High yield exam facts Flashcards
rules for estimating electron PDD characteristics:
R50 = Energy/2.33
1) Surface dose = 73+Energy
e. g 6MeV SD =79%
2) “4,3,2 divide rule”: Dmax = Dose/4, R90 = D/3, R10 = Dose/2.
E.g 6/4 = 1.5cm = Dmax, 6/3 = 2cm = D90, 6/2 =3cm = R10 (therefor D50 = 2.5cm)
or 2,3,4,5 times rule
E.g. Max 2x6 = 12mm
R90 3x6 = 18mm
R50 4x6 = 24mm
RP 5x6 = 30mm
When does the brachiocephalic vein become the subclavian?
In the root of the neck, the internal jugular (IJV) and subclavian veins unite to form the brachiocephalic veins posterior to the medial ends of the clavicles.
Define monitor unit
A monitor unit is a measurement of ionisation occurring in a treatment beam within the treatment head. One monitor unit is typically equal to a specific dose of radiation, at a specific depth in a water phantom, for a beam of a particular energy, with a particular field size and at a certain distance from the target.
Monitor units are used to measure the output of the machine to deliver accurate dose.
1) SSD
MU = dose (cGy)/
2) SAD
MU = dose (cGy)/
SSD - The source surface distance (if different to reference conditions)
OF - The field size (usually referred to as the output factor or total scatter factor)
PDD - The percent depth dose of the point in question
WF (wedge factor) The presence of any beam modifying devices in the beam (such as a wedge)
CF - The calibration factor (only important if 1 MU is not equal to 1 cGy under reference conditions)
Define Housfeild unit
u = linear attenuation ux = linear attenuation of beam
HU = ((ux - uwater)/(uwater- uair)) X 1000
Define physical half life
The time it takes for 1/2 the atoms of a radioactive material to decay to half their number.
Defined by a decay constant, such that Thalf = ln(2)/decayconstant
decay constant it the basic term in a decaying exponential.
Define effective half life
The time taken for a concentration of a radioactive to material to be reduced by half in a body, either by decay or clearance.
Teff = ln(2)/Effective decay constant
Effective decay constant is the sum of physical and biological decay constants
Define radioactive equilibrium:
The state where a radioactive nuclide is decaying at the same rate it is being produced. The key condition is that the parent nuclide has a longer half-life than its descendants.
decayconstan1 x NumberAtoms 1 = decayconstant2 x NumberAtoms 2
Types of radioactive equilibrium (and examples):
1) Half-life of parent nucleus is longer than a half-life of the daughter nucleus, but the concentration of parent nuclei significantly decreases in time. In this case, the parent and daughter nuclide decay at essentially the same rate, but both concentrations of nuclides decreases as the concentration of parent nuclei decreases. Contrary to secular equilibrium, the half-life of the daughter nuclei is not negligible compared to parent’s half-life. E.g the cow: Moly 89 (67hrs) -> Technicium 99 (6hrs) 2) Secular equilibrium: Where parent half life is many orders of magnitude greater than daughter, and concentration of parent essentially doesn't change. radium 226 (1600 years) -> Radon 222 (3.6 days)
What defines the inferior border of the superior mediastinum?
Some critical shit that happens there
Plane of Ludwig/Transthoracic plane/sternal plane
Plane from angle of Louis (sternal angle) to inferior border endplate T4.
Bifurcation of pulmonary trunk
Bifurcation of trachea
Define effective energy:
The theoretical mono energetic beam that has the same HVL as a polyenergetic beam under study. Practically difficult due to beam hardening requiring progressively greater HVLs…
1mm Al filters out energies up to? This is roughly equivalent to?
filters up to 10Kev
Roughly equivalent to inherent filtration (i.e your inherent filtration curve should start at 10Kev).
Compare pulmonary arteries to veins
What do the main pulmonary veins drain?
Pulmonary arteries follow bronchial tree to alveoli.
Pulmonary veins follow intersegmental septa and exit hilum inferior to arteries.
Superior drains upper and middle lobe
Inferior drains LL
Superior drains UL + LIngular
Inferior drains LL
Lymphatic drainage of the breast should always been with:
Inferior border of breast? and ribs cover
After the apical nodes what happens?
How much of the lymphatic drainage of the breast is through the axillary nodes
With obstruction of usual lymphatics what can happen?
“Deep and superficial (Sappey’s) plexi merge”
Inframammary fold, breast covers ribs 2-6
Subclavian trunk -> right or left thoracic ducts
Axillary nodes drain 75%
Lymphatics may cross to contralateral side through superficial (dermal channel), deep (internal mammmary interconnections) or to the retro-pectoral nodes.
