileum . Outpouching connects to umbilicus vua fibrous cord or fistula .
Heterotrophic fibrous mucosa , ulceration , perforation , gastrointestinal bleeding ( if large no of parietal cells present ) ; symptoms resemble appendicitis and bright red or dark red stools ( bloody )
Abdominal mass , bouts of abdominal pain , vomiting , chronic rectal bleeding , intussusception N perforation .
Duplication of intestines
2 years old , acute onset intermittent abdominal pain , vomiting , bloody stools , diarrhea and somnolence
Intussusception - segment of bowel invaginates in to adjacent bowel segments leading to obstruction or ischemis
Normal appendix - medical to cecum
Retrocecal or retrocolic appendix - appendix on posterior side of caecum
Distal 1/3 of trans colon ; desc colon ; sigmoid colon ; rectum ; upper anal canal
Colonic aganglionosis ( hirschsprung disease)
Arrest of caudal migration of neural crest cells .
Hallmark - absence of ganglionic cells in the myenteric and submucosal plexuses most commonly in the sigmoid colon and rectum resulting in a narrow segment of colon ( colon fails to relax)
Characteristic functional finding - failure of internal anal sphincter to relax following rectal distention ( abnormal rectoanal reflex)
Distended abdomen
Inability to pass meconium
Gushing of fecal material upon a rectal digital exam .
Loss of peristalsis in the colon segment distal to normal innervated colon.