High Rise 10-76 Flashcards
HR built before 1945 construction techniques used in these buildings resulted in a “heavy-weight”
building, What other features did they have, name 3 ?
- Structural steel components were encased in concrete.
- Plenum type ceilings are generally not found in these buildings.
- Core construction techniques were not used
Sec 2.2
When were fire towers installed in HR buildings ?
All buildings erected between 1938 and 1968 were required to have a fire tower.
Some built prior to 1938 have fire towers.
Sec 2.2.10
The construction techniques used in these buildings built after 1968 resulted in a “lightweight”
building, usually weighing about 8 to 10 pounds per cubic foot.
name 4 features ?
1.The method of securing exterior curtain walls leaves a space of 6 to 12 inches
which requires additional fire stopping.
2. The ceiling plenums of these buildings are extensive and lack fire stopping.
They are used to return the air to the air-conditioning system and for electrical,
communications and other building support equipment
3. Fire towers are not required, Core construction
4. They were constructed with a lack of compartmentation.
The supply of processed air to the floors is accomplished by the following ??
A. Supply airshaft. B. Fire dampers. C. Supply air ducts. D. Air diffusers Sec 3.2.5
The return of air from the floors to be reprocessed is accomplished by the
following ??
A. Return air inlets. B. Return air plenums. C. Fire dampers. D. Smoke detectors. E. Return airshaft Sec 3.2.6
All the HVAC systems shall be placed in the non-circulating mode by:
A. Opening all outside air supply dampers.
B. Closing all mixing dampers.
C. Opening all exhaust dampers.
Sec 3.3.3
Automatic closure of the fire dampers is usually effected upon operation of an
approved fusible link. Fusible
links should have a temperature rating approximately ??
50º F above the maximum
temperature that would normally be encountered with the system in operation or
shut down.
Sec 3.4.1
Once a fire damper has closed it must be manually opened
Flexible connectors are used between the ducts and the periphery air
treatment equipment on the floor above. Why is this a concern for us ?
- Fire experience has shown that fire entering the plenum can extend
from one floor to another when these flexible connectors fail.
Sec 3.4.3
Local Law No. 5 of 1973 requires an approved product of combustion ionization
detecting device or a combination of an approved smoke detecting device and an
approved fixed temperature thermostatic device.
Where are these devices found ?
These devices shall be located at
the air return shaft at each floor in order to monitor each inlet to the return
Activation of any of the detectors installed in an HVAC system shall stop
the air supply into and the air return from the affected floor
Sec 3.4.2
The 1968 Building code requires a manual fire pump to supplement the
standpipe system in buildings over ____ feet high. The 1938 Building
Code requires a manual fire pump in buildings over ____ high
300, 250
Sec 4.1
How is the bypass valve located on a fire pump ?
The bypass valve shall be in what position ?
How is it closed ?
Located on the discharge side of the fire pump.
The discharge side can be readily identified by examining the gauges.
The discharge gauge is calibrated for higher pressures than the inlet gauge
The bypass valve should be in the closed position (stem in).
If they are found to be open, they
should be closed by turning in a **CLOCKWISE direction
Sec 4.1.2
Some systems are quite complex and the bypass valve is not readily
discernible. If such a situation is present, it is permissible to start pump as
ordered without checking bypass valve
Why is checking of this valve so important ?
The efficiency of the pump will
be affected if the bypass is open. A loss of 25% can be expected in an 8”
riser and a loss of 45% can be expected in a 6” riser with the bypass open
remember the rule of “15”: 2+5+8=15 and 4+5+6=15
Sec 4.1.2
Four step procedure for starting of fire pumps using the control panel.
- Close Knife switch to ON
- Close Circuit Breaker and power on light will glow
- Push starting button and pump light will glow
- Move selector lever to desired
position increasing pump speed and
thereby increasing pressure
Sec 4.1.4
Recommended Pump Pressure
Fire on 37th floor Pump Pressure should be what ?
300psi! 1-10 150psi 11-20 200psi 21-30 250psi 31-40 300psi Sec 4.1.7
Near each fire pump is a standpipe phone providing direct communication
with the Incident Command Post
Agree or Disagree
Agree !!
Sec 4.1.8
A relief valve is required at the fire pump limiting the pressure to ____ psi above
that required to deliver its rated capacity at ___ psi to the highest floor outlet.
15psi, 50
Sec 4.2
In a HR the Fire Sector is composed of what floors ?
Fire Floor and floor Above
Sec 5.3
A quick breakdown of a 10-76 assignment. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th arriving ladders companies are assigned where ? FAST assigned where ?
- The 1st arriving Ladder Co shall Search and Evacuate the FIRE FLOOR.
- The 2nd ladder company augment the
Search and Evacuation of the FIRE FLOOR. - The 3rd arriving Ladder Co Search and
Evacuate the FLOOR ABOVE the fire. - The 4th arriving Ladder Co
on the UPPER floors and to initiate the Search of the ATTACK stairway - The FAST unit shall be assigned to the Fire Sector Supervisor/Branch Director
Sec 5.3.1
A quick breakdown of a 10-76 assignment. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th arriving engine companies are assigned where ? Who is the CFR engine assigned too ?
- The 1st and 2nd arriving engine companies shall be teamed to stretch
and operate the FIRST LINE. - The 3rd and 4th arriving engine companies shall be used to stretch
and operate the SECOND LINE. - The CFR engine company, with all CFR-D equipment AND Forcible Entry Tools
assigned to the Fire Sector Supervisor/Branch Director.
Sec 5.3.1
The placement of the second line may be used to:
A. Reinforce the position of the first line.
B. Protect the position of the first line.
C. Protect the search and evacuation of the fire floor.
D. Contain and confine fire spread and/or prevent fire from wrapping around
the core and endangering operation of the first line.
SEC 5.4.3
Initially, the Fire Sector/Branch is defined as the fire floor
and the floor above.
The Fire Sector Supervisor or Fire Branch Director shall take a position where ? Who can be designated This position until arrival of 2nd BC ?
the first floor below the fire, where conditions permit
Sec 5.5.2
A CO Officer of 1st arriving unit can be Fire sector Supervisor.
Sec 6.4.4
The Fire Sector or Branch shall be equipped with the following: 1-4
1. SCBA for all personnel required for the operations of this sector/branch. 2. Copy of the floor plan. 3. Fire Sector/Branch log. (Figure 14) 4. Post Radio Sec 5.5.2
The Incident Commander shall operate on the _____
The aide shall operate on and monitor the _____
Command Ch
Primary Tactical Ch
Sec 6.2.1
The Fire Sector Supervisor or Fire Branch Director shall operate
on the _______. His/her aide shall operate on the
Primary Tactical Ch
Command CH
Sec 6.2.1