Roots of:
Sacral plexus
Sciatic nerve
Pudendal nerve
Sacral plexus
Sciatic nerve
Pudendal nerve
Roots of the sacral plexus:
Divided into what rami?
Anterior Rami (s1-s4): Pelvic splanchnic, pudendal, perineal (S4) Anterior division of anterior rami (L4, S3) - gives off tibial sciatic branch. Posterior rami (L4, s2) - Given of common peroneal sciatic branch
Methods/systems/equipment to avoid or detect dose delivery errors?
● Record and Verify System
● Select and Confirm
● Interlocks
● Imaging
What is the Record and Verify System?
What does it include?
Record and Verify System
○ Ensures that the planned treatment is delivered in a similar manner every day, consistent with plan, and records in real time. Measured variables are compared against tolerance and system alerts if outside.
○ Includes daily measurements of: ■ MU (recorded in real time) ■ beam energy ■ beam mode (photons/electrons) ■ jaw positions ■ collimator, gantry and couch angles ■ wedging ■ SSD
What is the Select and Confirm System?
What does it include?
○ Ensures correct treatment parameters
○ When a setting is selected, mechanical changes are checked to have occurred before treatment continues.
○ System also checks that the field correlates with the mechanical positions of the field, collim
What 2 types of error impact treatment accuracy?
● Systematic errors
○ constantly inconsistent error that is reproducible
○ inherent accuracy of treatment or positioning
○ eg. errors in patient setup, incorrect collimation, treatment plan transcription errors, incorrect calibration of measurement tools
● Random errors
○ errors due to unpredictable variations in measurements, fluctuate around a mean value.
○ Can be minimized with more precise measurements and improved patient immobilization
○ eg. patient movement, organ motion, inconsistent interpretation of skin marks and positioning.
Radiation worker dose limit:
Chest XR dose
Abdo CT dose
20msv/year averaged over 5 years, not more than 30mSv in any one year
CXR 0.02 - 0.1
CT Abdo: 10-20 mSv (depending on study - e.g tripple phase)
Why are lower photon energies used in lung plans?
Remember the graph of 6Mv
- pre interface less scatter, but then due to less attenuation of beam, dose is higher. Higher dose causes increased range scattered electron = wider penumbra.
1) Energies >6Mv will cause increased dose to lung due increased electron range
2) Higher energy/less attenuated beams will have a build up region within the more solid tumour leading to less even coverage of the tumour.
Difference between LET and stopping power
While mean stopping power refers to the energy lost by the particle beam traversing the surrounding media, linear energy transfer (LET) refers to the energy absorbed by the media per unit of distance travelled by the ionizing radiation.
LET does not include radiative energy (i.e it leaves the area - um).
Why does a 6Mv beam deposit less dose in a bone inhomegeniety?
Why is the beam attenuated after?
Less electrons/gram = less compton attenuation
But more attenuation of the primary beam (electrons per cm) leads to decreased dose behind inhomogeneity.
What is the lymphatic drainage of:
1) Body of pancreas
2) Tail of pancreas
Pancreosplenic nodes - follow splenic to coeliac nodes.
What does the pudendal artery and nerve pass through to ext the ol pelv? what other thing goes through there?
The lesser sciatic foramen, also the tendon of internal obturator
Describe illiopsoas at the level of the symphysis:
Lateral and most bulky part is illiacus.
Where do these nodes drain:
Apical axillary
Sacral/pre sacral
Apical -> subclavian trunk - >thoracic duct
Pre sacral: Drain to any of 1) Common iliac 2) Lumbar trunks 3) Inferior mesenteric
How long is the male urethra?
Name the parts
Prostatic, membranous, bolbous, spongy, and navicular fossa, external urethral orifice.
How many segments of the liver are there? Give the 1 st 4 with land marks
There are 8.
The 1st is the caudate lobe
2 and 3 are left lobe (2 sup, 3 inf)
4 is high and runs the right side of falciform, laterally bounded by Cantillie’s line.
The rest circle clock wise from inferior so that 5 is superior to 8 and 6 (inferior) and 7(superior) form the borders.
Hepatic lobule components
6 portal triads (portal venue, arteriole, bile duct) at the points of a hexagram surrounding a central vein (to hepatic vein) connected by sinusoids and surrounded by hepatocytes.
Contents of middle mediastinum:
pericardium heart great vessels joining the heart ascending aorta pulmonary trunk right pulmonary artery left pulmonary artery the lower half of the superior vena cava tracheal bifurcation and both main bronchi phrenic nerves cardiac plexus tracheobronchial lymph nodes
sub sites of the oropharynx:
1) base of tongue,
2) tonsil and pillars, and
3) uvula, soft palate, and (4 is often included in 3)
4) posterior pharyngeal wall.
