High Rise Flashcards
Increase knowledge on policy 633
Hazards at high-rise come under 3 groups which are
Building height layout and design
Fire behaviour and development
Firefighting and rescue operations
Which way might smoke travel at a high rise
Smoke can possibly travel downward particularly in staircases this can have a significant and adverse impact on operations
building regulations require tall buildings over what height to make provisions for fire fighting and firefighter access
18 m
Those in excess of what height we’ll have wet systems
60 m and as of 2006 50 m
What are the basic fire fighting facilities provided within high rise buildings
Fire fighting shaft, dry wet rising mains and Fire fighting lift
What may sprinklers indicate
Sprinkler installation may indicate that there are a areas with larger compartments and significant fire loading
Where might you find a premise risk assessment score
Operational risk database
Where can you amend the PDA to cover temporary or permanent absence of fixed installations
Rather special attendance database or when out of hours requests can be made via offset of the day
Who can you ask for knowledge on fixed installations to assist fire rescue operations
Fire safety officers can provide information and can be invited to familiarisation visits
Dry riser mains can deliver
Wet rising mains are designed to supply how much water for how long as a minimum
1500 l per minute for 45 minutes minimum
When can you shut off a sprinkler system
Only under the instruction of the incident commander
Where should the bridgehead be located
Two floors below the fire floor unless planning arrangements allows for safair to be reliably maintained in a position closer to the fire in the fire fighting lobby not corridor
What is the minimum roll for a fire sector commander when establishing a bridgehead
Minimum role of crew manager
What is the minimum Crewe to go to a bridge head while water supply is being secured
Minimum crew of 3 plus the fire sector commander
When does a message high rise procedure implemented get sent
When a risk assessment has been carried out and the location of the bridge had has been risk assessed
Access and egress to and from the Bridge head is secured and maintained
The bridge head is established with two charged jets deployed
Can crews go above the fire floor without ba
Only if the floor is not affected by fire or smoke and the IC has confirmed that the buildings construction and any fire engineered Solutions have not been compromised teams can be committed without pie but must stay in contact with the safety officer on the stairwell and the incident commander
What can be used to Ade search patterns
A forward information board may help with this process
How would you know if a ventilation shaft requires air inlet from doors being held open
The doors will open inwards rather than outwards
When will a fire safety officer be informed of high rise incident
They will be informed of all 4 pump fires and tend all 5 pump fires and above
When must be a team withdraw when signal is lost
If both telemetry and radio signal is lost BA teams must withdraw if radio signal is lost be a teams must decide whether they need to withdraw
Who do you report defects 2 concerning fire fighting facilities
Inform the building owner and Report to Resource Management Centre as alleged fire risk a fire safety officer will be informed and determine appropriate course of action
Where might you find a water suppression system
In Commercial residential and multi use high rise buildings since 2006 it has been a requirement to install in buildings over 30 m
What functions does a sprinkler have
Detect attack and give an audible warning