High Speed Flight Flashcards
What is the only physical characteristic of the air that affects the speed of sound?
Explain the meaning of the term ‘Speed of sound.’
The speed at which sound waves travel.
Explain what Mach number is.
Mach number is the ratio between the true speed and the local speed of sound of an object or aircraft.
State what ‘Critical Mach Number’ (Mcrit) is.
It is the flight Mach number at which, at some point around the aircraft, the airflow reaches Mach One (the local speed of sound). It marks the start of the transonic speed range.
Briefly explain the different flight speed ranges in terms of airflow velocity around the aircraft.
Subsonic: All airflow around the aircraft is below the local speed of sound.
Transonic: Some airflow around the aircraft is above, some below the local speed of sound.
Supersonic: All airflow around the aircraft is above the local speed of sound.
Why does lift reduce and drag increase when a shockwave forms on the upper surface of the wing?
causes shock-induced separation, which reduces lift and increases drag.
State 3 effects of ‘Shock Stall’ on an aircraft in the transonic speed range.
- Increased Drag
- Decreased Lift
- Nose down pitching
Explain the final effect on the center of pressure and aircraft attitude as a conventional aircraft passes through the transonic speed range.
The center of pressure moves rearwards, giving a nose-down attitude.
What causes instability in the transonic speed range?
The shock wave moving rapidly backwards and forwards on aerofoils.
Name 6 methods or devices used to overcome problems in the transonic speed range.
- All moving tail plane
- Spoilers
- Vortex generators
- Wing fences
- Notched or saw-tooth leading edges
- Swept/delta wings and sharp leading edges
Briefly explain why flight controls (ailerons, elevators, rudder) could become ineffective in the transonic speed range.
Shock induced separation means less airflow going over control surfaces
Identify a method used to overcome ineffective control in the transonic speed range.
All moving tail plane or spoilers.
Name 3 devices used to reduce span-wise flow and shock-induced separation to stop tip stall.
- Vortex generators
- Wing fences
- Notched or saw-tooth leading edges
Explain what happens to the speed of the airflow as it passes through a normal shock wave.
It reduces, dropping to below the local speed of sound.
Name 2 types of high-speed aerofoils and draw the shape of each.
- Double Wedge
- Biconvex
- Supercritical (shapes drawn in image)
Give 2 reasons why specialist materials might be used on a supersonic aircraft.
- To reduce the weight of the aircraft
- To reduce drag and cope with very high temperatures.
Name 3 things a ‘High Speed Intake’ must control before the airflow enters the engine.
- Airflow Velocity
- Airflow Mass Flow Rate
- The Boundary Layer or Stability of the Airflow
Explain the devices used to control the mass flow rate of the intake.
Auxiliary intake doors allow more air to enter the intake, increasing mass flow rate. Spill valves open to reduce mass flow, spilling airflow.
Name 3 devices that control the boundary layer to give a stable flow in the intake.
- Boundary Layer Fences
- Boundary Layer Diverters
- Boundary Layer Bleed