Lymphatic drainage of the subsides of oropharynx:
Channels drain unilaterally (WELL LATERALISED TONSILS) through the reteropharynx/peripharyngeal space to jugulodiagstric/deep cervical nodes.
Midline drains bilaterally to jugulodigastrics. and more laterally, drains unilaterally to those.
Soft palate, uvula (sometimes posterior wall included):
(1) medially to the middle third of the jugular chain,
(2) laterally to the retropharyngeal (RP) lymphatics, and
(3) anteriorly to the hard palate and subsequently into the submental and submandibular nodal group
Posterior pharyngeal wall (the epiglottis, the borders of the tonsillar complexes, and the lateral aspects of the piriform sinuses inferiorly): Drains bilaterally Predominately to IIA, also to middle deep Cx nodes (occasionally to posterior triangle).
things in the nasopharynx:
Torus Tubaris Tubal tonsils Opening of eustachian tubes Salpingopharygeal recess Pharyngeal recess
Drainage of the nasopharynx
Laterally (predominant pathway) through superior constrictors to drain into uppermost deep cervical drains (can also drain to level Va).
Posterior (roof and posterior wall): drain to upper retropharygeal nodes.
Formula for BED:
BED = n x d (1 + d/α/β)
where n = number of fractions, d=dose/#
Formula for EQD2:
EQD= D((d+α/β)/(2+α/β))
Describe the sublingual gland
Paired almond shaped and sized salivary gland (the smallest of the 3 paired man salivary glands) in the anterior floor of mouth. Lobes either side of midline/frenulum of tongue. Covered superiorly by floor of mouth mucosa.
Produces mucinous saliva.
Excreted though 5-8 lateral ducts (of Rivinus) and large/main anterior duct (Bartholen’s) which empties via the caruncles on each side of the frenulum.
Describe the submandibular gland
1 of three paired salivary glands
Ovoid in shape and roughly thumb sized.
Produces a mix of serous and mucous saliva.
Lies along the body of the mandible, both partly deep and partly superficial to the mylohyoid
Describe the parotid
Paired/bilateral structure. Largest of the 3 paired salivary glands. The superficial surface is approximately triangular, 5cm high, 4cm deep, 3cm wide.
Lobulated irregular shaped, it can be divided into deep and superficial lobes, separated by the facial nerve.
Along with the masseter lies within a depression known as the parotid region (this region has SCM as posterior border, zygomatic arch superior, masseter anteriorly, inferior border of mandible inferiorly)
Produces serous saliva.
The hypogastric nerve arises from
And supplies?
Injury results in?
The hypogastric nerve arises from the ventral nerve roots of T12 to L3 and supplies sympathetic nerve innervation. The hypogastric nerve may be associated with the visceral fascia of the mesorectum.
Injury to the hypogastric plexus results in increased bladder tone, impaired ejaculation, and dyspareunia.
What do you always forget to draw when drawing the stomach?
Angular incisure, also point out the cardia
Which adductor muscle makes up the posterior wall of the adductor canal?
What forms the roof and lateral?
Adductor longus
Sartorial forms roof
Initially rectus femurs forms wall, then more inferiorly it rectus medius.
femoral artery and vein, branches of femoral nerve, sub sartorial nerve.
An effective dose of 1 Sv has a risk of?
An effective dose of 1 Sv has a risk of 5.5% chance of developing malignancy.
For I-131:
Type radiation
Half life
90% Beta, 10% gamma
8 days
Half life of samarium-153?
What is good about that
2 days, effective half-life is only 2 hours
Good if the person wants to be cremated.
For I-131: Type radiation Half life Form Specific activity Decays to?
90% Beta, 10% gamma 8 days Liquid 4600 TBq/gram Xenon 131
Half life of samarium-153?
What is good about that
Another benefit?
2 days, effective half-life is only 2 hours
Good if the person wants to be cremated.
TBq/g = 1620
What is internal conversion?
A shaky nuclei bumps out an inner shell electron as it moves to a more stable state (w/o change in Z)
What is electron capture?
inner shell electron stolen to make a neutron, with emission of CR +/ auger.
Another name for positron decay?
Beta minus - ie. proton become a neutron by loosing an e
Scatter power applies to?
What is it
The scattering angle of a CHARGED particle per unit path length within an absorber.
UNITS = rad.sqr/cm
Stopping power
Energy lost due to collisional interactions by a charged particle per unit path length as it traverses matter.
Label diagram of linac head
The mandibular division of the trigeminal V3 nerve exits through which BOS foramen?
Foramen oval
Outline the relations of 2nd part of duodenum
Ant: Liver, transverse colon and jejunum
Post: R kidney, R ureter, rR renal vessels, R adrenal glands, IVC and R psoas major
Lateral: Ascending colon, R colic flexure, R kidney
Medial: Head of pancreas, ampulla, bile duct and accessory pancreatic duct
Low rectal tumour extending past dentate line
- Lymph node groups drains to
- If above dentate line which nodal groups could be excluded?
- Bilateral inguinal (could be excluded if tumour above dentate line)
- Bilateral external iliac nodes (could be excluded if tumour above dentate line)
Bilateral internal iliac
Bilateral obturator
Presacral lymph node groups
Outline the origin and supply of the superior, middle and inferior rectal arteries
- Origin: Branch of the IMA
- Supply: Upper 2/3 of the rectum
- Origin: Branch of the internal iliac artery
- Supply: Lower 1/3 of the rectum
-Origin: Branch of the internal pudendal artery
- Supply: Anorectal junction, anal canal, internal and external anal sphincters and perianal skin
With regards to the ICRU 83 report:
What are the two principal reasons for the ICRU 83 report on IMRT?
ICUR 83 is a volume based prescribing and reporting system.
1. Allows use of absorbed dose to volumes as opposed to point dose. This enables a specific absorbed dose to a target volume to be determined from the Dose Volume Histogram.
2. Allows standardised comparison of prescribing, recording and reporting of volume-based dosimetry in IMRT to other treatment modalities.
Definition: Planning organ at risk volume (PRV)
PRV - Margin added to the critical organs at risk to account for uncertainty and variation in position of the OAR. Clinical relevance is to ensure safe delivery of radiation by avoiding severe complications due to dose uncertainty for critical organs.
Internal Target Volume (ITV) definition
ITV = volume encompassing the CTV which considers that the CTV varies in position, shape and size. Clinical relevance is to ensure motion management (accept set up uncertainty due to target motion)
Dose homogeneity
Uniformity of dose distribution within the target volume. Clinical relevance is to minimise dose variation of hot and cold spots which may impact on the tumour control or toxicities.
Dose conformity
The degree to which the prescribed isodose line agrees with the target volume. Clinical relevance is to ensure the target volume is covered by the prescribed dose to ensure expected tumour control and spare surrounding organs at risk.
Define HVL
The thickness of a specified material that is required to attenuate a photon beam by half, i.e. reduce the intensity of the beam by 50%
Thoraeus filter
Used for orthovoltage beams to harden beam without reducing the intensity of the beam to unacceptably low levels.
- Not required for MV range photon beams because the beam is sufficiently filtered/hardened by inherent filtration and flattening filter.
Microscopic structure of skin
- Epidermis: Stratum corner, stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinous, stratum basale
- Basal lamina
- Dermis containing small vessels, nerve endings, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, connective tissue, hair follicle
- Hypodermis/subcutaneous fat
Lymphatic drainage of lungs
Define: Coherent scatter
- Photon interacts with orbital electron, small scatter angle, no kinetic energy loss
- probability proportional to Z^2/E
Define Photoelectric effect
- Photon interacts with tightly-bound inner electron
- All energy absorbed (photon disappears)
- Electron is ejected from atom (Ek = Ephoton – binding energy)
- Outer electron fills inner shell vacancy and emits characteristic x-ray
- ## Occurs in range <1MVThe probability of photoelectric interaction is:
◆ Directly proportional to the atomic number cubed (Z^3),
◆ Inversely proportional to the energy of the photon cubed (E^−3).
Compton (incoherent) scattering
- Photon interacts with loosely bound (outer shell) electron
- Electron is ejected and photon is scattered at angles
- Characteristic x-ray as per photoelectric
Increasing the photon energy results in more electrons and photons being scattered in the forward direction
The probability of Compton interaction:
◆ Decreases with increasing photon energy in the MV range
◆ Is independent of the atomic number of the material in which the photon is
Pair Production
- Photon interacts with coulomb field of nucleus and is completely absorbed
- Produces electron-positron pair, threshold energy is 1.022MV
- Positron annihilated, producing 2 x-rays (oppositely directed)
- Probability proportional to E and Z, incidence increases >10MV range
Graph of photon interactions with matter
energy and range of radiation emitted
Daughter products
Physical form and technique of delivery
Use in clinical practice:
type: Alpha!
energy and range of radiation emitted: 5-7.5 MeV, very short range
Half-life: 11.4 days
Daughter products: 6 daughters! last stable one is Pb-207
Physical form and technique of delivery: ?liquid, given IV
Use in clinical practice: Used for bone mets
energy and range of radiation emitted
Daughter products
Physical form and technique of delivery
Use in clinical practice:
type: Beta
energy and range of radiation emitted: 0.49MeV, short range
Half-life: 6.7 days
Daughter products: Hafnium-177
Physical form and technique of delivery: ?liquid, given IV
Use in clinical practice: Used for metastatic disease, PRRT for NET and met castrate resistant prostate ca.
energy and range of radiation emitted
Daughter products
Physical form and technique of delivery
Use in clinical practice:
type: Beta
energy and range of radiation emitted: Max 1.46 MeV
Half-life: 50 days
Daughter products: Yttrium-89
Physical form and technique of delivery: IV
Use in clinical practice: for bone mets
energy and range of radiation emitted
Daughter products
Physical form and technique of delivery
Use in clinical practice:
type: Pure Beta
energy and range of radiation emitted: 1.7MeV
Half-life: 14 days
Daughter products: -
Physical form and technique of delivery IV
Use in clinical practice: previously used for leukaemia, Polycythaemia vera, bone mets
energy and range of radiation emitted
Daughter products
Physical form and technique of delivery
Use in clinical practice:
type: Pure Beta
energy and range of radiation emitted: max 2.28, mean 0.98
Half-life: 2.7 days
Daughter products: Zirconium-90
Physical form and technique of delivery: microspheres delivered via catheter into blood vessels to liver cancer
Use in clinical practice: liver cancer
energy and range of radiation emitted
Daughter products
Physical form and technique of delivery
Use in clinical practice:
type: Beta + Gamma
energy and range of radiation emitted: 0.23 mean, 0.81 max
Half-life: 2 days (eff 2h)
Daughter products
Physical form and technique of delivery IV
Use in clinical practice: Bone mets
energy and range of radiation emitted
Daughter products
Physical form and technique of delivery
Use in clinical practice:
type Beta +Gamma
energy and range of radiation emitted 0.662
Half-life: 30 years
Daughter products: Barium-137
Physical form and technique of delivery liquid, can easily be powder / rods
Use in clinical practice: Low dose rate temporary implants
energy and range of radiation emitted
Daughter products
Physical form and technique of delivery
Use in clinical practice:
Type: Pure Gamma
energy and range of radiation emitted: 0.21 MeV
Half-life 17 days
Daughter products: Rh-103
Physical form and technique of delivery; It is coated onto graphite pellets and encapsulated within a titanium shell as seeds.
Use in clinical practice: Used as permanent brachy implant, LDR
Brachial Plexus
Roots - C5,C6,C7,C8,T1
Trunks - Superior, Middle, Inferior
Divisions -
Cords - Lateral, midial, posterior
Branches/nerves: Musculocutaneous, Axillary, Median, Ulnar, Radial (MAMUR)
Things that could be in a certain region when asked to list:
- Nerves
- Nodes
- Arteries
- Veins
- Fat / space
- Fascia
- Bones
- Muscle
5 axillary lymph node groups and their location
- Anterior (pectoral) group
- Located on medial wall of axilla - Posterior group (Subscapular)
- Along posterior axillary fold and sub scapular vessels - Lateral group (Humeral)
- Along lateral wall of axilla - Central group
- Situated deep to pec minor (i.e. level II axilla) - Apical group
- Situated at apex of axilla, medial to axillary vein (i.e. level III axilla)
As per ICRU50 define the following
- IM
- Gross tumour volume = visible or clinically detectable tumour (exam or imaging)
- Clinical target volume = GTV plus areas at risk of microscopic spread (including nodes)
- Internal margin = Margin that accounts for variation in shape/position of CTV due to
physiologic movements/variations - Internal target volume = Volume made up of CTV + internal margin (expansion)
- Planning target volume = expansion of ITV volume to account for variabilities in treatment
delivery such as patient set up or mechanical errors (external factors) - Organ at risk = volume assigned to normal tissues that may be at risk of toxicity during
radiation treatment. These may place constraints on how treatment is delivered
Recurrent laryngeal nerve anatomy
Course of thoracic duct
Superior Mediastinum borders
The superior mediastinum is bordered by the following thoracic structures:
Superior – Thoracic inlet.
Inferior – Continuous with the inferior mediastinum at the level of the sternal angle.
Anterior – Manubrium of the sternum.
Posterior – Vertebral bodies of T1-4.
Lateral – Pleurae of the lungs.
o Describe the course and relations of the right ureter in the abdomen
- Begins at the right renal pelvis/hilum at level of L2 vertebra. Approx 25cm long
- Abdominal part: Descends vertically in retroperitoneum along the medial edge of psoas, then enters the pelvis in front of SI joint (crossing anteriorly over bifurcation of common iliac artery)
- Pelvic Part: travels down lateral pelvic wall. At the level of the ischial spines, they turn anteromedially moving in a transvers plane towards the bladder. Pierces the bladder at its lateral aspect in an oblique manner. This creates a one way valve.
- Runs under the uterine artery (vas deferens in Men)“water under the bridge”
- Relations:
* Anteriorly – parietal peritoneum, duodenum, teminal ileum, R gonadal artery, vas deferens
* Posteriorly: Right Psoas, TVPs of L2-L5, bifurication of R common iliac artery.
Define and contrast
- Physical half life
- Biological half life
- Effective half life
Physical Half Life is the time for a quantity of radioisotope to decay by half (Cs-137 = 30 years)
Biological Half Life is the time for 1/2 of the amount of a radionuclide to be expelled from the body (CS-137 = 70 to 100 days)
Effective Half Life takes into account both physical & biological half lives.
Dermatomes and Myotomes
Course of thoracic duct
Define Isocentre Technique
treatment technique where the patient is set up with reference to the machine’s isocenter, and dosimetry requires TMR/TPR calculations. No repositioning of patient needed for varying beam angles.
Fixed focus-to-surface distance (FSD) technique
Treatment technique where patient is set up at a fixed reference distance between the radiation source and patient surface. This therefore requires repositioning of patient if different beam angles/positions are used. Dosimetry calculated using PDD data.
Prostate anatomy
4 zones:
- Transitional zone (surrounding urethra.
-Fibromuscular stroma (anterior zone)
- Central zone (surrounding ejaculatory ducts)
- Peripheral zone (posterior/lateral)
Nerves exiting via Jugular Foramen
Contents of superior orbital fissure
Trigeminal nerve
Photon- photon junction features
and methods to help
Photons beams usually have a sharp penumbra and reduce dose with depth. When two photon beams are placed side-by-side with parallel central axes, the following features are seen:
- A cold spot at surface, above the point of intersection of the two beam edges. This is not seen if fields edges are aligned at or above the surface
- A hot spot at depth, below the point of intersection of the two beam edges. This hot spot can be up to 40 - 50% higher than the prescribed dose. This hot spot becomes less problematic as the depth of beam junctioning increases.
If this type of junction is unavoidable, a decision must be made about the point to junction the beam. If a superficial site requires treatment, then beam junctioning should be done at surface to avoid underdosing the tumour. This has to be balanced against the size and location of the deeper hot spot. If the target is located deep in the body, then junctioning can occur at a greater depth to avoid a large hot spot, at the expense of a larger cold spot superficially.
There are two primary methods of avoiding the above issues.
- Align the divergent edges of the beam. If it is possible to align the divergent edges of the beams, there will be hot or cold spots generated as the penumbra of each beam will ‘cancel out’ the other. The negative aspect of this option is that the beams will have an oblique incidence on the target surface (usually a minor effect) and at the other side of the field the beam will travel more deeply into the patient at depth (due to increased divergence).
- Use a half beam block. By moving one of the independent jaws to midline, a half beam block can be created. This forms a non-divergent field edge centrally. This method is best used when the reason for junctioning is due to contour irregularity or different target volumes (eg. breast tangents and supraclavicular fossa field). The half beam block functions in a similar method to the aligning of divergent beams, but is easier to set up (less movements of the couch/gantry) and means that the beam is not oblique on the skin surface.
Electron-electron junction features
Methods to avoid these issues
Electron junctioning different to photon junctioning.
Electrons tend to have a larger penumbra, which is more pronounced at depth (seen with higher electron energies).
Electrons dose falls off rapidly with depth, mitigating some of the problems seen with photon fields.
When junctioned on the skin surface, a hot spot will develop within the deeper structures. This is more of an issue for higher energy electrons as the hot spot may spread very deeply. For more superficial treatments, the hot spot often occurs in subcutaneous tissue and is less of a concern.
When junctioned deeply, cold spots may develop at skin surface. This is usually not desirable but may be of use when the treatment site is located deep to the skin.
Combination of electron fields with different energies is a particular problem. Lower energy electrons will tend to bulge into the higher energy electron field, creating a hot spot at the surface. The higher energy electrons will then spread laterally at deeper depths, possibly leading to a cold spot forming once the lower energy field has petered out.
Electron-electron junctions between beams of the same energy are relatively straightforward. Frequently, the penumbra of one beam will compensate the penumbra of the other, and give a uniform dose. Extreme care must be taken with patient setup to prevent overdosage or underdosage of critical structures.
Beams of different energies are more difficult to junction. This is because lateral scatter of the beams occurs as different depths - superficial for the lower energy beams and deeply for the high energy beams. These situations should be planned and an appropriate place for the junction should be determined to prevent untoward outcomes.
What approach to do when needing to junction through critical volumes (ie. whole spinal cord)
Feathered Junction
Despite the best efforts of radiotherapists and the use of immobilising devices, there is still the potential for over- or underdosage at the junction between two fields, even with a non-divergent edge. This can be a problem for both tumour (underdosage) or normal structures (overdosage). In these cases, a feathered junction is employed. A feathered junction is when the junction between the two beams is moved on a daily or weekly basis in an effort to avoid hot or cold spots from being focused on one point.
The benefits of junctioning include:
Less consequence of hot or cold spots
Photon-electron Junctions
Given the different characteristics of photon and electron isodose distributions, it can be estimated that combination of these two fields would create problems. In general, electrons will bulge laterally into the photon field, creating a hot spot on the photon side of the junction. A corresponding cold spot may form on the electron side of the field. This effect is pronounced when an extended SSD is used for the electron field, as the penumbra becomes more blurred and electrons scatter even further into the photon beam. These issues arise particularly in head and neck treatments where the shoulders may limit direct application of electrons to the neck surface.
Yearly dose limits to public and radiation workers as per International Commission for Radiation protection (ICRP)
o Public: 1mSV per year
o Radiaiton workers = 50mSv per year (or 20mSv per year over 5 years)
In relation to radioactive sources, define and give to units for
- activity
- Apparent activity
- Specific activity
- Air karma rate constant
- Reference air kerma rate
o Activity: Rate of decay of a radioactive material, measured as the number of decay events per unit time. Unit is Becquerl (1 Bq = 1 nuclei disintegration per second)
o Apparent activity: The apparent activity is the activity of an unshielded source that would give the same exposure rate at a distance of 1 m, compared with the current filtered source. It is found by dividing the exposure rate of the source at 1 m by the exposure rate of an unfiltered source at 1 m. Unit = Bq
o Specific activity: The specific activity is the activity per gram of a radioactive material. It is used when comparing different radioactive isotopes and for determining half life. Its units are Bq/g.
o Air Kerma rate constant: The Air Kerma Rate Constant is unique for each radionuclide, and is the relationship of kerma at a distance to the activity of the source per hour. It allows calculation of the reference air kerma rate, a useful specification of brachytherapy sources.
The units of the ΓAKR are: (μ Gy.m2)/GBq.h
o Reference air-kerma rate: Air kerma rate of a source at 1 metre distance. Unit is Gy/hr.
ie: The apparent activity, multiplied by the air kerma rate constant for the source in question, divided by the reference distance squared (in this case 1 m therefore 1).
What is the effective radiation dose to a patient from a CT scan of the abdomen?
Pancreas - parts
Cartilages of the larynx
9 total, 3 unpaired and 6 paired.
Unpaired: Thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, epiglottis
Paired: Arytenoid cartilages, Corniculate cartilages, Cuneiform cartilages,
Measures undertaken to ensure accurate delivery of EBRT treatment
Patient related
- Immobilisation tools
- Localisation tools
- Accounting for physiological movements/ variations (bladder bowl filling,DIBH, Gating)
- Image guided RT - to check patient set up such as CBCT, EPID
Machine/computer related:
- Record and verify systems
- Select and confirm procedure
- Interlocks
- Machine Quality Assurance checks
H+N nodes and possible sites of malignancy
Rules of Paris System for bratty therapy
Developed primarily for single and double plane removable implants of long line sources such as I192 wires.
General Rules
1. Linear source strength (activity) must be uniform and identical for all sources.
2. Sources should be implanted parallel, straight and equidistant to each other.
3. The centre of all sources must be located in the same plane (central plane).
4. Adjacent sources must be equidistant from each other.
5. Basal Dose (BD) is calculated from the source positions as defined in the central plane.
6. The central plane of the sources should be perpendicular to the axis of each source.
Manchester v Paris system brachytherapy table
Define Point A and point B in Manchester intracavitary system
Describe the design and operation of a remote afterloading HDR brachytherapy unit.
A remote afterloading HDR unit contains a tungsten alloy safe to store the source, a source welded to a steel cable, a dummy source, an indexer to place the transfer tubes in, an indexer locking ring which locks the transfer tubes in place, an emergency stop button and interlock system, an internal radiation monitor and safety and treatment indicator lights. A schematic of a remote afterloading HDR unit is detailed below.
When the system is not in use the Ir-192 source, welded to a stainless steel cable, resides in a tungsten safe in the afterloader.
Before treatment, a dummy source (slightly larger) on a separate steel cable will drive out to the applicator first, to ensure the pathway is clear.
A motorised stepping motor drives the source from the afterloader to the applicator in the patient.
Once treatment is complete the source is retracted to the afterloader.
Information about the source position from each motor is fed back to the TCS so that the user knows which dwell position is being treated.
Explain the differences between and discuss the relative merits of LDR, PDR and HDR brachytherapy.
LDR (<2Gy) or low-dose-rate brachytherapy involves prescription dose rates on the order of 0.5 to 2 cGy/min. Because some forms of cancer can be best treated by exposing the cancer to low, steady radiation for a long period of time LDR brachytherapy can be extremely beneficial. However, by using remote afterloading technologies it is possible to deliver HDR brachytherapy safely and more precisely than possible with LDR brachytherapy. LDR can also be delivered using remote afterloading technologies however prolonged treatment times makes delivering LDR brachytherapy in this manner less attractive.
HDR (>12Gy) or high-dose-rate brachytherapy involves a prescription dose rate of 20cGy/min or higher. HDR brachytherapy is beneficial as patients can be treated on an outpatient basis. However substantial investment is required for equipment acquisition.
PDR or pulsed-dose-rate brachytherapy involves prescription dose rates on the order of 0.021 – 0.05 cGy/min delievered for a few minutes on an intermittent basis. It uses short HDR treatments, generally on an hourly basis so that an LDR treatments can be replicated. It provides the benefits of LDR using a HDR source.
HDR brachytherapy has the large advantage over LDR in that the treatment time is considerably shorter (e.g. 3 x 30 minute fractions) and hence can be delivered as an outpatient procedure where as a LDR treatment takes ~ 60 hours. Another advantage is dose optimisation because the single source can be moved to any position within the applicator used for any amount of time. There is debate in the literature about the biological effectiveness of LDR vs HDR. Some believe that LDR is superior due to the fact that it gives healthy tissue time to recover relative to the cancerous tissue. This is why although HDR appears technically superior, PDR treatments do happen. PDR is superior to LDR due to the fact that the source is only out for approximately 10 minutes per hour. This means that the patient can have human contact (e.g. care from nurses) during their inpatient procedure, without giving dose to the nurses etc, or the interruption of treatments in the case of remotely loaded LDR. PDR also has the dosimetric advantages of HDR. The only minor disadvantage of PDR vs LDR is that the biological equivalence of the pulsed dose compared to the continuous dose is not a perfect science at this stage.
An Iodine-125 seed brachytherapy implant of the prostate requires three procedures involving the patient. Outline these three procedures.
Volume definition
The patient has an ultrasound of the prostate via a rectal probe to obtain the volume of coordinates of the prostate. It is important that the ultrasound has high geometrical accuracy and that the data is transfed to the treatment planning computer correctly. The volumes outlined by the RO or urologist should be documented. Other things that may need documenting include the separation of the patient’s knees, and the patient stock position.
Implantation of sources
After the plan is made on the TPS, the seeds are inserted into the prostate, usually by needle template and ultrasound guidance. If a template is used, the spacing needs to be replicated precisely in the TPS, and the ultrasound needs to be accurate geometrically.
Imaging of inserted sources
An X-ray or CT image of the entire treatment area is taken for quality assurance of the seed implantation geometry. It is important that the X-ray unit or CT scanner has precise geometric accuracy and that the seeds are clearly visible on the image.
List the daily quality assurance checks which should be performed before commencing treatment with a high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy afterloader that are patient specific.
Some patient specific daily HDR QA checks would include,
- Applicator preparation. (applicators should be sterile and operate correctly)
- Applicator insertion. ( It is recommended that a physicist should oversee applicator insertion for complicated treatments to insure it goes to plan)
- Implant localization and simulation. (Both a physicist and Radiation Oncologist should approve any implant localisation.)
- Treatment Prescription. (The physicist’s role is to confirm that all relevant tumour imaging studies and localization data are correctly correlated with the simulation marker images and to develop a clear strategy for optimizing the implant dose distribution)
- Verification of HDR computer calculations.
- Post Treatment Quality Assurance (a contamination check of the room should be undertaken and as a final check of treatment accuracy, the administered dwell times listed on the treatment unit printout, should be compared to the originally programmed time.)
Define point A and point B for the Manchester system for gynaecological implants. What was the rationale for the location of these points?
In the Manchester System the dose prescription is to a Point A which is 2 cm lateral to midline and 2 cm superior to the cervix.
Originally the dose distribution was assumed to be symmetric, which relied on perfect applicator positioning, however now there are two point As (left and right), as imaging systems and planning systems allow asymmetric dose calculations.
Point B is 5 cm lateral to the patient midline and in the same plane as point A and can be used to estimates the dose to the pelvic wall.